high official

Chapter 547 Release from Prison

Chapter 547 Release from Prison
The re-examination ended smoothly, and there were no accidents in nine days.I don't know if it was a coincidence or on purpose, but after the judges entered the scene in the second round, the criminal department also closed the case.

The most noisy judges were all locked up in the Gong Yuan, so the case did not cause much reaction. On the day the case was closed, the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment pronounced the verdict behind closed doors, and then sent someone to paste the verdict on the eight-character wall outside the Yingtian Mansion Yamen, which was regarded as a right. The ruling and opposition parties have explained.

In the end, the case was handled lightly, and Liang Qian took the blame alone.The verdict stated that the leak of the exam questions was due to his negligence. He didn't burn the drafts, but just shredded them and threw them in the wastebasket. As a result, the officials who dumped the wastebaskets secretly put them together. He was secretly thrown out of the tribute courtyard on a stone, and was sold to his accomplices outside, and then sold openly... To this, the official and his accomplices confessed and pleaded guilty to the law. As for Liang Qian, he was dismissed as a civilian and left Beijing within a time limit.

As for the candidates who purchased the test questions, because they had been told in advance during the inspection that they would not be held accountable as long as they voluntarily discarded the entrained ones, so those who passed the inspection at that time were exempted from punishment, but they were still obsessed with their obsession. If the son is a son, he will be punished by canceling the birth of the son and banning him from entering the Gongyuan for life.

In addition, the judgment did not mention the punishment of other people, and it is not known whether they were all let go or kept secret.

The common people are not too lively, originally thought that this imperial examination cheating case would lead to a big case no less than Guaman plagiarism, but who knew that only the chief examiner and [-] cheating candidates were punished, and the culprits were only a few He is a daring thief. The ordinary people are not interested in the life and death of these people. What they want to see is to kill high officials. Unfortunately, the government did not give them a chance to feast their eyes this time.

However, Wang Xian let go of a big stone in his heart. He has been worried that Yu Qian and others will be disqualified from being a candidate. The purpose of the help.But he still didn't dare to be careless at all, because if Yu Qian had no hope of official career because of this, wouldn't it be because of his own reasons that he killed a national hero, and who would turn the tide at that time?I can only come by myself, wouldn't I be so depressed to death?

So no matter what, he couldn't let Yu Qian fall into this situation. These days, he tried his best to ask his teacher Wei Yuan, Minister of the Ministry of War Fang Bin, and other Zhejiang fellows to lobby together, hoping to save Zhejiang Juzi from misfortune. In the end, I don't know whether the lobbying played a role, or the emperor had no intention of making things difficult for Zhejiang's candidates. In short, among the thirty punished candidates, Yu Qian and others were not named, but Mr. Hu was on the list. However, based on his crime of buying and selling test questions, he was already lenient and given a lighter punishment.

On the twenty-eighth day, after the third round of examinations, half of the candidates who had been ground into ghosts by the two nine days were carried out of the tribute courtyard by the soldiers, and the rest were also crumbling. Lie down as soon as the legs go limp.Wang Xian did not wait for his brother-in-law, Li Yu and others in the Gongyuan, but came outside the yamen of the Ministry of Punishment.Coincidentally, today is also the day when Yu Qian and others were released from prison.

At noon, dozens of unkempt men with dazed expressions walked out of the yamen gate. Judging from their filthy clothes, it was really impossible to connect them with the self-admired Juren.

Behind Wang Xian was a row of green-draped carriages. At this moment, the curtain of the first carriage was lifted, revealing Yinling's face full of expectation. Her eyes fell on the group of people, and she obviously paused... ...A group of beggars clearly poured out of the gate.

Yu Qian and the others also saw the carriage outside the gate, and Wang Xian standing in front of the carriage.Others' eyes fell on Wang Xian, but Yu Qian saw those bright eyes at a glance. He was pleasantly surprised at first, and then his smile gradually froze. When he walked in front of Wang Xian, he was already dejected.

Wang Xian didn't pay attention to him immediately, but greeted everyone.No matter Zhejiang Juzi or Jiangxi Juzi, they all knew Wang Xian, who had served as a prosecutor, but after saying hello, Jiangxi Juzi went straight away, but Zhejiang Juzi stayed.

"Everyone can't come out in the same year, so I will be the representative to pick you up." Wang Xian said understandingly: "The banquet has been prepared at the clubhouse, but let's go to the bathhouse first to make bubbles, get rid of bad luck, and refresh your mind. Go back in a good mood."

"Thank you, my lord." Although the students had only been imprisoned for more than half a month, they felt as if they had passed away. Seeing Wang Xian this time was really like seeing a relative.Hearing his thoughtful and thoughtful arrangements, the disciples were even more moved to tears.Of course, the tears of many people were because they thought that others should have been released from the Gongyuan at this moment, but they had just been released from the prison cell, and they really didn't know how to meet Jiang Dong's elders.

"Get in the carriage." This is not a place to talk, Wang Xian waved his hand, and six large carriages drove over. The disciples also felt that it was shameless to face people like this, and boarded the carriages without saying a word.

