high official

Chapter 456 Reunion

Chapter 456 Reunion
It is one of the few good qualities of Wang Xian to act after making a decision.His plan to raid Guangling County was not rash, but he had already had such an idea before going to Guangling County in micro-service.

Being able to see farther than ordinary people is also one of the few good qualities of Wang Xian. Although he was still in the most difficult period at that time, he still seriously thought about what to do if the task of capturing Guangling fell on the young army. .So during the trip to Guangling County, he and his companions carefully observed Guangling's terrain and defenses, and then repeatedly asked General Song and Liu Zijin for implementation, so he knew Guangling's situation well, not to mention, But also know the details.

He found that Guangling County is located in the middle of deep mountains, and there are several dangerous passes that can be used as barriers. Fake.Under such circumstances, it would be too costly to mobilize a large army for a siege, and it would be difficult to achieve results. If the war is delayed, many variables will inevitably arise... Not to mention anything else, at least King Jin will not be able to pass the test...

Therefore, a surprise attack may seem risky, but it is the only way out.And the more meticulous the preparations, the less risky the battle will be.This is where Wang Xian's ability is tested, because the local officials in Shanxi are extremely uncooperative, and Jin Wang is still making trouble on the surface. Under such circumstances, it is really difficult to do the preparation work well.

However, Wang Xian overcame the difficulties and successfully completed the preparation work. Only those around him knew the hard work behind it.For example, for the 700 pairs of skis customized for the army, Wang Xian, after fully listening to the opinions of the hunters, added animal skin bottoms to all of them, because it is good for climbing mountains.However, the distance from Taiyuan to Guangling is more than [-] miles. In such bad weather, if you rely solely on skiing, you will inevitably freeze to death and frostbite as Xue Huan said before reaching Guangling.And if the marching time exceeds three days, I am afraid that Taiyuan will spread the news to Guangling, and the surprise attack will become death...

Therefore, how to make the army reach Guangling faster and more safely has become a difficult problem that Wang Xian must face. If he can't solve it, there will be no surprise attack.Fortunately, Wang Xian is a man with a way. He thought of a horse-drawn sleigh.Although he has never ridden in this kind of thing in this life, but in his previous life when he traveled to Najiao in the northeast, he has ridden in this kind of snowfield speeder... Although he is already a human being, he still clearly remembers that feeling, and the horse drove him all the time. Speeding forward, he could hardly even shout, it was so exciting!So when he thought of any fast means of transportation, he immediately thought of this thing.

However, this kind of common means of transportation outside the customs is not common in Shanxi, and the king of Jin wants to stumbling them on the surface. It is okay to add some animal skins to their skis in private, but it is not easy to use [-] horse-drawn sleds. It is impossible to hide the big event from the King of Han in the capital, so Zhu Jixuan has no way of agreeing to it anyway.However, Wang Xian didn't expect him to agree. The reason why he made this request was just to pave the way for his real purpose...

After hearing Wang Xian's second request, eunuch Liang was stunned, but Wang Xian lowered his face and said, "It's just a little effort, the prince doesn't help at all, how can it be considered as helping?!"

"It's easy to do, but once this kind of thing is exposed, how to explain to the emperor and the king of Han?" Eunuch Liang smiled bitterly: "It is a big taboo to let the Mongols enter the country!"

Wang Xian's free-spirited brain actually wanted the Mongols to drive for him.But this is also a last resort. First, it is impossible to keep such a large-scale convoy mobilized in Shanxi to keep it secret. Let the Mongols in Hetao prepare it, but they will not attract attention.Secondly, horse-drawn sleds are faster and more difficult to control than dog sleds, and if it fails, the car will crash and people will die. Therefore, it is necessary to find the best driver and the most suitable carriage to ensure the safety of the march.After thinking about it, he thought of the Mongols inside... In the past few decades, the Mongols have been driven to the bitter cold areas of Liaodong and Mobei, and horse-drawn sleds are an essential life skill for them.

"What's the big deal?" Wang Xian said indifferently, "It's as if the border defense is very tight."

"This..." Eunuch Liang was at a loss for words.What Wang Xian said was true. Although the Ming Dynasty stationed hundreds of thousands of troops on the border, with fortified walls and connected castles, but the border was too wide to cover everything. It could only be fortified in key areas. Outposts and patrols, but in this inclement weather, are some deaf ears - a bauble.

In desperation, eunuch Liang had no choice but to go back to play the prince Ming. After weighing the matter, King Jin still agreed to Wang Xian's condition...but he had to make sure that the Mongols would not mess around.After all, although the Mongols are attached, their wolf nature has not changed. If the wolf is lured into the house, it will be a big trouble.

Of course, Wang Xian would not lure wolves into the house. The reason why he dared to have this idea was that he had a Mongolian tribe that he could mobilize and completely trust—the Borzigit tribe who now settled in Tumochuan, Hetao!
Wang Xian and the Borjigit tribe crossed the desert and returned to the south, creating an epic miracle, which caused a great shock in the Ming Dynasty, and many literati wrote poems to praise this event.Although Zhu Di treated Wang Xian coldly, he attached great importance to the Borzigit family who came with him... Although this Borzigit tribe is not the main line of the Mongol Yuan Emperor, it is also a genuine descendant of Genghis Khan. The family's abandonment of tiles and their return just satisfied Zhu Di's vanity of uniting the world, and it did play a very important role in winning the hearts of all the attached tribes.

