high official

Chapter 409 Mantis Catching Cicadas

Chapter 409 Mantis Catching Cicadas
Amidst the screams, Wang Xianfei flew two feet away, then fell headfirst into a thick snowdrift, with only two feet exposed...

Gu Xiaolian also fell badly, but she gave Wang Xianna a heavy push to counteract the force of the slide, rolled a few times on the snowdrift, and barely stopped.She didn't bother to check whether she was injured, she got up enduring the pain, and ran towards Wang Xian with deep kicks and shallow kicks.

The snowdrifts in the ravine were surprisingly thick, the deeper Gu Xiaolian walked in, the deeper she sank, and the snow passed her waist in a short while, but she couldn't control that much, so she just used her hands and feet to climb to Wang Xian's side, He dug the snow desperately with both hands, and then dragged him out hard.

With all her breastfeeding strength, Miss Xiaolian dragged Wang Xian's big head out of the snow nest. At this time, it was dark, and it was impossible to see whether he was injured. Gu Xiaolian hurriedly used her hands that were about to lose consciousness, He touched it from head to waist, but fortunately, apart from numerous small wounds, there was no major bleeding.

And most importantly, his breathing was fairly even. Thankfully, Gu Xiaolian calmed down and pressed his fingers hard on the Baihui acupoint on the top of his head. After a few times, he heard Wang Xian's ouch and opened his eyes.Those eyes are still very bright even in the darkness of night.

Gu Xiaolian cheered, hugged his neck, and kissed him without thinking, strangling Wang Xian almost fainted again, and quickly patted her arm to signal her not to be so excited.But she saw that Gu Xiaolian's face was glistening with tears.

"Why are you crying?" Wang Xian asked softly.

"Just now I thought you were dead, woohoo..." Gu Xiaolian threw herself into his arms, and after a while she became scared and said, "I suddenly feel like the sky is falling down, woohoo, officer, when did you feel like this in my heart?" Is it important?"

These are not love words, but they make people feel happier than any love words. Wang Xian smiled and said: "Maybe it started when I went to the Saintess Peak."

"Yeah." Gu Xiaolian nodded, and murmured, "Xiaolian really didn't expect that officials would take such a big risk for me!" There are some gaps.Although Gu Xiaolian flattered me, it was more due to their identities, so when Gu Xiaolian left without saying goodbye, she felt a little puffed up... You don't care about me, someone cares about me, I won't be your concubine , I'm going to be a saint!
It was only after leaving that warm home and returning to the ruthless and intriguing environment that she realized how much she missed that period of life, but until then, she also missed Lin Qing'er and others more than Wang Xian... The change happened when Wei Wuque told her that Wang Xian was looking for her everywhere, and even took the risk of participating in the secret meeting of the White Lotus Sect for her. Gu Xiaolian's cold heart suddenly became angry... It turned out that he was not acting He appeared so indifferent, but he still had his own in his heart!
That's why when Wei Wuque told her that Wang Xian fell ill in Taiyuan, she anxiously asked Wei Wuque to inquire about the news, and she herself entered the Buddhist hall for the first time, burning incense and praying every day, praying for Wang Xian's recovery.But this is not enough to make her willing to give up on Wang Xian.It was that day on the Saintess Peak, seeing him entering the dragon's lake and tiger's lair alone with a body of a thousand pieces of gold, comforting herself softly... Gu Xiaolian's heart finally threw herself on him without reservation.

The ancients said it well, it is easy to find a priceless treasure, but it is rare to have a lover.In fact, any woman would be captured by his actions... Although Wang Xian's motives are very complicated, who can say that he is not for Gu Xiaolian?


The two stayed together for a while, and Wang Xian suddenly realized: "I'm sorry, where is Xiaopang?" He couldn't help but secretly scolded himself for valuing sex and despising friends. He looked up and saw a black figure standing on a big rock and looking at him. .Although it was too dark to see his complexion clearly, Wang Xian recognized Wu Wei at a glance, and with a sneer on his face, he must be slandering him, a guy who values ​​sex and despises friends.

Although Gu Xiaolian was very relaxed in front of Wang Xian, he didn't want his subordinate brothers to see his undignified side, so he hurriedly stood up and left him, hiding behind Wang Xian and pretending to be innocent.

"Little Fatty, I really admire you for sliding down like that." Wang Xianchao and Wu Wei grinned.

"No, that thing is too difficult to control, and I fell halfway," Wu Wei shook his head and said, "I rolled a hundred or two hundred times, but I was lucky, and finally I was bounced by a tree and landed on the ground. On the horse that fell off the cliff earlier." He sighed and said: "The luck of that horse is terrible, it was still alive, but when I pressed it, it died at that time..."

"Okay, you've relieved it of its pain." Wang Xian smiled, helped Gu Xiaolian's shoulders to stand up, and checked his parts. Except for the burning pain in his butt, everything else was fine. "Is everyone all right?"

"It's okay." Gu Xiaolian and Wu Wei replied in unison.

"It's really lucky." Wang Xian said with a smile: "Let's leave here quickly, so as not to be chased by them."

"En." The three of them supported each other and walked towards the mouth of the valley with one foot deep and one foot shallow.There was no wind in the valley, so it was very convenient to speak. Wu Wei led the way, and said to Wang Xian: "I put three horses at the entrance of the valley, and I killed all their horses. After we go out, we can advance and retreat freely."

