high official

Chapter 586 Reunion

Chapter 586 Reunion

"Why, this method is so unbearable?" Wang Xian couldn't help but blushed, because it was none other than him, the dog-headed military adviser, who came up with this method.At that time, I was too eager for quick success...

"The original intention of dividing and conquering this method of scattered placement is good." Zhou Zhixian didn't notice Wang Xian's strangeness, and said to himself: "But this is not pleasing to both sides. For the Bailian believers, they will suspect that the government is Isn't it to divide and disintegrate them, and then eat them one by one? So they are wary, and once they encounter setbacks, they will immediately return to the state of grouping. For local officials and gentry, accepting such a group of well-organized guys to settle down, Even if the number of people is less than a thousand, it is still a force that cannot be ignored. Coupled with the unique demagogy of the White Lotus Sect, they are even more worried that the people under their rule will be seduced into the sect, and the authority of the government will be shaken, and the status of the gentry will be affected even more. It also makes sense."

"..." Wang Xian nodded frequently when he heard this. He was really wishful thinking on the placement of the Bailian disciples. How much trouble did this bring to His Royal Highness?Thinking of this, he couldn't help sighing, and said frankly: "I don't want to hide anything from Yingying, in fact, I came up with this idea..."

"That's really..." Zhou Zhixian said it with a generous face, and just wanted to follow Wang Xian's words to sarcasm, but when he heard his words, he was dumbfounded immediately, and said with a pale face: "My lord, my lord! What you said, what you said is... a dream, please don't take it seriously..."

"Haha, what is Yingzhi talking about? The sage said, if you hear it, you will be happy." Wang Xian said with a smile: "Although I can't compare with a sage, I am willing to listen to the truth. Only in this way can I correct my mistakes."

Seeing his frank face, Zhou Zhixian put his heart back into his stomach, and said cautiously: "Your subordinates, you just stand and talk without back pain, so what's your idea?"

"Yingzhi, don't hide your clumsiness, am I a person who is jealous of the virtuous and capable?" Wang Xian knew that he was afraid of being hated by him, so he coaxed him: "If you don't tell me, how will I know how capable you are?"

"Your Excellency is really noble and upright, a role model for our generation!" Zhou Zhixian was moved by Wang Xian's lofty attitude, and was even made hot by Wang Xian's intention of soliciting him. He picked up the tea cup and drank it all in one gulp. : "The next official said a little immature and superficial opinion. In fact, the strategy of differentiation is correct, but instead of dividing from the outside in this way, it should be divided from the inside instead!"

"Would you like to hear more about it?" Wang Xian didn't have much hope at first, but now he was a little surprised.

"Your Excellency naturally knows," Zhou Zhixian said excitedly, "Most of the Bailian believers are desperate farmers. There are very few real ambitious people, but the vast majority of people blindly follow the very few." People. And because those few people were the leaders of the rebellion, they were always worried that the tragedy of Liang Shanbo would happen to them if they left the believers and the army. That’s why they resisted the imperial court’s decentralization. Therefore, it is the few leaders who need to be divided. The relationship between them, and the relationship between the leader and the disciples."

Wang Xian nodded, and looked at the magistrate Zhou with more and more surprises. Unexpectedly, this unremarkable middle-aged man actually has a beautiful chest!

Zhou Zhixian said more and more vigorously: "Dividing those leaders is nothing more than killing three people with two peaches. As long as there is something they really desire, it can be achieved with a little bit of tricks. As for the ordinary believers, you have to come up with something real and win them over." I think Da Ming still has to rely on faith for ordinary people. These believers are actually ordinary people who can’t survive. Once they deceive them, the credibility of the court will be bankrupt. In the future, they will try to recruit similar rebels , it will be even more difficult. So no matter how you look at it, you should give them a proper arrangement!"

After saying this long series of words, he felt his throat a little itchy, and when he went to fetch the tea cup, he found that it was empty.When he was about to put down the teacup and continue, he saw Wang Xian holding a teapot to refill him.Zhou Zhixian was overwhelmed by the flattery, but Wang Xian waved his hand to signal him to sit down, so he leaned over tremblingly, holding the teacup with both hands, carefully drinking the bright yellow tea soup.

After the cup of tea was finished, Zhou Zhixian was reluctant to drink it, put down the teacup lightly, resumed his humble appearance, and said softly: "Your official is talking nonsense, my lord just listen to it..."

"Hahaha, listening to what you say is better than reading for ten years!" Wang Xian patted him on the shoulder heavily, and laughed loudly: "I really didn't expect Brother Ying to be so talented. It’s really condescending.” She said, looked at him with a smile and said, “How about it, are you interested in changing places?”

"I've got what I want, I dare not invite you!" Zhou Zhixian exhausted his tongue, didn't he just wait for his words, immediately stood up to show his loyalty, and said: "The next officials are all at the command of the adults!"

"Great!" Wang Xian nodded with a smile and said, "When I return to Beijing, Yingzhi will go on the road with me."

"Ah? The issue of succession..." Zhou Zhixian was subconsciously stunned for a moment, then thought of the identity of the other party, and said with a sneer: "Forgotten, to adults, it's just a matter of words."

