high official

Chapter 757

Chapter 757
"If I remember correctly, there is one last sentence in this poem," Zhu Zhanji's voice sounded: "Yan Dan is not established, and the Qin Emperor's Palace is empty. Wuyang is dead, encore and success..." He said haha He laughed loudly and said, "It's unlucky!"

"But Ying Jinger." Lin San smiled faintly: "Jing Ke failed, and so did I."

"If you hadn't assassinated the emperor, I would have taken you for my own use." Only Zhu Zhanji was still hard-hearted, and he knew that he must not hesitate at this time!You must show your grandpa your deep hatred for assassins! "But now, all I can do is to crush you! Bone! Yang! Ashes!"

Sange Lin chuckled, gave Zhu Zhanji a thumbs up, and then pointed his thumb towards the ground under the eyes of everyone.

The corner of Zhu Zhanji's mouth twitched, and he raised his hand!

The soldiers held the reins, and as soon as His Highness Taisun's hand fell, they would charge together and trample this daring fellow into a pulp!

At this moment, the formation of the officers and soldiers suddenly became agitated.

"Get out of the way!"

The chill atmosphere was completely destroyed, and the soldiers were very annoyed.Following the sound, I saw a group of bald heads, crowding around Wang Xian and squeezing in.

The anger of the soldiers disappeared immediately, and they obediently moved out of the way.They all knew that it was Wang Xian and these monks who saved Emperor Yongle!
Moreover, these monks' superb martial arts skills have also left a deep impression on them these days, and they thought that only this group of bald donkeys could deal with that weird person!

In a blink of an eye, all the monks squeezed into the inner circle, came to Lin San, and provoked: "Hey, that big man, you can fight well, right?"

"Hehe..." Brother Lin hooked his hands together and said with a smile, "You can try it!"

"Hey, Master Seng has exactly this intention!" Xinci grinned and said, "Junior Xinxing, go and learn this brilliant move!"

A tall and thin monk with hands like eagle claws shouted the Buddha's name and came to Lin San, and the two stood together without saying a word!
When the fight started over there, Wang Xian also came to Zhu Zhanji's side, only to see His Royal Highness Taisun frowning: "What's the situation?"

"Let's leave it to them." Wang Xian said lightly: "This kind of super master cannot be retained by a large number of people."

Zhu Zhanji said yes, so he nodded and watched the two sides fight.That Xinhe Shang didn't have a weapon, his weapon was the pair of eagle claws, waving his hands, every time there was a whining sound of breaking the wind, his fingers were tightly clasped, and his nails were extremely sharp!It's really like a pair of eagle claws rushing towards its prey!

It's a pity that Brother Lin is not a rabbit, but a tiger, clenched his fist like a hammer, and when he swings it, he will fight with Xinxing!The two of them clashed with each other a few times, their figures became faster and faster, and their heart suddenly said something to Lin San, and then they opened the door wide open!

I saw Lin San punching 'Black Tiger Heart', right in the center of Monk's chest!

With a bang, Monk Xin was sent flying and hit a cavalryman!The cavalryman felt like he was hit by an elephant, and even the man and the horse were knocked down!

Everyone was stunned, looking at the monk who was lying on the horse with four arms and legs, did he think he was dead?
Who knew Xinxing got up like a human being, and pulled up the fallen cavalry apologetically, "Are you okay?"

The cavalryman shook his head in a daze, and then turned his mind back, and said to Xinci ashamedly: "Senior brother, I am not good at learning, so I lost."

"Yo Hou," Xin Ci smiled and said, "It's quite powerful. Xinping, you go and meet him."

"Don't bother, let's go together." Brother Lin stretched his waist and said, "His Royal Highness is still rushing back to have dinner."

After hearing this, Zhu Zhanji's pores exploded, and he said in his heart: "He heard what I said!"Where was this guy hiding?Wouldn't it be easy to kill me! If he thought about it, he became more and more determined to kill Lin San, so he said in a deep voice: "Yes, masters, this is not a fair contest, but a round-up of assassins! You can disregard the rules of the world and take him quickly. Just go down!"

"This..." After hearing Zhu Zhanji's words, Xinci looked embarrassed, looked at Wang Xian, saw him nodding, and then made up his mind and said: "Okay! Let him see the Eighteen Arhats of my Buddhist family! "Speaking, he looked at the small circle surrounded by officers and soldiers: "His Royal Highness, let them make way, we have to form a formation."

"Okay," Zhu Zhanji ordered without doubting him, "Stand back."

The officers and soldiers retreated slowly, and the circle in the field became bigger and bigger.

"It's not enough, retreat again." Xinci pushed the officers and soldiers to retreat again and again, expanding the encirclement from one foot to nearly ten feet.

"That's enough." His Royal Highness couldn't help frowning, because as the circle expanded, gaps inevitably appeared in the encirclement, and it was no longer so tight!
"Barely." Afraid of arousing suspicion, Xin Ci didn't dare to go too far.

"Array!" Xin Yan gave an order, and the monks lined up in a row, one by one opened their postures, blowing their beards and staring!

