high official

Chapter 402

Chapter 402
Amidst the melodious sound of Buddhist music, 99 men and women in white clothes are the guards.Eighteen white-clothed bearers came slowly from a distance, carrying the magnificent chaise of the saint.The whole body of Fajia is pure white, decorated with thousands of white lotus flowers, more than a dozen sections of white transparent silk curtains hang down from the top of the sedan chair, fluttering gently in the breeze, and the pure saint with picturesque eyebrows sitting in the sedan chair, It is really like Guanyin.

The streets were surrounded by incense and mist, and the believers murmured scriptures and bowed devoutly to their saints.Walking to the middle of the street, the big sedan chair slowly stopped, and the saint Yuyin recited scriptures:

"Whether it's a man or a woman, it's the same. They all depend on it, they don't have a biological mother, and they are born with one breath..."

Every time the saint recited a sentence, the believers responded in unison: "Whether you are male or female, there is no difference."All rely on, without a biological mother, and born with one breath. '

"Admonish the men and women of the union not to separate each other, to bear the troubles together, to share the blessings, to be as close as one family..."

"Regardless of each other, share the difficulties, share the blessings, and be like a family..." The believers chanted loudly, and many couldn't help but shed tears.Wang Xian saw the old peddler next to him, and he was sobbing.He couldn't help marveling inwardly, no wonder the White Lotus Sect was revived repeatedly under the destruction of the court, so there is such a belief that can shake the hearts of the people!

This belief is so shocking that even after hundreds of years, it has not been truly realized, but it is so fascinating that even Wang Xian's soul, which came from hundreds of years later, can't help but be deeply shocked.It is not difficult to understand why these poor people who have been tortured by the government and evil gentry are so crazy, even if they know that moths are flying into the flames, they will not hesitate...

It's a pity that the people's pious beliefs and unhesitating following are often used by careerists in the end and become victims of their ambitions...

After the chanting, the servants of the saint began to distribute the holy bread and holy water. The saint herself sprinkled clean water on the heads of the believers with willow branches. The shopkeeper also rushed over, and kindly reminded Wang Xian and Wu Weidao: "Squeeze forward quickly. Sprinkling holy water can heal diseases and increase blessings. Don't miss it!"

Wang Xianxiao didn't move, just stood aside quietly, he didn't feel that it was a farce, because for people with faith, rituals are sacred, no matter if it's Buddhism, Christianity or other sects.He looked at Gu Xiaolian, who was wearing a holy smile on the throne, twirling willow branches, and swaying holy water to the believers, his eyes were filled with admiration... In his opinion, the look she had now was comparable to that stunning singer with low eyebrows , To be eye-catching too much.

As if she had a heart, Gu Xiaolian's eyes also looked towards him. After seeing him, her pretty face suddenly turned pink, like a little girl who made a mistake, a little at a loss.

Wang Xian nodded to her and gave her an encouraging smile. Her face burst into a sweet smile, which fascinated the believers.But when everyone followed her gaze, they saw nothing...


After leaving Yaqian Street, Wang Xian and Wu Wei wandered around again, and found that Guangling County was really like a paradise.People's lives are not leisurely, but they have no defense against each other. They are all called brothers and sisters. The doors of every house are open or half-closed, and they don't seem to worry that someone will take advantage of them... that's what the White Lotus teaching said' Regardless of each other, love each other' is so vividly presented in front of the two of them.

When they returned to the residence, both of them felt a little heavy, sitting by the brazier with their rice bowls in their hands, they couldn't eat.

After a long time, Wu Wei broke the silence and said, "My lord, I feel guilty."

"What guilt?" Wang Xian said sullenly.

"Those Bailian believers are just poor people who have nowhere to go," Wu Wei said sadly, "They came here just to find a way out. It was the imperial court that forced them here, but we want to..." Xian, knowing that this person is so calm and cold-blooded, the purpose of coming to Guangling County is not just to meet Gu Xiaolian, but to see if there is any opportunity to turn the situation around for the prince.

"Yeah, this place really looks like a peach blossom garden, but it's not a peach blossom garden after all..." Wang Xian said softly, "The peach blossom garden that Jin Wuling people encountered is a good place that can be self-sufficient, and outsiders can't find it. But here, Guangling Does the county have this condition?"

Wu Wei shook his head, Guangling County is located on the main road between Xuanda and Dazhou, with poor mountains and rivers, and barren land.The previous prosperity was all brought by the merchants who went to the west entrance. Once the imperial court really made up their minds to exterminate them, all they had to do was cut off the merchants, and foreign aid would be cut off here.And he also understands that the so-called restriction of the saintess is only a very small factor in the reason why Guangling lives happily and the soldiers do not disturb the people today.The real reason is that Liu Zijin snatched food, fodder and soldiers from the hands of the officers and soldiers, allowing the White Lotus Sect to live a good life like a nouveau riche.

But what if the food runs out?What will Liu Zijin do to feed these 10 people... By then, this paradise will probably look different.