"Little Fatty, you are still always insidious." Wang Xian felt the burning pain in his buttocks, and quickly distracted his attention with a joke: "But why did you send the signal in advance, didn't we say, wait until Mo Wen arrives and then do it? On the side of the road when he was going up the mountain in the afternoon, he saw a piece of red fur skin, which was very eye-catching in the snow. It was the signal he had agreed with Wu Wei—he would suddenly act in the ruined temple when he saw the signal.But no matter how big he is, he won't want to deal with 30 people with just three people.He looked scared and said: "I thought the reinforcements had arrived early, little fat. If you were the only one who knew, I wouldn't dare to move even if I was killed."

"The situation has changed, my lord." Wu Wei said with a wry smile: "Yesterday, at the contact point in the county, I received a secret letter from Mo Wen saying that eight days ago, all the soldiers and horses of the three guards in Taiyuan were mobilized because of routine winter training .But the old concubine has just passed away, what are they doing now? They obviously have other plans."

"Mo Wen and Xu Huaiqing closely monitored the movement of the three guards in Taiyuan, and found that they were divided into three groups, outflanking the north." Wu Wei continued: "Looking at their marching speed and direction, they actually formed a pocket, facing Let's cover it up... I figured, if we don't jump out quickly, we will put our heads in our pockets, let alone arresting people, and even the life of the adults will not be guaranteed, so we have to change the plan and save the adults first." He said with a smile: "Fortunately, luck is good, there is no danger."

"En." Wang Xian nodded, he was not surprised by what Wu Wei said.He had expected this point after he had a deep talk with Gu Xiaolian at the Saintess Peak.Now Wu Wei's words have further verified his guess: "Wei Wuque and King Jin are in the same group. The former led the snake out of the hole, while the latter caught the turtle in the urn. The cooperation is really good."

"Since they are in the same group, don't Jin Wang and Shanxi Wenwu already know that your lord is pretending to be sick?" Wu Wei said in surprise.

"Of course I know, that's why they want to destroy me in this barren mountain." Wang Xian sneered.

"But they are so mobilizing teachers and mobilizing people, I'm afraid it's not just for us?" Wu Wei said softly.

"Of course, they did it for Liu Zijin." Wang Xian said indifferently: "This guy knows too many things. If the King of Jin wants to be safe, he must die without proof."

Wu Wei fully understood that Wei Wuque's calculations were indeed very meticulous - he first used Wang Xian to get Gu Xiaolian into the trap, then used Gu Xiaolian to get Liu Zi into the trap, and then used Jin Wang to catch everyone!Although the plan is not surprising, it is closely related. He has a perfect grasp of people's hearts and the situation, and the hope of success is very high-if his opponent is not Wang Xian.

Wang Xian himself was suspicious by nature, and his doubts about Wei Wuque went deep into his bones.The so-called tricks, so why not be led by the nose?How can we not take precautions in all aspects?Moreover, Wu Wei is a person with a strong view of the overall situation, so he can predict the opponent's plan in advance and stop before falling into the siege.


"It's a pity that I couldn't catch Liu Zijin," Wang Xian sighed. After killing everyone, he carried Liu Zi on his back and ran away. Under Wu Wei's support, it was no problem to escape.

However, the behavior of Zhang Wu and others disrupted Wang Xian's plan. Originally, Wu Wei had already quietly given laxatives to the horses in the main hall, but when he found that the situation outside had changed, he quickly replaced them with cornel ointment, and put the horses on the ground. It was so hot that he rushed out of the hall like crazy, and finally relieved Wang Xian's siege, but the plan to capture Liu Zijin alive also came to nothing.

If Liu Zijin is caught alive, he will be alive.If Liu Zijin was not caught, or Liu Zijin was killed, Wang Xian took such a big risk, and his thoughtful actions would be tantamount to failure.

"It's up to people to plan things, but it's up to God to make things happen. My lord has already done well enough," Wu Wei said in a low voice, "It can only be said that Liu Zi's spirit is endless."

"No, he's exhausted!" Wang Xian said in a deep voice, "In addition to us arresting him, the King of Jin also sent a large army to round him up. Even if he is possessed by a god and can escape the siege, do you think Wei Wuque will let him go again?" Back to Guangling County?"

"Thinking about it this way, this General Liu is really a shining star, with seven disasters and eight disasters." Wu Wei couldn't help laughing: "It's best if it falls into our hands."

"It's a pity that he just doesn't understand," Wang Xian persisted through gritted teeth, and finally walked out of the knee-deep snow, followed Wu Wei out of the valley, and heard the sound of a horse snorting in the woods in the distance, Wang Xian's heart eased Said: "The only way out for him and his brothers lies with me."

"Leave here first and then worry about it." Wu Wei went to lead the horse, and Wang Xian wanted to follow, but Gu Xiaolian grabbed his hand and squeezed his hand hard.The two had experienced life and death, and the tacit understanding was already quite high. Wang Xian's blood flowed back all over his body immediately, but he whistled as if nothing had happened, and said with a smile: "There are three urgencies in people, I want to pee."

(End of this chapter)

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