high official

Chapter 392

Chapter 392

"What is the relationship between King Guangchang and his brother-in-law?" Wang Xian asked again.

"The relationship is very good, even better than with his real brother." Long Yao replied.

"En." Wang Xian nodded, indicating that he had nothing to ask.

Long Yao got up to leave, but when she reached the door, she turned around and begged again: "My lord, you have to save him, otherwise he will be killed by those people!"

"It's not that serious," Wang Xian said indifferently: "If the King of Guangchang is in danger, I am naturally duty bound."

"Thank you, my lord." Long Yao was deeply blessed, and then retreated.


The next day, Zhifu He came to the mansion again, this time with three large wooden boxes, which were not gold and silver treasures, but full of account books.According to the agreed procedure, Wang Xian will check the relevant account books as the first step in formally handling the case, which is the meaning in the question.

"All the accounts are here, do you need manpower for the errand?" After the guards put down the wooden box, He Zhifu said kindly: "There are still a few account rooms in the magistrate's yamen, and I asked them to put down their work and come. How about helping me on a business trip?"

"Thank you for your kindness, sir, but there is no need." Wang Xian said indifferently: "I can do what I can."

Zhifu He secretly smiled in his heart, this kid is still a baby, even if you have a family background, but that is not the same thing as understanding complicated accounts, besides, even if these accounts are checked by an old accountant, I am afraid that by the end of the year you will not be able to figure them out clues come.What's more, the two parties agreed that after three days, the account book will be returned to the vassal yamen.

"Then I won't bother you, if you need help, please let me know, and I'll send someone over at any time." Zhifu He laughed.

"Thank you, Mr. Futai. If there is a need, I will definitely not be polite." Wang Xian sent him out with a smile, closed the door and came back, smiling at Erhei.

"That guy can't think of it, my lord is the ancestor of the account check." Erhei laughed, how Wang Xian defeated Li Sihu back then, he still remembers it vividly.

"Hehe, I don't know anything about this official, but I am proficient in this matter." Wang Xian laughed loudly and said, "Abacus!"

Although it is easy to say, the accounts of this province are far from comparable to that of a county. Wang Xian did not dare to neglect at all. From the next moment, he, Erhei and others were locked in the house, not moving an inch, and started working without sleeping or eating. ...

Thunderbolts hit plantains like rain, Wang Xian moved quickly on the abacus with his left hand, and took notes with his right hand.When he nodded, Erhei quickly turned a page. When he filled a sheet of paper, Erhei took it to the adjacent table and arranged it; At the same time, Mo Wen, who had given the book to outsiders, copied it down... Zhifu He was very shrewd, but he forgot that Wang Xian could copy down the account book first, and look back slowly.Accountant Wang was only in such a hurry because he was eager to understand the situation.

Seeing that Wang Xian was able to check an account in about half an hour, Erhei couldn't help but admire this guy deeply... When we were hanging out together on the street, why didn't he see that he was so powerful?Is it really a genius with one stick?He really had the urge to do it for himself, but he thought that he might not become a genius, but would most likely become an idiot, so he gave up the idea.

Rao is a genius in checking accounts, and it took three days and three nights to check all the accounts.With rabbit-like eyes, Wang Xian finished writing the last piece of paper, dropped the pen, and stood up with support.

"How is it, my lord, what conclusion do you have?" Erhei and Zhou Yong shifted shifts, and they didn't need to use their brains, of course they were as energetic as usual.

"Let me sleep first..." Wang Xian didn't even have the strength to go back to the dormitory, so he lay on the small bed in the study, and fell asleep soundly as soon as his head touched the pillow.

It's good to be young. After a long sleep in the dark, when I wake up, I'm a good man again.While rubbing his eyes, Wang Xian asked Er Hei, "How many hours have I slept?"

"How many hours?" Er Hei smiled wryly, "My lord slept for a whole hour."

"Oh." Wang Xian nodded and said, "Have you returned the account book?"

"I went back." Erhei laughed and said, "Then Magistrate He doesn't believe that Sir can finish the investigation within three days, thinking that Sir is too embarrassed to show his face."

"Well, have all the accounts been copied down?" Just after waking up, Wang Xian's head was still a little swollen, and he couldn't digest Erhei's jokes.

"It's all transcribed." Erhei said with a smile, "Lao Mo is a careful person. Although he is not as good as an adult, he should be able to copy it well." He couldn't wait to say: "My lord, quickly interpret the results. Those peach charms you drew , I really don’t understand.”

"That's right if you don't understand it." Wang Xian yawned, touched his thundering stomach and said, "Eat first, the emperor is still hungry!"

"The meal is here!" Before he finished speaking, Zhou Yong brought in a large tray with a smile. On the plate was a large bowl of hot ramen, a plate of cooked cut beef and mutton, served with soy sauce and garlic, which made Wang Xian move his index finger.Like wind and clouds, he ate everything, even drank up the noodle soup.

Patting his bulging stomach, Wang Xian burped comfortably and said, "Bring it."

"Here it is." Erhei hurriedly brought over the stack of papers he wrote on. In order to avoid leaking secrets, Wang Xian used pinyin and Arabic numerals, which basically no one could understand.