"In fact, we all know that the reason why Guangling County is able to enjoy a leisurely life today is one aspect of keeping the dangers at bay." Wang Xian said slowly: "But the real reason is probably caused by the struggle within the imperial court. They were all thinking about their own calculations, which allowed them to have such a good time. But you and I know best what kind of emperor Yongle is today? How can we allow them to live freely?" After a pause, he said, "And I was thinking about it, Your Majesty The reason why we stay put is because we are worried that someone will take advantage of the chaos to cancel the evidence, and secondly, we want to wait until the White Lotus Sect eats up the looted food and internal strife will arise on its own."

"A strong fortress is always easy to be breached from the inside. Today's strategy is unparalleled, and you will definitely realize this." Wu Wei nodded, and Wang Xian continued: "You see, Guangling County is already lax in defense. I'm not on guard, I don't know how many Jinyiwei spies have already lurked in, silently preparing for the emperor's great cause of countering the rebellion!"

"Yes." Wu Wei was terrified, and his palms were sweating. He realized that he was unknowingly worried about the people of the White Lotus Sect.

"If we really want to save them, there is only one thing we can do." Wang Xian said in a deep voice, "It is to take over the task of suppressing the rebellion!" This is actually the real reason why he came to Guangling County. The so-called one who does not seek the overall situation does not seek a corner, although his task in Taiyuan is already very difficult.But he never forgot the really important thing - to lift the crisis for the prince!

But different from other people's ideas, what he thought was to skip the prince and use the grandson as a breakthrough.His reason is simple, the prince and grandson are one, and the grandson is obviously more favored by the emperor than the prince, so it is easier to get out of the crisis.He vaguely felt that the reason why the emperor clearly said to investigate the case first and then put down the rebellion was probably because he wanted to give the grandson a chance-don't forget, the issue of the status of the young army is still pending, but the emperor personally ordered the establishment of the army. The prince's pro-army, could it be that he was pulled down like this?

Of course, this is just his conjecture, but it does not prevent him from working hard in this direction. As long as the young army is allowed to participate in the suppression of the rebellion, the status of the grandson will be completely stable, and if the grandson is stable, the prince will also be stable. Get out of the seemingly insoluble crisis.

Although he still doesn't know how to help his grandson get this errand, it is an essential step to visit Guangling County first.

It's a pity that I didn't see Liu Zijin...


While the two were talking, Wu Wei suddenly made a silent gesture, and Wang Xian ate knowingly.Sure enough, there were footsteps soon, and the door curtain was lifted, Wei Wuque said to Wang Xian with a happy face: "Congratulations, you are going to be reunited with your little girl."

"What do you mean?" Wang Xian frowned.

"Don't be like this, relax." Wei Wuque sat down by the brazier, stomped his numb feet, rubbed his hands together and said, "For you, this is a wishful thing... When she was discussing with General Liu just now, Said to go to Taiyuan to pay homage to an old man."

Wang Xian's heart skipped a beat, and he said in a deep voice, "Liu Zijin agreed?"

"At first he didn't agree, but Song said that Miss Xian'er would marry him when she came back." Wei Wuque curled his lips and said, "That idiot immediately changed his attitude, not only agreed, but also said that he would personally escort her to Taiyuan. "

"And then? What do you want?" Wang Xian asked lightly.

"What else?" Wei Wuque excitedly said, "Since this idiot dares to leave his lair, of course we can't miss this opportunity!" He clenched his fists and said, "We must catch him!"

"..." Seeing that Wang Xian was noncommittal, Wei Wuque said anxiously: "You have seen Gu Xiaolian, and no one came to arrest you. So far, you still don't believe me?!"

"Okay." When Wei Wuque was about to rush out the egg yolk, Wang Xian finally nodded and said, "However, I want to live."

"It's easy to talk about." Wei Wuque agreed wholeheartedly: "I won't get involved anyway, you can figure it out yourself."

"Why?" Wang Xian glanced at him and said, "You want to stay out of it?"

"Hey, I'm not a fool, I know you want to eat me, my lord." Wei Wuque said with a smile: "What if you hit the rabbits with grass and kill me, what if you die in battle when you report the arrest afterwards? I don't have a son yet, so I can't inherit my official position, so it's better to be careful." He stood up and said calmly, "It's just that when you repay your merits, please be merciful and don't kill me."

Wang Xian also stood up, fixedly looked at Wei Wuque, finally nodded and said: "Yes."

"Then I'm relieved. In addition, my lord has been transferred to the Holy Maiden Peak as an errand, and I think I'll leave tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. I'm afraid I won't be able to see you off." Wei Wuque clasped his fists and said with a smile, "I wish you success right away."

"I wish you a long life." Wang Xian clasped his fists and said with a smile.

"Speaking of longevity, Master Wu, can you detoxify me now?" Wei Wuque looked at Wu Wei again and said.

"Wait a little longer..." Wu Wei said expressionlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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