On her hand, she wore a bracelet made of her severed palm, as if there was still a gravity on her wrist, and it felt bloody.

"You will get used to it slowly. I can understand losing my temper now, and you will still thank me in the future."

"Thank u?"

"Your soul will not leave this world, shouldn't Tian Fanlan and you both thank me?"

"Maybe, but, if my soul can't leave this world for lifetimes, shouldn't I hate you?"

Mo Ling smiled and said, "As long as you burn your body to ashes together with this bone bracelet, you won't be able to leave this world even if you only have bones left in your body."

Such a **** technique, even if Mo Ling is vicious, he still wouldn't use such a **** method. As long as he thinks about it for a while, Xi Yao will know that this method is something that shit national teacher came up with.

Xi Yao gritted his teeth and said, "That national teacher of your Da Luo really has a lot of tricks, he must have done a lot of wicked things."

"The national teacher is the national teacher. There is nothing wicked or wicked. You can take a rest for a while. These flowers are not allowed to enter the bedroom, and you don't stay in the backyard. It's not very safe here."

After Mo Ling finished speaking, he quickly left Penglai Pavilion.

Xi Yao murmured brokenly: "Didn't you say that you can't meet before the big wedding? What a fart he is!"·

Xiaobai came out from behind Xi Yao, his paws were stained with some dust, and a few torn petals were stuck to Rouqiu's palm.

Xi Yao doesn't know how Xiaobai did it, but it has a very good method. It can tear the petals into a big smile that fits its palm, and hide it inside so that no one can find it. Under the chin, there is still a white rose petal .

"Hey, smart little cat, I'll give you extra food tonight!"

Xiao Bai meowed, and when the cleaning maids in the room were all set up, he jumped in through the window, put the petals in a corner under the bed, and ran out triumphantly.

After going back and forth like this, Xiaobai was tired, and enough mixed petals had been placed under the bed in the room.

Xi Yao pulled a few red roses, piled them all up on the window, and opened the window again.

The red roses swaying in the wind gave off an indescribably charming feeling. Looking from the room, one felt as if they were in a small bungalow.

"Princess, everything is ready, do you want to eat?"

Xi Yao felt hungry after what she said, and said with a smile: "Go and help me pass the meal, I just remembered now, I haven't eaten breakfast yet. By the way, I want to eat another plate of shrimp. I want to eat it with the cat. "

"Yes, the servant knows."

Tianyue passed on a table full of meals, and Xiaobai unceremoniously jumped onto the table to eat with Xi Yao.

The people nearby stared at Meng Xiyao from the corners of their eyes one after another. They came to Penglai Pavilion as a last resort, and the only task now was to keep a close eye on Meng Xiyao.

Tianyue stepped forward and said, "Crown Princess, the guard in charge has arrived, do you want to see him?"

"Bring it here."

Xuan Bing walked in, and sat together without saying a word, his face lost a bit of indifference, although there was still no expression, but there was a hint of warmth in his eyes.

Plates of dishes with tempting aromas were brought up like flowing water. Xi Yao looked at Xuan Bing, who was serious and serious, and couldn't help laughing: "You finally figured out a way to come in? I thought you had been The National People's Congress took it apart and buried it in a hole in the ground."

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