Prophet of Rebirth

Chapter 183 Angel Injured

Chapter 183 Angel Injured

The happy time always seems extremely short, and it gets dark quickly.But the moment he raised his head, Ye Zhiqiu smiled.

Summer nights always come late, and the reason why the sky is dark is entirely because of a thick black cloud floating in the sky.

"It's finally going to rain." The corners of Ye Zhiqiu's mouth moved indifferently, his smile was full of conspiracy.

"Huh la la!" The rain fell down without hesitation, causing smoke and dust to rise from the concrete floor that had been exposed to the scorching sun for a day.

"Don't fight, go to hide from the rain first." Deng Guowu yelled and rushed into a canopy beside the court, and Ye Zhiqiu and the others also rushed in one after another, with crystal raindrops hanging on their faces.

"Hahaha!" In just a few moments of breathing, everyone was half drowned by the heavy rain. Looking at each other's distressed appearance, they couldn't help laughing out loud.

"It's really cool!" Luo Wangjiu sighed with a smile.

"It was a timely rain." Liang Jie joked with a smile, shaking her long hair that was stuck together due to the rain.

"It's so comfortable!" Ye Zhiqiu rushed into the rain under the surprised eyes of everyone, feeling the cold touch of the rain on his face, and shouted in a very 'saucy' way.

"It's really comfortable." Several people looked at each other, then Liao Zi bit her lip, and rushed into the rain, shaking off the short hair on her forehead, letting the rain wash away her angelic face.

"Wait for me." Liang Jie ran onto the field with a smile.

"Brothers, follow up." Deng Guowu waved his hand and ran into the heavy rain first.

"Hahaha, have you ever tried playing basketball in the rain?" Ye Zhiqiu smiled playfully, with a provocative smile that seduces people, "How about we have a good game while the passion is still there?"

"Okay!" Yu's voice was too loud, Liao Zi could only put down her ladylike reserve and replied loudly.

Everyone nodded without even thinking about it. It may be difficult to have such simple and rude thoughts after playing in the rain today. Maybe ten or twenty years later, when thinking of this inadvertent madness, the corners of their mouths will still unconsciously' Dang' has a taste of youth and frivolity.

"Puppup puppup." The sneakers he was wearing were soaked by the stagnant water on the court and the rain from the sky. It was uncomfortable for the socks to stick to the flesh, but no one cared. The sound on the water is no longer pleasant, but the dull sound is more passionate.

"Oops!" Ye Zhiqiu didn't pat the ball a few times, when his hand slipped, the ball suddenly flew out and rolled to Liang Jie's feet after bouncing twice in the water. The little girl picked up the ball and smiled at Ye Zhiqiu coquettishly. "Ye Zhiqiu, thank you for the ball. Ouch!" Then she took the ball and threw it towards the basket, but before she could make a shot, her hand slipped, and the ball flew backwards, and it happened to land on Liao Zi hands.

"Liang Jie, thank you very much!" The smile in the rain curtain was like a blooming orchid, eclipsing the surrounding scenery.

"Boom!" The basketball bounced twice on the hoop and rolled into it obediently.

"Yeah! Go in!" Liao Zi danced with a smile, and almost gave Liang Jie a grateful hug. After 'touching' in the rain for so long, the ball flew back and forth, and finally scored a goal.

"Hahaha! It really is our goddess of luck." Ye Zhiqiu smiled and gave Liao Zi a high five. He almost wanted to give this lovely angel a bear hug, but after thinking about it, he had to give up.

"Crack!" Luo Wangjiu and Liang Cheng gave a high-five, not to be outdone, celebrating the first opening.

"Cut, didn't you just score one goal? There's nothing to be proud of." Liang Jie's tone was a little sour, with a hint of unwillingness. There was no other way. She was going to score this goal. Who would have thought that Goddess of Fate's hand was wrong direction.

"That's right, isn't it just one ball? We will definitely overtake two balls in a while." Deng Guowu stood by Liang Jie's side in a spirit of unity, and then their teammates also began to support.

"Haha, wait and see." Ye Zhiqiu and the others looked at each other, then laughed in unison.

When playing in the rain, because the ball is too slippery and there is too much water, technique has become dispensable. Therefore, Ye Zhiqiu’s advantage can be said to be reduced to zero. He can only take two shots and pass the ball quickly, but Deng Guowu But there is one more person than their side, which shows how much they have to pay to score a goal.

When Liao Zi attacked, she was flanked by two girls, but when she was defending, she had to guard against two people. This shows how tired she is. Watching the opponent score one goal after another, but his own side has nothing, it is really depressing to watch.

"How about it, I said I will chase it back." Deng Guowu bumped into Ye Zhiqiu triumphantly.

"Don't be complacent, it's not easy for you to win this game." Ye Zhiqiu wiped the rain from his face and smiled.

"Still holding on, don't you see our advantage? Four to one, one goal short, it is too easy to win this round." Deng Guowu shook off the water stains on his hair.

"Everyone, put your defense back, don't watch one by one, we don't have enough manpower." Ye Zhiqiu walked past Deng Guowu, and loudly ordered Luo Wangjiu and the others.

"Okay!" Luo Wangjiu roared loudly, as if he wanted to scream the grievance in his heart into the rain.

After the defense shrunk, it was much more difficult for Liang Jie and Li Lili to score goals. After a few hasty shots, they all hit the basket.

"Liao Zi, grab the ball quickly." Luo Wangjiu jumped up high and hit the ball in the direction of Liao Zi, but Liao Zi was unsteady, and the ball slid directly away, rolling towards Liang Jie by coincidence.

Seeing the basketball slowly rolling towards Liang Jie, Liao Zi, who was already too tired to move, gritted her teeth, raised her legs and ran towards the ball. Liang Jie, who was opposite, also ran towards the ball.

"Ouch!" When Liao Zi was about to catch the basketball, his feet slipped suddenly, and he fell directly onto the rain-soaked court. The thumb of his right hand just hit the basketball. Sprained.

"Liao Zi!" Liang Jie screamed and ran over to help Liao Zi up, with a look of worry on her face, "Did you get injured? Are you okay?"

"How is Liao Zi, are you okay?" Ye Zhiqiu and others also surrounded him.Luo Wangjiu said worriedly, "Would you like to go to the hospital?"

"No, I'm fine, I just sprained my thumb." Liao Zi raised her head, stood up with the support of Liang Jie and Li Lili, and smiled at everyone.

"It's so swollen!" Seeing that Liao Zi's right thumb was almost half swollen, Liang Jie couldn't help but screamed.

"Go and cover the rain first." Although the rain has become very small at this time, it can still make people quickly accumulate water droplets on the face, Ye Zhiqiu suggested.

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