high official

Chapter 767

Chapter 767

This is bound to be a sleepless night.

Zhenjiang City is a place where business travelers gather, so the fireworks industry is naturally very prosperous.Even the sudden war did not affect the business of Goulan Washe.The girls are even busier than usual... After all, at this time, a girl's warm embrace is more needed to comfort the frightened hearts.

In the luxurious private room of 'Tingyun Building', the largest brothel in Zhenjiang City, Xu Huaiqing was drinking while listening to a beautiful prostitute playing a pipa and singing a ditty.

The prostitute sang "Raining Bells" by Taoist Baishi, and her melodious singing voice, amidst the melodious pipa sound, is fascinating:

"Love has hurt parting since ancient times, and it's even more desolate in the Qingqiu Festival...Where is the drunkenness tonight, the wind and the moon on the banks of the willows... After many years, it should be a good time for a good time... Even if there are thousands of styles, let's tell who ?”

Xu Huaiqing was listening to the tune, thinking about his own thoughts until the singing was over, the prostitute was holding the pipa with a smile and said: "Master, can I sing well?"

"It's not just in the ear, it melts in the mouth." Xu Huaiqing picked up a chopstick and braised the tendons, and the juice splashed in his mouth: "It just doesn't suit my appetite."

"Then what does the uncle want to hear, there are many songs from the slave family." The prostitute had also been popular before, and she was quite arrogant.

"Is that what you said?" Xu Huaiqing squinted his eyes and smiled, "Can you sing any song?"

"It's what I said." The prostitute nodded: "You just need to be careful."

"I ordered you to sing." Xu Huaiqing said.

"Of course."

"What if you can't sing?" Xu Huaiqing said with a smile.

"How about three glasses of wine?" the prostitute laughed.

"Okay! It's a deal." Seeing that the prostitute agreed, Xu Huaiqing ordered a tune and said, "Sing me 'Wang Dingbao Borrows New Year'."

"What?" The prostitute's almond-shaped eyes widened and said, "What opera is this?"

"Lv Opera!" Xu Huaiqing said proudly, "Our Shandong repertoire!"

"..." The prostitute remained silent, picked up the wine glass and drank three in a row.

"Hahahaha!" Xu Huaiqing laughed loudly.

"Master is playing tricks on me on purpose!" The prostitute blushed and twisted her body in refusal.

The two were laughing and joking when the door opened and Xue Huan walked in with a flushed face.A smiling prostitute followed behind her.

"It's over?" Xu Huaiqing couldn't help laughing seeing that Bawang Xue looked like a shrimp.

Xue Huan nodded and sat down.

"So fast?" Xu Huaiqing lost his voice: "I haven't started here yet!"

"Excellent, isn't it?" Xue Huan said proudly.

"Puchi..." The two prostitutes laughed and trembled.

"Hahahaha!" Xu Huaiqing laughed while holding his belly.

"What's wrong?" Xue Huan asked strangely, puzzled by the laughter.

"No, it's nothing." Xu Huaiqing suppressed his smile, and said seriously: "The martial arts in the world can only be broken quickly, brother, brother is convinced!" He gave the two prostitutes a wink.

What does a prostitute do? It's just a joke!All of them are good at observing words and expressions.Seeing Xu Huaiqing's eyes, the two followed his words and said, "Yes, this master is too powerful!"

"Is there no one faster than me?" Xue Huan was a little proud.

"No!" The two prostitutes shook their heads together, almost bursting with laughter, and had to hold back. "I've never seen the uncle so fast!"

"Hehe..." Xue Huan smiled complacently, "Second Master, I'm just that good!"

"Hurry up and offer a toast to Second Master." Xu Huaiqing smiled at the prostitute: "It is a blessing you have cultivated in eight lifetimes to meet someone as fast as Second Master today."

"Of course." The prostitute smiled and drank a cup of wine with Xue Huan, which made the face of the junior brother turn red.

"We're all like that, there's nothing to be shy about." The prostitute took out a red envelope with a smile, stuffed it into his arms and said, "Take it, don't think it's too little." This is the rule of the brothel business. For the first brother who has never had a relationship with men and women, the girls all want to stuff a red envelope for good luck.

Xue Huan was obsessed with martial arts since he was a child, but he didn't know much about it.His brother died in battle a few years ago, and he was abnormal again, let alone thinking about it. If he didn't feel that he would die tomorrow and didn't want to leave regrets, he would definitely not come.The girl knew at a glance that this was an out-and-out junior brother, so naturally he wanted to make a red envelope.

But Xue Huan didn't know this rule, and asked strangely, "Why do you pay me back?"

"Because you are so good!" Xu Huaiqing slapped the table with a smile: "The girl gave you a prize!"

"Hey, I'm ashamed to accept it." Xue Huan said embarrassedly: "Actually, I feel that it can be done faster..."

"I'll give you the nickname 'Quick Gunner'," Xu Huaiqing said solemnly, "How about it, majestic?"

"Well, not bad." Xue Huan was very satisfied, and said with a smile: "From then on, I will be called Quick Gun General!" Then he asked curiously: "Then what is your name?"

"Hehehe..." The two prostitutes almost burst out laughing.He said in his heart that this master was taken into a ditch.


