high official

Chapter 514

Chapter 514
"Dong Weng, you are different from others. Others can surrender their power and have a good death because once they lose their power, they will be considered waste." Zhuang Jing tried his best to seduce him: "But you are different, even if you have nothing Well, it can also be used by the emperor to anger the common people, so if Zhu Di can let others go, he will definitely not let you go. Since Dong Weng knows the emperor so well, doesn’t he know that he is the number one selfish and ruthless person in the world?!”

"Hey..." Ji Gang's eyes flashed countless complex expressions, and finally turned into a faint sigh: "That's right, Zhu Di will definitely kill me."

"So Dong Weng, it's time to make a decision, whether to sit still or fight to the death!" Zhuang Jing said excitedly: "If you choose the latter, you will sell your old life as a student to Dong Weng!"

"..." Whether to wait to die or to die, this choice is so cruel that Ji Gang was unable to speak for a long time.

"This choice may be extremely difficult for others, but Dong Weng has already done it once, so why hesitate this time?"

"Did you do it once?" Ji Gang asked with a blank face.

"In the second year of Jianwen, Zhu Di led an army to break through the city of Dezhou. In May, he led 20 cavalry to the south of Linyi. When passing by Su'andian, Dong Weng and his fellow villager Su Mu risked their lives to detain King Yan's mount and join the army. The massacre, on the contrary, has flourished and laid a great foundation!" Zhuang Jing said excitedly: "Every time the students read this, they can't help their blood surging, and they are full of admiration for Dong Weng's deed of survival." Said: "The situation at that time was so similar to today's. If you were afraid to move forward, you could only wait for the fate of being slaughtered, but if you fight to the death, you may achieve an immortal foundation! Dong Weng, what is there to hesitate? "

Zhuang Jing is a good lobbyist, under his repeated persuasion, Ji Gang's slack eyes finally became brighter, he nodded slowly, and said in a hoarse voice: "Just listen to Master..."

"Okay!" Zhuang Jing excitedly said.

Ji Gang finally made a decision, and gradually recovered his heroic qualities, his eyes sharpened again, and his tone became firm: "From now on, we will work hard for our cause! Fuck you, Zhu Laosi!"

"Yes, fuck the fourth Zhu!" Zhuang Jing said overjoyed.

"What to do in the future, you go back and think about it carefully, and I will calm down, let's figure it out later." Ji Gang thought for a while and said, "Let's talk about the current case first."

"At present, since Zhu Di has decided to retry the case, it is useless for Dong Weng to say more," Zhuang Jing said: "However, we can't not react at all, it will chill the hearts of the brothers."

"Yeah." Ji Gang nodded, "What should the master say?"

"Actually, this is also a good opportunity. The reason why this case was closed in the first place was because of the lack of direct evidence. Now that it's been two years, it's even more unclear." Zhuang Jing said with a smile: " For those surnamed Wang, it is a severe test to overturn the case. Although the emperor said to retry the case, he does not necessarily have to overturn the case. If the person surnamed Wang messes up the case, then the governor will naturally have something to say."

"En." Ji Gang nodded again, "Just tell me, what should I do?"

"Dong Weng only needs to sit in and listen at that time, in case the surname Wang tortures him to extract a confession." Zhuang Jing said: "As for the rest, leave it to the students."

"Oh, Master is going to play in person?" Ji Gang said in surprise.

"Hehe, did Dong Weng forget?" Zhuang Jing said with a smile: "Before joining Dong Weng, the student was known as one of the four great litigators in the south of the Yangtze River!"

"Of course I haven't forgotten." Ji Gang showed a reassuring smile and said, "My master was able to win three points for no reason back then, and he knows the case best. This time I will definitely make that little Wang Xian speechless!"

"Let's wait and see, Dong Weng." Ji Gang smiled and nodded, with a calm expression.


With the imperial decree, the retrial of the case is imminent.With the intensive preparations of both sides, Tianjing has been buzzing these days, and the most important issue is the Shuiche Lane murder case that shocked the whole country two years ago and is now going to be retried.

The common people naturally and habitually sided with the disadvantaged, hoping to prove that Qi Dazhu died in vain, and that Yan Langzhong and others were good officials.However, under Jin Yiwei's years of despotic power, Ji Gang has long become a figure like Yama in the hearts of the common people, so although the common people support Wang Xian psychologically, they don't actually have much confidence.Especially after hearing that Mr. Zhuang, one of the four great litigators, was about to leave the mountain, he became even more hopeless.This can also be seen from the odds offered by several major casinos in the capital, almost one-sidedly not optimistic about Wang Xian...

This annoyed Wang Xingye, but he said that after Father Wang came to Beijing, the crown prince found him a leisurely job in Taipu Temple, and he has been doing nothing, spending a lot of time in teahouses and restaurants. It was his son who was going to confront Ji Gang's top counselor, and what made him angry was that his son didn't even agree with him on such a big matter; Supporting his son, but buying his son to lose in the end, this is really unjust!

