high official

Chapter 653 Despair

Chapter 653 Despair
During the Yuan Dynasty, Guo Shoujing built the Tonghui River, which solved the last crux of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, so that grain and general merchandise from all over the world could be transported directly to Jishuitan in the metropolis.But in the early years of the Kingdom, because of the war, the waterway was silted up, and Xu Da moved the city wall to the south when he built the city of Beijing. boat use.All private ships can still only dock in Tongzhou and land by land.

Therefore, Tongzhou, the old starting point of the Grand Canal, still maintains its usual prosperity. Thousands of ships dock every day, and the pier is bustling with people coming to pick up goods from morning till night...

However, today, all the official ships and civilian ships on the river have been driven to the Tonghui River. Except for the heavily armed military ships, there is no longer a single ship on the river at the Tongzhou Wharf.The pier was also emptied out and heavily guarded—the officers and soldiers standing upright with knives and guns were all wearing scarlet shirts, which were only worn by imperial palace guards!
These palace guards numbered in the tens of thousands, enclosing the Tongzhou Wharf with three floors inside and outside, making it impenetrable.There were dozens of naval warships on the river, and the ships were also full of officers and soldiers of the imperial army, and there were dark cannons pointing at the river, creating a chilling and terrifying atmosphere.

There were several generals in armor standing on the pier at this time, the leader of which was a dark-faced, heroic young general who turned out to be Zhu Zhanji, grandson of the Ming Dynasty.His hand rested on the sword at his waist, and his index finger knocked on the hilt unconsciously. The expression on his face was calm, but there was unconcealable anxiety in his eyes.

He knew the news of Wang Xian and Xu Miaojin's kidnapping four days ago, and immediately it was a thunderbolt, and he was stunned.Fortunately, there was a steady stream of follow-up news. The people from Beizhen Fusi followed the boat to the north to make him feel at ease.

Originally, Zhu Zhanji was still guessing, if they didn't kill Wang Xian, where would they take him captive?As a result, the boat came straight towards the capital, and what surprised and frightened him even more was that they sent someone to send a letter directly to the emperor, stating that there will be a good show in Tongzhou today!

As for what a good show?Zhu Zhanji dare not imagine, but what is certain is that the emperor can definitely vomit blood with anger!And then bring disaster...

Naturally, Zhu Zhanji tried his best to persuade the emperor not to be fooled easily, but Zhu Di was so hot-tempered that he couldn't bear any provocation, so he didn't listen to his advice at all, and insisted on going to the appointment!There was no other way, so Zhu Zhanji had no choice but to settle for the next best thing, and asked for an order to come to Tongzhou to deploy defense first... At least he couldn't hand over the defense to others, otherwise he would be too passive.

Zhu Di didn't refute his face anymore, and promised to let his grandson come to set up defenses first. Since yesterday afternoon, Zhu Zhanji has driven out all the boats, horses, horses, idlers, etc. in Tongzhou, and even flies away the flies on guard at the pier. do not come in.

Of course, flies cannot come in, but people can.A luxuriously decorated royal chariot drove straight in and stopped at the pier.Zhu Zhanji frowned and looked, and saw a group of palace people rushing to the front of the car, put down their pedals, opened umbrellas, waved round fans, and carried boxes... Although there were many people, they were not chaotic at all. Tens of thousands of times.

At this time, the curtain of the car opened, and His Royal Highness King Zhao, who was dressed in the clothes of a prince, finally got out of the car.

Zhu Zhanji reluctantly went over, cupped his fists and said, "Third Uncle."

"Grandson." Zhao Wang opened the folding fan painted with peach blossoms and nodded.

"Isn't Third Uncle the most afraid of heat? Why are you so interested in coming to Tongzhou to bask in the sun?" Zhu Zhanji said.

"Hehe, I'm afraid Father will be pissed off..." Zhu Gaosui said with a half-smile, "Grandson, what kind of scene do you think we'll see later?"

"How do I know?" Seeing Zhao Wang's expression, Zhu Zhanji couldn't help but thumped in his heart, secretly thinking that this guy knew what was going to happen, right?Although he knew that asking questions would be humiliated, he still couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Well, third uncle, do you know what will happen?"

"How could I know." King Zhao shook his folding fan lightly, and said with a smile, "It's just some wild guesses that can't be put on the table."

"I would like to hear the details." Zhu Zhanji muffled.

"Hehe, that's good, let me just say it casually, don't take it seriously." Zhao Wangfang suppressed his smile and said, "I think since they dare to do that kind of thing to the prince, it shows how insane they are. Such as a deadly enemy! Now that they dare to say that there is a good show for the emperor, naturally it will not be a good show such as five sons enthroning, offering birthdays from all over the world, right?"

"Of course." Zhu Zhanji said bitterly. He really hated those people who dared to force his father to kneel down. He had secretly swore that he would destroy all those people in the future to relieve his hatred.

"So they must make the emperor furious." Zhao Wang said lightly, "I think this matter will fall on your little aunt and Wang Xian who they kidnapped." Said: "As for how to use the two of them to make the Emperor Lei Ting angry, I don't know."