Mo Wen was also drinking, but he drank with a girl in his arms in a brothel full of lights and feasting.But he was in the morgue of the yamen, looking at a coffin for himself.

In front of the coffin was a small memorial tablet with the inscription 'The seat of Cheng Zheng, commander of the capital of the Ming Dynasty'.

Sitting cross-legged in front of the tablet, Mo Wen also poured a cup of wine for Cheng Zheng, touched him with the wine glass, took a sip, and he gritted his teeth so hot that tears rolled down his face. "It's so fucking spicy! How do you like this? What's so good about it!"

Cheng Zheng naturally wouldn't answer him, so Mo Wen continued to talk to himself: "You guys, as long as you have nothing to do, you just get together to drink and gamble together. The avant-garde ethos of our army has been spoiled by you." Said Looking at him, he sighed, his eyes were red and he said: "I said you, you are good in person, yes, yes, and you will play tricks on me behind your back. Either hide a snake in my pillow, or pour paint into my quilt! Don't think I don't I know you did it!"

"I have never understood, how can such a well-behaved person like you fool around with them?!" Mo Wen said, Dou Da's tears fell on the ground, and his voice choked up: "Until you die, Only then did I realize that it was because everyone is brothers who love brothers and sisters!"

"What have I been doing all these years? Why didn't I play with you? I closed the door all day, messing around? What is more important than brothers? Nothing!" The wine was poured into the throat, and the tears were like broken beads, and the mood became more and more depressed:

"I'm feeling so uncomfortable these days. When I close my eyes, I want the military master to tell me that before I leave, I must ensure the safety of my brothers! The military master also said brothers! But I didn't do it..." Mo Wenmu Keep your mouth shut, not letting yourself cry: "Why am I so incompetent! Brother, how do you want me to explain to the adults?! Brother, you want to hurt me to death!"

"Hehe..." At some point, Mo Wen was already leaning on the coffin, stroking the coffin while drinking, obviously drunk, and said: "Fortunately, we will go with you tomorrow, the military master is just angry I have to jump, and there is nothing I can do about it. This wine is really a good thing. Once drunk, it can relieve a thousand worries... Mr. Cen, Dan Qiusheng, will drink, don’t stop drinking, and sing a song with Junge, please pour it out for me Listen to..."

A night watch guard passed by the morgue, and heard the sound of ghosts crying and howling wolves inside, so frightened that his hair exploded!


The sky was twilight, and in the second dark room, the two armies who had been fighting fiercely for the whole night finally retreated.

Erhei was so sleepy that he wanted to sleep in the dark, but the soldiers had already called outside: "My lord, it's time to go back!"

"Hey, wait a minute..." Erhei had to struggle to get up, and glanced at Long Yao who was sleeping soundly next to him. Tough man tenderness.He tucked the quilt for Long Yao, sighed softly and said: "In my life, Erhei, the worst thing I did was to marry you."

"At that time, they snatched you here, and I actually wanted to send you back..." Erhei's eyes were already full of memories when he said this, and he didn't see that Long Yao's body froze. The eyelashes fluttered a few times.

"But my brother persuaded me that if you follow Zhu Meigui, you may not necessarily suffer any crimes. If you marry me, you will definitely enjoy life forever." Erhei scratched his head embarrassedly and said, "I really care about you." , I’m so rare to the bone. Thinking about it, I’m the only one who can guarantee that I will treat you well in this life and make you live like a mother every day. So I agreed..."

Erhei was talking there, Long Yao's slightly cold eyebrows and eyes gradually relaxed.

"Hey, I've only been married for a year, so I'm going to break my promise." Erhei squinted his eyes in pain, his nose sore, and said, "If I knew this, why would I harm you! Whoever you follow will have a shorter life than following me." Guiqiang!" He took a deep breath, as if he had made a lot of determination, before he stuttered and said, "Well... I'm dead and you... don't need to be filial... I've already written the divorce letter, what do you think? You can follow whoever you want, and it’s okay to go to Zhu Meigui." He picked up the clothes from the ground, but couldn't find them after searching for a long time, he couldn't help scratching his head and said, "Oh, where did you go?"

He remembered very clearly that he had Wu Wei help write the divorce letter last night, signed it himself, pressed his fingerprint, put it in an envelope, sealed it with paste, and put it in his pocket.Why can't I find it now?

"Oh, this is troublesome. If there is no such thing, what should they do if they force you to observe filial piety?" Erhei said, he went to the ground barefoot, searched everywhere, and finally let him see it - only under Longyao's pillow, there was a hole The corner of a white envelope looks very familiar.

"Ah, here it is!" Erhei hurried over, grabbed the envelope, and carefully pulled it out, for fear of waking Long Yao up.

I don't know what to be afraid of, but Long Yao has opened her big bloodshot eyes, looking at him charmingly.

"What are you looking for?"

"Ahhh!" Erhei was startled, pulled out the envelope vigorously with his hand, glanced at the word 'divorce letter' on the envelope, and hurriedly hid it behind his back. "No, nothing!"

"Hmph..." Long Yao raised her brows, revealing her queenly demeanor.

"Hehe..." Erhei laughed dryly, suddenly realized something, held the envelope in front of him, saw that the seal had been torn open, and asked nervously, "Did you see it all?"

(End of this chapter)

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