In a fit of anger, Wang Xingye went home and discussed with his wife that he wanted to buy his son to win with a huge sum of money... Although Mrs. Wang is in charge of the family, Mrs. Wang is in charge of the money in the old Wang family. He was only given five taels of silver pocket money every month. As for the consumption in teahouses and taverns, all of them were charged to the account, and the housekeeper would settle the bill at the end of the month.

Five taels of silver is actually not too little, but it is a joke to bet on one's own son to win.Mrs. Wang is also a reasonable person, so she immediately decided to give out 100 taels!
"That's too little." Wang Xingye rolled his eyes and advised his wife, "If our son loses in this game, we can't keep our Wanguan family wealth. We might as well take it out for a gamble. If you do, you will make a fortune!"

Let him say this, Mrs. Wang suddenly realized: "I just thought that if my son loses, we will have money to go home and enjoy the blessings, but I didn't expect the reason you said." She gritted her teeth and decided to add 5000 taels.

"It's still too little, 5 taels is about the same." The old man said loudly.

"You are wrong. Our family has only been prosperous for less than three years. If we take out 5 taels of silver at once." Mrs. Wang has her reasons: "Are you a little girl, or are you still hurting her?"

"That's the truth..." Wang Xingye nodded, and stopped insisting: "But 5000 taels is not too much."

In the end, the two male and female each made a concession and decided to take out 1 taels of silver to buy Wang Xiansheng.At the call of his parents, Wang Gui also bet 1000 taels of silver to buy his younger brother to win. Originally, he wanted to bet 1 taels, but Hou refused to agree, so he just let him use this little money for nothing.

If the couple knew that Lin Qing'er paid 10 taels of silver to buy her husband Sheng, they don't know what would happen.In addition, the two little sisters, Yinling and Lingxiao, also took out all their pocket money, adding up to 5000 taels of silver to buy Wang Xiansheng.Even Xiaoyu Musk secretly bet 500 taels of silver on her master... Although she didn't understand anything, she still used all her wealth to support her master.But she doesn't have any sense of risk, because in her opinion, her master is invincible!

In any case, the whole family has bet heavily on Wang Xian. If he loses this match, the loss is still a small matter, and the Wang family is likely to face catastrophe...

For this reason, the more Wang Xingye thought about it, the more worried he became, and finally he couldn't hold back. He went to Fusi Yamen in Beizhen to find his son, and wanted to give him advice.

The front of Fusi Yamen in Beizhen was naturally heavily guarded, but when they heard that the old man was coming, the officers and soldiers guarding the gate rushed to let him go, and the leading hundred households personally sent Wang Xingye to the signing room... Although the situation facing Wang Xian was still not optimistic, However, his series of thunderous tactics had already deterred all the officers and soldiers of the Zhenfu Division, and none of them dared to violate military discipline, so the chill atmosphere in Jinyiwei's yamen was actually heavier than before.

Hearing this well, Wang Xian rushed out to welcome him, just as he saw his father coming in from the second gate, he immediately stepped forward to support him and said, "Father, what wind brought you here?"

"It's okay, I'm just here to take a look." Wang Xingye glanced left and right and said, "You haven't been home for a few days. Your mother, wife, and sister are all worried. Let me see how you are doing."

"Isn't that good?" Wang Xian let his father into the temporary bond room in Houya, and served some refreshments, then stepped back, and then said truthfully, "Son, I can't get off a tiger. Bite the bullet and move forward.”

"I knew it was like this." A trace of pity flashed in Wang's eyes and said: "Who is Ji Gang? The most murderous person since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, but the emperor asked you to oppose him. My son, it's hard for you."

"The Sacred Heart is unpredictable. We are all pawns in the emperor's hands." Wang Xian took off his official hat, touched his forehead and said, "My son is the pawn who crossed the river. He can advance but never retreat."

"What's wrong with the pawn? You can hold up half a car across the river." Wang Xingye cheered up his son, "Besides, you are the presiding officer. After the court starts, you can interrogate as you like, stop as you want, and play tricks as you want. There is nothing to be afraid of! It is they who should be afraid!"

"The main reason is that this case lacks direct evidence, and it's all indirect." Wang Xian frowned and said, "If you're short of this level, you'll leave the other party with a chance to mess around. Mine has once again turned into a cowhide case, and it will be difficult to explain it to the officials and the people, and the emperor may have some changes."

"Well, I heard that Zhuang Jing is going to leave the mountain." Wang Xingye said: "He was a famous lawyer in the south of the Yangtze River, and he fought many famous lawsuits in Suzhou and Hangzhou. A sharp mouth can turn black and white, reverse right and wrong, very difficult to deal with .”

"So son, don't be careless at all." Wang Xian said with a wry smile. In fact, these days, he has been busy reciting the "Law of the Ming Dynasty" to avoid being caught by Zhuang Jing in court.

"But it doesn't matter, no matter how good a lawyer is, he can't win in the courtroom. As long as you don't make mistakes, you can suppress him." Wang Xingye has worked in criminal justice all his life, and naturally has rich experience. He asked, "Has the plaintiff been found?" ?”

(End of this chapter)

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