Lin San looked at them with some doubts, and thought to himself, isn't it the "Baopu Changsheng Formation"?Why was it changed to Eighteen Arhats again?Besides, this doesn't look like an Arhat Formation, it's clearly a Long Snake Formation, right?
"Eighteen Arhat Formation!" The monks shouted together: "Please enlighten me, Lord!"

After shouting, the monks rushed forward and circled around Sange Lin!

The monks turned faster and faster, and gradually they could only see ghost images, and then brought up dust all over the ground, and they couldn't see the human form at all!

Zhu Zhanji and others stared at him with wide eyes, their nervous hearts raised to their throats.Little do they know that these monks go around in circles just to cover up their deepest kindness!

Taking advantage of the flying sand and stones of the brothers and sisters, he said kindly to Lin San: "Did you hear what Xinxing told you just now?"

Lin San nodded and said softly, "I heard that, Uncle Master."

"That's good," Xinci said: "Let's play a scene later, fight and move at the same time, we will protect you to get out of the circle, and then you will take the opportunity to escape." After a pause, he asked worriedly: "Don't run to the plains, go into the woods!"

"It's really unnecessary..." Lin San looked at Xinci gratefully. It made him feel warm that the other party was trying to save him at such a time.But what he said surprised Xinci: "I have made up my mind to beg for death, so I don't want to drag my uncles down."

"Why do you want to die?" Xinci was shocked and said: "Young people, don't be overthinking, there is no hurdle that you can't get past..."

Brother Lin San is so sweaty, he thought to himself that even though I call you Uncle Shi, what do I have to do with young people?
Xinci still tried to persuade her earnestly, but all the brothers and sisters couldn't take it anymore, and the monk Xin couldn't help reminding: "Hurry up, we're going to vomit..."

Xinci broke her heart and said to herself, "Come on, don't care what he thinks, just save people!" ' Then he stopped discussing with Lin San, and punched out, Lin San had to raise his arm to block!

The monks stopped wandering around, and attacked Lin San from all directions. Lin San didn't want to fight back, but he had practiced martial arts all his life, and it became his body's instinct to dismantle every move. in one place!
Playing and playing, he also became interested, the master is lonely!Ever since he was 28 years old when he mastered martial arts, Brother Lin San has never had a hard fight, because no one can do three tricks under his hands!Even gang fights are not opponents.This time he could be regarded as meeting an opponent. Although none of the monks' martial arts skills were his opponents, the victory lies in the large number of people, the tacit cooperation, and the exquisite formation!
Lin Sange played for a while, and found that he could not do anything to this group of monks with eight percent of his strength!The long-lost fighting spirit welled up in his heart, he slapped the wild horse's mane heavily, repelled Xin Yan's attack, and laughed loudly: "Let's fight hard!" There was a crackling sound, a sudden inhalation, and then spit out from the dantian:

At the same time, a heavy punch came out, the fist was like thunder, and with a shrill sound, it hit a burly monk.Seeing that he couldn't escape, the monk hurriedly raised his arms and resisted with strength!

Just hearing a bang, the monk was thrown straight out!
When fighting again, the monks immediately struggled a lot, not to mention letting the water out deliberately, even if they resisted with all their strength, they couldn't stop Lin Sange's mighty fists and feet!
Fortunately, although the monks are vegetarians, they are not vegetarians wearing iron shirts covered with gold bells and practicing the Kung Fu of the Thirteen Taibaos!They are better at defending than attacking, especially they can resist beating!After being beaten out, he got up and rushed into the battle group again!
Zhu Zhanji and all the officers and soldiers were stunned. They could only see the figures full of eyes, but they couldn't see the fists and feet clearly. It was dazzled!I only heard the sound of 'bang bang bang bang' fists and feet!
These masters don't just stand there and fight, they fly here for a while, and rush there for a while, even a ten-foot-square arena is not enough for them to fight!

"Get out of the way!" Seeing the masters rushing to the front again, the soldiers hastily shouted and moved away.

However, the masters were completely ecstatic, and continued to walk outside while fighting, and they were about to rush out of the encirclement!

Xinci was so exhausted that she was out of breath, she finally seized an opportunity, glared at Lin San and said, "Boy, we sent you out, you ran away when you saw the opportunity!"

Lin San watched the six roads with his eyes and listened to all directions, and he knew the surrounding situation like the palm of his hand.Of course he knew that the uncles fought from the middle of the field to the outermost layer, with the intention of letting him go!

"Let's go!" Xinheshang gave a low shout, making room for him, looking through the space, there was no one in front of him!
Lin San took a deep look at these monks and nodded. He leaped over the dragon gate and rushed out of the battle group. Then he flipped and pulled away from the monks by several feet!

At this time, the officers and soldiers hadn't recovered their senses, and the horses' heads were all lined up in the opposite direction. Zhu Zhanji was blocked by layers of sight, and couldn't see what happened at all!
If you want to escape, this is the perfect opportunity!If it is Lin San's kind of master, he can take advantage of this opportunity and escape!
But Lin San didn't move...

The monks looked at Lin San anxiously, gave him winks, and almost shouted 'run'!

(End of this chapter)

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