country porn doctor

Chapter 181 Finding True Love

Nuo Lan's questioning has made Zhang Yan more certain that she really doesn't like her current boyfriend, since she doesn't like her, why do she want to get married.Women, women, what are you thinking? Men really can't figure out your thoughts.

"Why do you want to get married if you don't like it? Isn't it enough to just quit the engagement? Is there something unspeakable about it? If so, maybe I can help you?" Zhang Yan is not willing to let such a beautiful woman fall into the hands of others. I can get married, and I will definitely live a life of sexual happiness in the future. Just thinking about it makes my heart a little excited. The nurse flirts, and it doesn't work.

The sweet smile on the corner of her mouth suddenly disappeared, and a look of worry appeared on her pretty face. Why didn't she divorce the engagement? It wasn't for money. Thinking of the poor life in her family back then, Nuo Lan felt an inexplicable feeling in her heart Bitterness, eating dross, sleeping on an earthen bed, and not wearing clothes, if I hadn’t accepted the 1 yuan gift from the other party, I would not be living the life I am now at home, and I would not come to the clinic in Liuxi Village. on nurse.

1 yuan is undoubtedly an astronomical figure for Nuolan who has just started working. Based on a salary of 300 yuan a month, she will have to work for three years without eating or drinking before she can pay off the dowry money, but the other party is already urging her Getting married would never give her such a long time to repay her debts. Nuo Lan also heard recently that her fiancé has gone to the city and made some name for herself in the underworld.What she hated most was that her man would have such a life, but there was nothing she could do.

"Sister Nuolan, tell me! If you need any help, I will definitely help you. If you are short of money, I will give you 10 yuan first." Zhang Yan is very generous. After all, he is also a multi-millionaire now. Don't see it.

"10 yuan?" Nuo Lan was stunned, looking in disbelief at the 20-year-old boy in front of him.

"How could he have so much money? Could it be that he knows that he won't accept pretended comfort?" Some thoughts arose in Nuo Lan's mind, and he asked tentatively out of curiosity: "Zhang Yan, I don't need a hundred thousand , as long as 1 yuan is enough, can you lend me the money first, and return it to you when I make money."

"No problem, isn't it just 1 yuan, tell me when you need it, and I'll get it for you."

"What you said is true?" Seeing the young man's relaxed face, Nuo Lan secretly rejoiced. If she could really get Zhang Yan's assistance, she would be able to escape the sorrow of engagement and find a truly happy life of her own. , to find the man I really like.

"I, Zhang Yan, never speak big words or lie. If I say a word, I will be struck to death by lightning."

Rumbling, a sound of thunder resounding through the sky suddenly came to mind, and the heavy rain fell in an instant, making Zhang Yan shrink back in fright, cursing in his heart: "nnd, you can't get along with my master, isn't it just to make an oath, as for Treat me like this? You can't save face for me and let me make a good impression in front of the goddess."

Nuolan didn't care about the thunder in the sky, since Zhang Yan was willing to help her and her fiancé to divorce, of course she didn't care about these trivial matters, and said with a sweet smile on her face: "Zhang Yan, if I lend you 1 yuan How about the interest on money?"

Nuolan knows that many people are now homeless due to debt usury, and she doesn't want to be trapped by high interest rates, so it's better to ask first.

"Interest, what is our relationship? How can a neighbor in a village ask for your interest?"

"No, if you don't want interest, I won't agree."

Zhang Yan was stunned for a moment, a little puzzled. People were eager to let the borrower's interest rate be lower, and she was generous without interest, but she was not satisfied. Hearing Nuo Lan's decisive refusal, Zhang Yan said helplessly in his heart: "Since you If you are willing to pay interest, that’s fine, what do you think of 100 yuan a year?”

"Will it be a little less! It may take me many years to repay your money, if you mind, forget it!"

"I don't mind, I don't mind. I'm not short of this 1 yuan. You can just use it. When you have money, return it to me." Zhang Yan was also very excited to help the beauty. She asked her to promise her body as interest, but when she saw the sincere look on Nuo Lan's face, she held back her words in her heart. If she said such a hastily, she must feel very wretched.

The sky outside had already dimmed, and there were still bean-sized raindrops in the sky. Zhang Yan and Nuo Lan were chatting in the diagnosis room, and Liu Tiezhu and Liu Yang were talking outside. Feeling that there was nothing serious about his body, Zhang Yan got out of the wooden bed. He got up and stood opposite Nuo Lan.

"Sister Nuolan, if you really can't find a suitable boyfriend, don't forget about me then!"

"You, no, you are too young for us."

Zhang Yan's words made Nuo Lan's face flush again, she waved her hand and refused.

Age, damn age, why does every woman I like care about my age? If there is true love, why are there so many people in China? Yang Guo is married to his aunt and has children, so he insists on treating his life from a worldly perspective , Isn't it a bit sad.

Liu Tiezhu outside seemed to have noticed Zhang Yan who got out of bed in the diagnosis room, and greeted Liu Yang. The two came to the diagnosis room and interrupted the awkward atmosphere between Zhang Yan and Nuo Lan.

"Brother Zhang Yan, it's great to see that you are fine. If you have any troubles, how can I explain to your master." Liu Tiezhu looked at the lively Zhang Yan with a normal complexion, and said excitedly, at least his own The restaurant doesn't need to close, and I can point to the restaurant to support myself and my mistresses.

"Damn it, Liu Tiezhu, did you knock on the door when I was eating?"

"That's right! Is there any problem?" Liu Tiezhu looked at Zhang Yan's pretty face with anger, and faintly felt an ominous premonition.

"Don't you know that people can't disturb you when you're eating? If my young master dies, even if I'm a ghost, I'll take revenge on you. I'll make you meet ghosts while sleeping, fall into the latrine when you go to the bathroom, and my brother can't get up when he's playing with women. Choking to death when drinking water, choking to death when eating, being hit by a bicycle while walking on the road, drowning when taking a bath, anyway, it’s not a good death.” After cursing, Zhang Yan sat down on a corner of the wooden bed with satisfaction. , panting heavily.

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