Wang Xian carefully read what he had written, pondered for a long time, and sighed.

Erhei's eyes widened. He had been working hard for several days, and Wang Xian had fed his appetite again. He really wanted to know the answer.

Wang Xian sighed again.

"My lord, why are you sighing?" Er Hei couldn't help asking.

"The first sigh was for you. It's not good to be blind." Wang Xian said with a narrow smile.

"My lord's words..." Erhei said depressedly, "Isn't there anyone in the Ming Dynasty who can understand it?"

"This effect is what I want." Wang Xian smiled, flicked the stack of papers, raised his eyebrows, and finally got to the point: "The second sigh is because the problem is serious and beyond imagination. The grain and grass that arrived in Taiyuan before and after, There are 470 million stones, but now only 230 million stones are missing from the account!"

"Ah?" Erhei was stunned: "Where did all the food go?"

"Sent to Xuan Mansion three times, and was robbed in Guangling County three times, and lost more than 70 shi each time." Wang Xian said in a deep voice: "Including the loss of storage and transportation, now less than half is left."

"The loss is so heavy?" Erhei said from ear to ear in shock: "There is no trick here, right?"

"Of course there are." Wang Xian said decisively: "And there are big ones!" As he spoke, he coldly exposed the official lies of Shanxi and said: "A carriage, minus the weight of the vehicle, has a maximum load of no more than 70 catties. Even if all the carriages are of this specification, how many carriages are needed to transport [-] shi of grain and grass at a time?"

"How much do you need?" Isn't this kind of division embarrassing, Er Hei could only smack his lips and asked.

"More than 35 horse-drawn carriages!" Wang Xian said in a deep voice: "Every time the peasants and horse-drawn carriages are dispatched, there are also well-documented records. The number of animals used in the three transportations is less than the first time. The total number of chariots, horses, mules, and carts is only [-], and even [-] shi cannot be transported. Excuse me, how do you transport the extra half? Could it be that there is a magic weapon like the Qiankun bag?"

"Hehe, how is it possible." Erhei scratched his head and said, "There is indeed a problem." He said with a smile, "Even if they have Qiankun bags, they can't explain why they didn't learn a lesson. They knew that there were bandits in Guangling County. And every time I have to deliver food to others with full load, could it be that the Shanxi officials are the ones... from Shen Logistics?" After hanging out with Wang Xian for a long time, he even knows about "Kaishen Logistics", although he doesn't know where it came from the stalk.

In the end, even a heartless guy like him said indignantly: "210 million shi of grain, just let them lose it!"

"That's right." Wang Xian nodded and said, "But it's not just the food, there are [-] livestock, countless armors, bows and arrows!"

"Now I finally know why Liu Zijin is so powerful. It's purely because of these people feeding fat." Erhei said angrily.

"I'm afraid Liu Zijin didn't steal these food carts and horses himself." Wang Xian sneered, "The treasuries of Shanxi, Taiyuan, Pingyang, and Fenzhou, which have been short-lived for years, have had a bumper harvest this year, basically making up for previous years. hole!" This is why Wang Xian asked for the seemingly irrelevant account books of the Shanxi feudal government office. A basic principle of modern auditing is to audit the accounts by analyzing each joint vertically and each department horizontally.

"What are you doing filling the hole?" Erhei puzzled, "It's not my fault."

"Naturally, I'm not here at ordinary times," Wang Xian spat, "but next year will be the year of foreign inspections! Of course they have to think about their own women!"

"Blind, isn't this what the sixth office of the county government often does?!" Er Hei was stunned.In order to cope with the inspection, the scribes often borrowed money and food from local wealthy households and returned it later.Think about it: "No, they are darker than us, at least we have debts and repayments, but they just swallowed them up."

"That's right." Wang Xian nodded and said, "Although it can't be seen on the books, judging from the timing of the changes in money and grain, at least half of the money and grain were not transported to Datong at all, and they were directly distributed in Taiyuan!" Said: "If you follow the example, the money and food transported to Datong will definitely be skinned and fall into Liu Zijin's hands, that is, [-]% and no more than [-]%!"

"..." Erhei was too shocked to speak.

"What's even more frightening is that," Wang Xian said with an even more solemn expression, "they are so unscrupulous, they must have known early on that the food would definitely not be transported to the Xuan Mansion, otherwise they will not be accountable, and they will all lose their heads!"

"Difficult, could it be..." Erhei said with difficulty: "They made up their minds early on to divide up half of the money and food, and then let Liu Zi come in to take the blame?"

"Of course, the scapegoat is not in vain. Liu Zijin got at least one-third of the supplies, which is enough for him to grow and develop." Wang Xian nodded.

Erhei was stunned, he knew that Wang Xian was unrivaled in reading the accounts, but he didn't expect him to see so many terrible problems from the accounts.This is to cause an earthquake in the officialdom, oh no, it is to cause a lot of people to fall to the ground!

In Wang Xian's eyes, light gradually flashed, with an expression of hearing the drums and thinking about breaking the formation!
(End of this chapter)

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