Poison Concubine Playing Evil King: Miss Beast Controlling

Chapter 1548 Hands-on, Happy New Year and everything goes well

But now, the eight Yun family children look at me and you, especially those three girls, who are actually covering their mouths tightly with their hands, not allowing themselves to make any more sound .

It has to be said that the environment makes a person. These new generations of the Yun clan have grown up in such an environment since they were young, so now they know very well that after seeing such a thing, waiting for his end will never be better.

But after much deliberation, the eight of them found that the best choice for them now was to leave here.

So the eight people moved slowly, wanting to return along the original road.

It's just that no matter how careful their actions were, they still fell into Yao Lan's shocking eyes.

"Feng Youlan, what are you going to do?" Yaolan's cool voice rang out, but it sounded like thunder to everyone's ears.

The two of Yunyou and Yunmu couldn't believe their ears, this is obviously Yun Youran from their Yun family, how could they be called Feng Youlan, where is this, no matter how fast their brains are spinning , can't keep up.

Feng Youlan gave Yaolan Jingtian a blank look, and to be honest, he really didn't like this brother-in-law no matter what he looked at, and even if Yaolan Jingtian didn't say anything, he planned to take action.

It has to be said that when one person is getting ready to do something, and another person reminds you just at this time, no one is happy.

Because then the nature of the matter changes.

One is active and the other is passive.

But Feng Youlan also understands that now is not the time to talk to Yaolan Jingtian, as he has already stood in front of the eight Yun clan disciples as soon as he moved.

"Master Youran, we haven't seen anything, please let us go!"

"That's right, Mr. Youran, we really didn't see anything!"

"We will never tell what we have seen and heard!"


When the eight Yun Clan disciples saw Yun Youran standing in front of them with a murderous look, they couldn't help but turn pale.

Feng Youlan smiled casually, what the Yun family's promise was, he still had a little understanding during this period of time, to paraphrase Feng Shitian's words, the Yun family's promise is to tell shit and whoever believes is a fool.

So Feng Youlan naturally wouldn't believe it.

Accompanied by his smile, the eight wind blades flew out of his body without a sound, and then cut off the necks of the eight Yun clan children under their disbelieving eyes.

"Plop, plop, plop..." Feng Youlan had leisurely returned to Feng Shitian's side when eight corpses fell to the ground. The white clothes on the man's body were still there, and there was not even a drop of blood on it.

"You, you, who are you?!" Yunyou and Yunmu were stunned, and for a while, they even temporarily forgot the pain in their arms because of their surprise.

"Hehe, I'm Feng Youlan, oh by the way, my previous name was Yun Youlan, and I'm a twin brother with Yun Youran!" Feng Youlan's smile carried a deep sense of indifference.

"What, twin brothers!" The horror in the eyes of Yunyou and Yunmu became heavier, everyone in the Yun clan knew the prophecy of the twin brothers, it would bring disaster to the entire Eryun clan.

How could this be?

The two of them didn't know, but they understood that they had to find a way to tell Yun Tianzhu about it.

So the two of them looked at each other, and then shouted together, the other palm turned into a knife and slashed at his arm that was grabbed by Yaolan Jingtian!

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