high official

Chapter 453 Human flesh

Chapter 453 Human flesh
Liu Zijin arrived at the beginning of the battle, and when he was closed, he heard the shouts of killing from the top of the city, so he hurriedly shouted to let the people on the city get him up.

At this time, the battle in the pass was in full swing, and the attention of the people in the city was concentrated on the side of the pass. The shouts of killing covered up his cries, and no one heard him for a while. He was so strong in martial arts and eager to save people that he actually climbed the cliff like a wall.Going up to the cliff, you can see the battle in front of the city at a glance. At the most critical moment, Liu Zijin hurriedly took off the iron tire bow from his back, drew out the iron feather arrow, gathered all the strength of his body, bent the bow like a full moon, and headed towards the densely populated city. The enemy will shoot away!

He was born with supernatural power, but also condescending, the Iron Feather Arrow was so powerful that it pierced the head of the first one, the chest of the second one, and finally stuck in the belly of the third one, killing all three of them with one arrow!So three times, every time!Finally caught the attention of both parties!
"Iron Ling Divine Arrow!" The defender who noticed it first, heard the ear-piercing sound of piercing the air, and saw the deadly black lightning. I'm back! The master is back!"

The cheers spread in an instant, the morale of the defenders on the top of the city was greatly boosted, fatigue and hunger were all wiped out, they not only stabilized their positions, but also successfully counterattacked, and the enemy who heard the name 'Liu Zijin' was terrified , In one fell swoop, they drove down the city.

As soon as he was about to break through, Liu Zijin fell from the sky. Wei Wuque, who was under the city, was so angry that his face was livid, with an expression of wanting to eat people.

"Young master," Yu Gui played out his hole cards, and he didn't have any new tricks, so he could only say awkwardly, "What should we do?"

"..." After a long while, Wei Wuque said quietly: "Liu Zijin should have been in Wang Xian's hands all the time, that guy released him at this time, what do you think is his purpose?"

"It should be to defend Pingxingguan." Yu Gui thought for a while and said, "Prepare for the next year's attack."

"Then what should we do now?" Wei Wuque looked at the steep Pingxing Ridge, full of regret in his heart, if he had kept more people here, it would be great.He asked coldly, "Go back to Guangling for the New Year?"

"Of course we have to step up the attack." Of course Yu Gui didn't dare to say yes, and hurriedly whispered: "If the Ming army controls Pingxing Pass, we will be in trouble." He said in a softer voice, fearing to anger the young master: " In order to maintain combat power, can we rotate properly?"

"Okay..." Wei Wuque finally nodded, this time there was no more attack.

Yu Gui immediately arranged for the withdrawn troops to return to Guangling in batches, and at the same time recruited Guangling's troops and believers to Baiyatai on a large scale to build more and bigger siege equipment and prepare for the next attack.


Watching the enemy retreat like a tide, the master finally let go of the tight string.The family members of the survivors who were hugged by someone burst into tears, and more people gathered around Liu Zijin, looking at each other as if they had passed away...

"Brother, you are finally back, woo woo..." The men looked forward to him day and night, and finally hoped for him to come back, sobbing: "You are finally back..."

"Brothers, I'm sorry for you..." Liu Zijin was ashamed and teary looking at his brothers who were covered with scars and looked like ghosts.

"Of course you are sorry for us!" One sentence aroused the resentment of many people, and they loudly accused him: "For a woman, I left my brothers and ran to Taiyuan, but they took over their lair and killed my brothers." The death of the dead, the human is not a ghost or a ghost!"

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault..." Liu Zijin didn't want to defend himself, so he had no way to admit his mistake.

"Shut up, all of you!" Liu Zijin's righteous brother who stayed in Guangling to watch the house, and also the leader of Pingxingguan, Liu Xing, couldn't listen anymore, and shouted loudly: "It's just a cover for the big master to escort the saint to Taiyuan. In fact, he has The important thing to do is just whoever thought it was, and was plotted by the traitor!"

"Old Qi, don't talk about it." Liu Zijin stopped Liu Xing from continuing. He glanced at the brothers with different expressions, and suddenly pulled out the dagger, and stuck his backhand into his left thigh.

"Brother..." Everyone exclaimed, and they were about to step forward to stop him, but Liu Zijin waved his hand to signal them not to move. He gritted his teeth, pulled out the knife, and inserted it into his left leg again.Then came the third knife...

"Three knives and six holes!" Liu Xing cried loudly with tears in his eyes: "The master has three knives and six holes, please forgive me, do you agree?!"

"Forgive..." "Agreed..." Although everyone had resentment towards Liu Zijin, they had feelings for many years, and they expected him to bring everyone a way out.It was with a rush of statements.

"Well, don't let me hear another strange word!" Liu Xing coldly glanced at the crowd, his eyes full of threats.After finishing speaking, he knelt down towards Liu Zijin and said loudly, "Greetings, Master! Welcome back!"

"Greetings to the head of the family, and welcome the return of the head of the family!" All the soldiers followed suit, and Liu Zijin's shaky authority was once again consolidated.