For this reason, Zhu Di specially promulgated an imperial edict to the Borzigit Department, named its leader Baoyin Qiqige Princess Heshun, and erected monuments in the capital and the territory given to the Borzigit Department to commemorate this important event. historical events.

Zhu Di wanted to support a force friendly to the Ming Dynasty to achieve the goal of ruling Tartars with Tartars. Therefore, in addition to these vanities, he also generously allocated special funds to purchase livestock, leather clothes, tea, and rice to help the impoverished Borzigit people. , to help them tide over the difficulties.In addition, the Tumochuan grassland, which has been forbidden to the Mongols, was given to them as a pasture, so that they could live and work in peace and contentment.

Zhu Di's generous move naturally earned the gratitude of the Borzigit people, and also made the status of the Borzigit tribe stand out among the attached ministries, and many weak and helpless tribes attached themselves one after another. In less than half a year, eight tribes have already come to vote, and the tribes have reached [-] people and [-] people, and their power is far greater than before.

It can be seen that Na Daliba is really a talent. His vision and courageous decision have brought about the prosperity of the Borzigit Department today.


When Wang Xian was crossing the Great Gobi, he heard the men of the Borzigit tribe tell about their experience of driving horse-drawn sleds to hunt in winter, and he knew that they were qualified for this task.But now the Borzigit people are also capable of sending so many chariots and horses. After obtaining the acquiescence of King Jin to let them enter the country, the only question is whether the Borzigit people, who live comfortably now, are willing to do this for him. 'Engong', offend the Ming Dynasty once!

This worry is not superfluous, after all, now that the Borzigit family members are flourishing, there is no need for him to take care of them.At this time, the relationship between Han and Mongolia is more vigilant than harmonious. Mongols who trespass into the interior will be arrested to meet the officials... What's more, if such a large-scale infiltration is made dumplings by the officers and soldiers, they will definitely not Be polite to them.Even if the government didn't find out at the time, they will always know about it afterwards. A crime of conspiracy cannot be escaped... Even if the emperor doesn't pursue it, he will have a bad impression of his bold and reckless actions. This will give Borzigit's future, Cast a shadow.

So after Wang Xian wrote the letter, he was always a little apprehensive, fearing that Baoyin would delay it with excuses, or simply refuse, and his surprise attack plan would be in vain.But a few days ago, he received a reply letter from Baoyin. When he opened the envelope with a slightly excited mood, he saw only one word on the letter paper—'OK'!
Seeing this, Wang Xian couldn't help smiling wryly, which really fit Baoyin's neat personality.However, with his increasingly suspicious temperament, he didn't completely let go of his hanging heart until he saw Delentai...

"De Lengtai, is your family coming?" Wang Xian laughed loudly and supported the Mongolian youth who was saluting to him, but he couldn't help asking about Baoyin.

"Come, come." Delentay said with a strange expression: "Actually, Beggy shouldn't have come, but she insisted."

"That's right, she's my Daming's princess now." Wang Xian said deeply, "It's hard to explain what happened."

"That's not what it means..." Delentay scratched his head vigorously and pushed his leather hat to the side. He really didn't know how to speak, so he said in a low voice, "You'll know when you see Bie Ji, I'll go and inform you right away." Beguile go." After saying that, he ran away as if fleeing.

"Boy, what's going on?" Wang Xian was a little confused and didn't have time to think about it, so he ordered Xue Huan: "Let the children board the car, three people in one car, first, pay attention to keeping warm, and second, pay attention Safety, the horse-drawn sled is not stable enough, and it will overturn.”

"Yeah." Xue Huan had blindly trusted Wang Xian at first, but now he admired him even more.He really didn't expect that Wang Xian actually hid such a convoy on the Hutuo River.However, he still had some regrets and said: "If the reception point is closer, many brothers will not be frozen to death."

"We can't go any further south, otherwise we won't be able to talk about secrecy." Wang Xian sighed and said, "Don't dawdle, it's very cold on the sleigh, so it's time to get there early."

"Yes." Xue Huan responded, and loudly ordered the soldiers of the Chinese army to take off their skis and get on the sleigh in groups of three.

Over there Wang Xian also wanted to take the car, and beside him stood Gu Xiaolian who was disguised as a woman, but those Borzigit men in leather jackets, fur hats, and leather gloves all smiled and said The carriage drove away, but no one was willing to take him.This made Wang Xian, who boasted to Gu Xiaolian how high his status was in their hearts, feel ashamed.

Just smiling wryly, a horse-drawn sleigh cart stopped firmly in front of the two of them. Wang Xian saw the driver and exclaimed in surprise, "Boyin! Is it really you?"

 After writing the next chapter, I found something wrong, so I had to rewrite it, and I can only post it tomorrow morning... Sorry, sorry...

(End of this chapter)

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