How could Zhu Gaosui not know?It was clearly not to say anything on purpose.Xu Miaojin is a woman that the emperor wants but can't get. How do you say to make the emperor furious?You can think of it with your toes.Zhu Zhanji vomited blood in his heart, but he was helpless... He knew very well that Zhao Wang came here on purpose to stare at him, to prevent him from making small moves, and to cover up for Wang Xian and Xu Miaojin.

Zhu Zhanji couldn't imagine how furious Grandpa Huang would be if he saw what happened between Wang Xian and Xu Miaojin.The emperor was angry and blood flowed... Wang Xian appointed that he couldn't keep it, but it would be good if he could save the lives of his family members.As for the extent to which his father and son will be hit, Zhu Zhanji no longer thinks about it... He can't even imagine what the emperor who is in a rage will do. He only knows that by then, all methods will be It will be futile, useless, and can only wait for the fate to come...

Seeing beads of sweat rolling on Zhu Zhanji's black face, Zhu Gaosui was extremely proud. The prince and Wang Xian thought that the turmoil of the money law would be over and it would be safe, but they didn't know that the real killer move was yet to come. Not only the fate of Wang Xian, the prince, and the grandson will be decided, but also the fate of the king of Han... How fierce the battle between the king of Han and the prince in the capital will be, the emperor Zhu Di will not be unaware.Because this is a situation promoted by his father, he will not rest assured that he will leave the capital and the south to either of them, he can only let them check and balance each other and fight against each other, so that no one will manage the capital as his own territory , Elevate himself as the emperor.

So once the prince is deposed because of the scandal, the father will definitely suspect that the King of Han is playing tricks. As long as he creates a little rumor, Zhu Gaoxu will definitely be unable to bear it!So in the end, it was still me, the third child far away in Beijing, fighting between the snipe and the clam, and the fisherman profited!
Thinking of this, Zhu Gaosui's heart was filled with enthusiasm, almost looking forward to that boat appearing on the river.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, I didn't expect to wait for the emperor's Luanyu first!
"The emperor is here..." Accompanied by the singing of the eunuchs, the grandson and Zhao Wang hurriedly put away their thoughts and went forward to greet His Majesty the Emperor of Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Di didn't get off Luanyu, nor did he say a word.The veil danced lightly, blocking the face of the Ming Supreme Being, but everyone could feel that the emperor had become a volcano that could erupt at any time, which was extremely dangerous!

Shrouded by the aura of the Son of Heaven, hundreds of thousands of people on the pier stood in awe, not knowing what would happen next, their hearts pounding and their faces livid.

Zhu Di remained silent, sitting motionless on the dragon chair, looking past the crowd, fixedly looking at the river, and when he saw the boat with the green flag appearing on the river, he pressed the button on the back of the dragon chair. His hands were already bulging with blue veins.

According to what the other party said, the one flying the green flag is their ship!It was the ship that was about to put on a good show!
Up and down the pier, tens of thousands of people looked at the slowly approaching boat. Naturally, there were people on board, but the men in black who operated the boat stood there like dead people, refusing to break into the sky and earth net. care.

"Stop that boat!" Zhu Zhanji couldn't help but ordered. He already regretted that he didn't put all his eggs in one basket yesterday and ordered someone to completely destroy that boat.

"Don't stop me." But Zhu Di said coldly: "If they want to show me a good show, I will let them perform to their heart's content! Otherwise, you will think that I am afraid of them!"

"Yes..." Zhu Zhanji lowered his head, under the scorching sun, but he felt a chill in his heart.

The emperor issued an order, and the ship sailed unimpeded, and soon berthed at the pier. The officers and soldiers of the Imperial Army rushed to surround it, but saw the men in black standing on the bow of the ship, one after another, fell to the ground, as if they were all dead. ...

A horrifying atmosphere immediately enveloped the pier. Fortunately, Zhu Di's guards all crawled out of the sea of ​​corpses and blood. They bravely used spears to fix the boat, and then tied the cables.But without a decree, who dares to board the ship?
"Grandpa, grandson, go check it out first." Zhu Zhanji asked again.

"Father, my son and grandson will go together." Zhao Wang also hurriedly asked for an order, and when it was time to meet Tu Qiong, he had to let Zhu Zhanji jump over the wall in a hurry.

"I don't need you, I have legs myself." Zhu Di slowly got up from the dragon chair, stepped off Luanyu, and walked towards the boat with a livid face.

"The emperor's grandpa has a body of ten thousand gold, so he can't take risks. It's better for the grandson to see if there is any danger first..." Zhu Zhanji tried desperately.

"Huh, I am the reincarnation of Emperor Zhenwu, what danger can I get?" Zhu Di gave Zhu Zhanji a glance, and stepped on the board of the ship accompanied by several guards.

Seeing that Zhu Zhanji had failed to get on the boat first, Zhao Wang patted him on the shoulder gloatingly, "Let's go and see what the situation is like."

When the two got on the boat, they saw the emperor standing on the deck, furious and tearing his eyes!
Zhao Wang listened intently, and asked with a 'strange' expression: "Why is there still a woman moaning on this boat?"

Zhu Zhanji also heard that gentle groan, and he was completely desperate...

(End of this chapter)

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