"Get up soon." Liu Zijin said with tears in his eyes, "I deserve to die, but I can't die now, so I can only write it down with three knives and six holes. After I finish what I should do, I will Apologize to brothers with death!"

"Brother..." The crowd had no intentions, rushed to him, hugged him and cried.

After the brothers finished crying, they reconciled as before, and someone rushed to bandage Liu Zijin. Liu Zijin didn't care about his leg injury, and asked them how they survived this period of time.Liu Xing briefly introduced the incident to him, and when he heard that they had run out of food a month ago, including all their belts and leather armor, Liu Zijin asked in surprise, "This month has been fighting almost every day, what do you eat?"

The expressions of the brothers changed drastically when they heard the words, making Liu Zijin puzzled and said, "Why, what did I say wrong?"

"No." It happened to be time for dinner, and when the cook brought up a big pot, Liu Xing said with a strange expression, "Let's eat first..." He brought Liu Zijin a bowl of vegetable root soup, and Liu Zijin tasted it bitterly. He was astringent, and he couldn't help sighing: "It's really hard, brothers..." At this time, the cook lifted the lid of the big pot, and the smell of meat wafted to his nose, Liu Zijin laughed and scolded: "So there are still delicious things hidden, naughty... ..." He couldn't help but wonder: "Where did you get the meat?"

The cook faltered and refused to answer, Liu Zijin grabbed the spoon, scooped up a piece of meat, tasted it, tasted it, and said, "It's not pork, it's not beef, it's not horse meat, or venison, what kind of meat is it?"

Everyone lowered their heads and said nothing, and finally someone couldn't help but ask: "Is the master joking, or is he really confused? In a few miles around, what kind of meat is there besides human flesh?"

"Human flesh..." Liu Zijin's complexion changed drastically, his stomach turned violently, and he vomited violently.

After Liu Zijin finished vomiting, Liu Xing brought him a bowl of water to rinse his mouth and said, "We also felt sick before, but we got used to vomiting."

"How can you eat human flesh?" Liu Zijin drank his saliva, but still wanted to vomit.

"What would you eat if you don't eat human flesh?" Liu Xing, who had always been respectful, turned pale and said, "Does the eldest brother think that we have become animals?!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Liu Zijin sighed: "I just feel sorry for the brothers..." He said in a high voice: "I'm back, I won't let the brothers eat... meat anymore, come down the mountain with me tonight Come on, let's grab a batch of food and come back."

He spoke excitedly, but a group of brothers did not respond. Liu Xing smiled wryly and said, "Brother, we have tried our best. If we can get food, we don't have to eat human flesh..."

"Hey, there is no unparalleled road." Liu Zijin shook his head and said, "Maybe we will be able to gain something this time."

"Then I'll take someone there." Seeing that he insisted on going, Liu Xing had no choice but to say, "Brother will take care of his leg injury."

"No, what's my injury?" Liu Zijin shook his head and smiled, "You're unlucky, I'd better take it with you."

"Okay..." Liu Xing said helplessly.

So when it was dark, Liu Zijin brought thousands of brothers out of the pass, and when it was daylight, Liu Xing and others who had been waiting for half a night on the pass city saw them come back with hundreds of carts!

"The master is back!" The cheers sounded from the top of the city again, even more joyful than last time.

"Quickly open the city gate." Liu Xing hurriedly ordered someone to open the city gate, and welcomed Liu Zijin and others in.Without his order, the people in Guancheng had already rushed out to welcome back the brothers who had returned with a full load, and the pass was closed flat, full of people's laughter, just like celebrating a New Year's Eve.In fact, today is New Year's Eve, or is it really Chinese New Year...

Liu Xing counted the confiscations, and there was a total of two thousand shi of grain, as well as bacon, salt, cotton jackets, etc., enough for three thousand of them to last for a month.

"Divide the winter clothes, cook a pot of bacon rice, and let's celebrate the new year!" Although he walked all night and the wound on his leg opened again, he finally saved face in front of his brothers. Liu Zijin was in a good mood and sat there loudly. ordered.

"I still don't do it." Liu Xing ordered his subordinates, and when the younger ones left happily, he sat beside Liu Zijin and said, "Brother, what's going on?"

"What's the matter?"

"Where did you get these grain winter clothes?"

"It's a coincidence that the county magistrate of Lingqiu was ordered to transfer supplies to Datong, and we happened to bump into them. You also know how timid the officers and soldiers are. When the brothers covered up and killed them, they dropped the supplies and fled..." Liu Zijin felt a little guilty. Smiling, seeing Liu Xing's sneer, he knew that his nonsense was too clumsy, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, let me tell you, the government asked me to steal it on purpose!"

"..." Liu Xingxin said that it was true, and he couldn't hide his anger on his face: "Brother, do you still think that being cheated by the government is not miserable enough?"

"This time it's not King Jin, this time it's the grandson..." Liu Zijin said awkwardly.

"It's all the same!" Liu Xing said angrily, "Northeast wolves eat meat, and northwest wolves also eat meat!"

 One more...

(End of this chapter)

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