Merry Cop

Chapter 43 Special Bills

Lu Ping was completely immersed in Zhou Fuhai's tenderness. At this time, she had no other thoughts in her mind. Now she only felt that Zhou Fuhai was only interested in her. Lu Ping used his man's capital to nourish Lu Ping, giving her a feeling of nectar after a long drought. Lu Ping, who hadn't been nourished by a man for a long time, frantically asked Zhou Fuhai for it.

After finishing the work, Zhou Fuhai lit a cigarette and smoked it while leaning on the pillow. The faint fragrance on the quilt made him feel very comfortable.

"Why did you come to my house today?" Lu Ping lay on Zhou Fuhai's chest, with the aftertaste still on her face.

"Of course I came to water your dying flower." Zhou Fuhai hugged her tightly and said very affectionately.

"Is it true?" Lu Ping asked in disbelief.

"Of course it's true. Is it because you're usually intrigued, and now you feel that no matter who does what, there is a purpose?" Zhou Fuhai pinched her face, and Lu Ping snuggled up to him like a little woman. At this moment, she does not have the capable feeling in the office. At this moment, she is just a little woman. How much she hopes that time will stay at this moment, and the two of them will cuddle together until Timeless.

"Let's rest." Lu Ping closed her eyes happily.

This is the sound of Lu Dan's footsteps coming from the living room. She should have come out of the shower.Zhou Fuhai smiled slightly, and turned off the lights in the room.

When she slept until midnight, Lu Ping was still in a sweet dream, with a faint smile on her lips.At this time, Zhou Fuhai was constantly searching in her room.What she didn't know was that Zhou Fuhai had copied one of her bills and put it in her pocket.

When Zhou Fuhai woke up the next day, he saw that Lu Ping had already gotten up, and there was the sound of cooking from the kitchen. He should be preparing breakfast now.

"Brother-in-law, how did you feel last night?" It was Lu Dan who opened the door and stuck his head in.

"Dandan, come in." Zhou Fuhai said with a smile, but just after he finished speaking, he regretted it, because he is completely naked now.

Lu Dan swaggered in from the outside, then leaned on Zhou Fuhai's window sill and looked at him and said, "What do you think of my sister?"

"What's the matter?" Zhou Fuhai asked incomprehensibly.

"It was when he was doing that with you." Lu Dan said with a calm face and heartbeat.

"That's pretty good." Zhou Fuhai said with a smile, "Why do you ask this?"

"When did you and my sister do it for the first time?" Lu Dan asked.

"It was a long time ago, I don't even remember it." Zhou Fuhai replied nonsense.

Lu Dan nodded and said, "My sister must have been very crazy at the time, right?"

"I don't understand, you little girl, the head of the sect, asks everything?" Zhou Fu Hai was a little embarrassed, but she had an expression of indifference to clothes.

"Let me tell you, my sister has been alone since my brother-in-law left. It's been almost five years. I don't understand why she fell in love with you." Lu Dan looked at Zhou Fuhai , as if to find the answer in his body.

Only then did Zhou Fuhai understand why Lu Ping was so crazy last night. She hadn't done that with a man for five years, but it was too pitiful.

"You said your brother-in-law is gone, so where did he go?" Zhou Fuhai asked.

"Dead." Lu Dan said lightly.

"Dead, how did he die?" Zhou Fuhai asked curiously.

"I have cancer." Lu Dan's expression showed that he was not telling the truth. He seemed to be the same as her sister and didn't want to say anything more.

"Oh, that's how it is, it's a pity." Zhou Fuhai knew that there must be some secret hidden behind the pair of sisters, since she didn't want to tell herself now, then forget it, and ask him next time when she works with Lu Ping.

"Okay, hurry up and have breakfast." Lu Dan stopped at the door, looked at Zhou Fuhai and said, "Brother-in-law, remember to wear some clothes when you go to bed, it's inconvenient to sleep naked."

"Ah." Zhou Fuhai thought that this little girl had also seen it.

After Lu Dan closed the door, Zhou Fuhai picked up his slippers and looked inside. The bill he copied yesterday felt that it was not safe to put it in his pocket. He was afraid that Lu Ping would search his clothes when he got up in the morning, so he just Putting it in his shoes, it turned out that he was right. When Lu Ping got up in the morning, she checked it, but found nothing.

After getting dressed, Zhou Fuhai came out with a smile all over his face, feeling that the bill was heavy in his pocket, this is my weight to master Lu Ping in the future.With this, he can know everything he wants to know from Lu Ping's sky, and Lu Ping will be under his control in the future.

They were just about to eat when the doorbell rang suddenly.Hearing the doorbell, the faces of the two sisters, Lu Ping and Lu Dan, became very ugly and pale.


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