Yu Qian was the last one, walked up to Wang Xian, and called in a low voice: "Second brother, actually you and Yinling are not here..."

"Stop talking nonsense and get in the car." Wang Xian gave him an angry look and dragged him into the car.

The carriage they got on looked the same as other carriages, but it was unique inside, with iron interlayers, camphor wood inner walls, large and comfortable seats, cabinets with exquisite wine and food, and soft Persian carpets.The two daughters Yinling and Lingxiao on the carriage, although the dresses are as simple and bright as ever, but the materials are cut from the hands of a famous tailor in the capital, and they are much higher-grade than those in Hangzhou.

Looking at his dirty body and lice and fleas, Yu Qian felt a little embarrassed, embarrassed to look at Yinling, and even embarrassed to sit on the blue velvet cushion that day.

"Sit down, don't you admire Wang Meng the most and talk like no one else?" Wang Xian pushed him on the seat, but suddenly felt in his heart that he was really not helping Xiaoqian by bringing his sister to pick him up. .

"Wow, Xiao Qianqian, have you changed to beggars?" At this time, a single-celled girl is really needed to liven up the atmosphere, and Ling Xiao, who disguised herself as a man and acted as Wang Xian's guard, looked at Yu Qian's dirty Look, can't help but ask curiously.

"..." Yu Qian swallowed, not knowing how to answer.

"Say a few words, no one will treat you as a dumb." Yin Ling glared at Ling Xiao, then turned her head to look at Yu Qian with concern, and said, "Are... are you okay?"

"It's okay." Yu Qian buried his head deeper, bowed his head and said: "With the care of the second brother, the people in the criminal department did not embarrass us, and even the food is different from other prisoners."

"You're not a prisoner, they were wronged to put you in jail!" Sensing Yu Qian's depression, Yinling raised her eyebrows and said, "Are you still grateful to them?"

"I regret that I didn't listen to my second brother." Yu Qian looked at Wang Xian and said with shame, "Second brother reminded me so much, but I didn't take what my second brother said to heart like Brother Lin and Li Yu." After that he bit his lower lip tightly, the future national hero, after all, is still a young boy now, smooth sailing before, he must pass high school in every exam, that is really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, and underestimated the heroes of the world.Such a big somersault this time hit him too hard.

"Don't mention the past." Wang Xian shook his head and said, "It's a great fortune to be able to keep your identity as a Juren. After three years, you will make a comeback. You are only young and weak, so hurry up?"

Wang Xian's consolation was supposed to be very powerful, but it only made Yu Qian smile bitterly, obviously he didn't get the point of consolation.Wang Xian frowned slightly, and immediately understood why Yu Qian was so distraught... I remember that when he was in Hangzhou, Yu Qian said that he had reached an agreement with his father, and that he would discuss marriage after being awarded a Jinshi in this subject.At that time, Yu Qian's wishful thinking was to make his old man change his original intention and hire him from the Wang family by taking advantage of his status as a nominee on the gold list.On the other hand, with his status as a young Jinshi, Father Wang will accept him as a wealthy son-in-law even if he has a grudge.

Thinking of this, Wang Xian also understood why Yu Qian was so paranoid this time. In Wang Xian's impression, although Yu Qian had a very righteous idea, he was not a disobedient one.It turned out that he tied his marriage to the examination of this subject, so he took the risk to take the exam despite Wang Xian's dissuasion... Yu Qian knew very well that he was racing against time. Neixiu wants to mention marriage, but the grandson is still eyeing her, and within three years she will definitely attack Yinling.Marriage proposal is a matter of quick hands and slow hands. Although Mrs. Wang's father and Mrs. Wang are definitely inclined towards the grandson, but with Yin Ling and her own internal and external cooperation, it is estimated that Wang Xian will also help to talk, and this marriage can almost be achieved.

But this subject was just missed, and Yinling had to wait for another three years... Yu Qian absolutely couldn't say this, he couldn't even pass this test for himself.Thinking that after he leaves Beijing, the girl he loves for the first time will become someone else's wife. How can Yu Qian, who is so deeply rooted in love, not be heartbroken?
The atmosphere in the carriage was a bit dull, and even Ling Xiao kept his mouth shut when he saw that Yin Ling seemed to be making up his mind, and just kicked Wang Xian with his toes.Wang Xian knew that Ling Xiao was just trying to relieve boredom, so he ignored her. As soon as the carriage arrived and bowed his head, he tore Ling Xiao off and let the two of them talk a few words alone.

"Why are you teasing me!" Ling Xiao protested angrily, "I still want to hear what they have to say!"

"Be honest and stay with me." Wang Xian gave her an angry look. She is a girl of fifteen or sixteen, so it's easy for other people to talk about marriage. Why does this girl seem to be immature?Ling Xiao didn't accept his tricks, and was about to greet Wang Xian's armpit with a fist.Fortunately, Wang Xian knew how to deal with her. He took out a few copper coins like a magic trick and said, "There is a seller of candied haws over there."

"I want that kind of yam beans!" Ling Xiao stretched out two tender fingers and said with a smile on his face: "Two bunches!"

(End of this chapter)

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