"Actually, it's quite troublesome, but right now is the time for employing people, so I can only follow the authority." Wang Xian said lightly: "For a while now, let's deal with the matter at hand and clean the ass that needs to be wiped. I don't want you There is a handle falling into the hands of others!"

"Yes." Zhou Zhixian nodded excitedly, wanting to kowtow to Wang Xian.But he was supported by Wang Xian and said: "You don't need to kneel at every turn, I just believe that Lu Yao knows horsepower."

"Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely devote myself to death!" Zhou Zhixian said, slapping his chest vigorously.

"That's not necessary. Everyone is just eating and drinking. If you feel that it is not good to follow me, you can leave at any time." Wang Xian said with a cold look: "But remember one thing, don't think about betraying me. Otherwise... don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"My lord, what do you say, humble, low-ranking... The subordinates will not betray you even if they die." Zhou Zhixian didn't expect him to turn his face like a book, and couldn't help shivering.

"You still have about a month to make a decision." Wang Xian regained his hearty smile, got up and patted the county magistrate Zhou: "Go drink, they have to wait!"

"Yes, my lord, please!" Zhou Zhixian felt a little dizzy after being rubbed by Wang Xian.


The group left Gaoping the next day, and the team expanded to more than 1000 riders, galloping mightily on the land of Sanjin, quite like Su Zi looking forward to thousands of riders rolling Hiraoka.

On the way, the only Shuai Hui who came with him asked strangely: "Sir, why are you so careful with that Yan Qing, but so simple and rude with this Zhou?"

"It's very simple. I can't give Yan Qing anything but respect." Wang Xian smiled and said, "But there are many people I can give Zhou Fuman this week. For an official fan like him, it's best to give both kindness and power."

"This kind of person is unreliable." Shuai Hui muttered.

"Of course I know it's unreliable, but it's okay to use it for a year or so." Wang Xian smiled wryly, "The decisive battle with Ji Gang is imminent, so there's no need to pick and choose!"

"Why, the military division is going to fight Ji Gang?" Xue Huan and others at the side heard Wang Xian's words, and immediately stared and said: "Then we are indispensable, and we are almost bored in Shanxi!"

"It's not just Ji Gang, but also the King of Han!" Shuai Hui added emphatically.

"Then we can't do without us!" Xue Huan gritted his teeth and said, "I want Zhu Gaoxu to pay in blood!"

"If things go well here in Shanxi, you are indispensable." Wang Xian smiled and said, "According to the plan, you should go back to the capital to accept the reorganization. Unfortunately, things are not going well here, which has delayed you."

"Isn't it because the military master didn't come? If the military master comes, there will be a solution!" Everyone laughed and flattered.Xue Huan still gritted his teeth and said, "It's a big deal to learn for nothing, and kill those 40 people!" His words were murderous, and he was not joking at all. Hearing everyone shudder, Xu Huaiqing scolded: "You don't want to be famous! , His Royal Highness wants more! If you can kill people, why bother?"

Although Xue Huan was in a hurry, he couldn't refute, so he turned to Wang Xian angrily and said, "Military Master, you must have a way!"

"I want to say that there is no way..." Wang Xian smiled wryly, "Do you have to tear me down?"

"..." Xue Huan smiled embarrassedly, and soon he understood what Wang Xian meant, and said ecstatically, "The military division is indeed worthy of being a military division. Don't worry, my subordinates will do their best to implement your strategy. If anyone dares to neglect, I will kill you." he!"

"Then let me make a request first, don't open your mouth and shut up and kill." Wang Xian shook his head slightly.

"Success!" Xue Huan nodded without hesitation and said, "Don't say that again." After holding back for a long time, he said, "Then I'll beat them to death..."

"This..." Wang Xian almost choked to death, but he couldn't ask for too much, so he had no choice but to smile bitterly and said, "I think it will work." Then Xue Erlang, who was already in a daze, was dismissed.


The brothers galloped fast along the way, and within a few days they collided head-on with a group of people. One questioned whether it was one of their own, but another question revealed that it was His Royal Highness Taisun who came out of the city to meet the army division.

Wang Xian was a little speechless when he heard the words: "Is it more than 150 miles away from Taiyuan?"

"It's the military adviser who came too fast. The grandson originally planned to go out of the city for two hundred miles to meet him." Cheng Zheng, who was standing in front, reported.

"Then what are you waiting for?" Wang Xian quickly galloped away, "Take me to meet His Highness!"

It was only five miles away, and I saw smoke and dust billowing in the distance, and soon hundreds of riders galloped up. The white horse with a yellow robe and a dark complexion in the lead was none other than His Royal Highness Zhu Zhanji, the grandson of the Ming Dynasty!
When the two sides were several miles apart, the two riders broke away from their respective teams and galloped towards each other. In a blink of an eye, the two came to the front and grabbed the reins vigorously. look at each other.

"Zhongde!" Zhu Zhanji's eyes were red, and he stared at Wang Xiandao.

"Your Highness!" Wang Xian's voice was also a little choked up.Speaking of which, the two close friends have not seen each other for half a year, and I really miss them very much.

(End of this chapter)

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