The reborn prince's wife

Chapter 533 It's Okay

After Liuyun drank the chicken soup and the medicine, Chuxia and Qianlan brought the two children over, and carefully placed the two children beside Liuyun. The bed was huge, and Dongfang Ye had already stepped aside He gave them a place for the two little guys, and sat on the chair by the bed.

"Why..." Liu Yun's loving eyes flashed slightly, he looked at the two skinny monkey-like little guys beside him in confusion, and hesitated for a long time before saying, "Why are you so ugly... like a monkey ..."

"..." Chu Xia and Qian Lan looked at each other silently, and found what they wanted to say in each other's eyes.

As the saying goes, if you are not a family, you do not enter a family. This is really not a nonsense.

Before Dongfang Ye said that these two children were wrinkled, but now Liu Yun commented that they were as ugly as monkeys. If these two little things grow up and know that their parents have commented on them like this, they should Will want to cry but have no tears.

"Children are like this when they are just born." A certain person immediately showed his good learning ability, threw the words that Lu Ming disliked him to Liu Yun, and added a few words of his own understanding, "Wait to open up a little gone."

Seeing what Dongfang Ye said, Liu Yun didn't say anything else, she always believed in Dongfang Ye, so what he said should be what he said.

"Are they sleeping?" Liu Yun stretched out his hand and pinched the little guy's cheeks, which were extremely rosy and tender.

Because Liuyun had been poisoned before, Lu Ming suggested not to feed him with the mother's milk. The boss already has toxins on his body. If the little girl is also poisoned because of drinking the mother's milk, then it is not a joke.

"Children just eat, sleep, and eat." These days, Dongfang Ye has read the parenting scriptures several times, and he himself feels that he can become a doctor.

Liu Yun curled his lips, and then pinched the little girl's arm, the white couple-like arm was so cute, it's no wonder Liu Yun likes it, even Dongfang Ye, who doesn't like children, thinks his children are very cute.

I have to say that these two little guys are really good at sleeping, and their mother is so careless tossing and kneading, and there is no sign of waking up at all, which is really eye-opening.

"Have you decided on a name?" Liu Yun asked him. The two of them had discussed a lot of names before, but they were not in a hurry because it was too early. They thought that they would have time to think about it when they were about to give birth. Who knew that Jing Na would give birth prematurely. .

"Dongfang Qing, Dongfang Che, this is the name proposed by the emperor before." Dongfang Ye took out a note from his bosom, and the strong and powerful words were written by the emperor.

Liu Yun was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect that he was still so long away from the due date, the emperor even thought of the names of the two children, in fact...he really cares about her matters.

"However, the emperor just drafted a name and handed it to me. He said that if you have already thought of a name, tell him the name and give it to him." Dongfang Ye has always known that Liu Yun is actually very soft-hearted, Although she had rejected the emperor for thousands of miles before, the care and concern of the emperor during these days is vivid in her memory, and she has not resisted as much as before.

"Just use these two names." Liu Yun turned his eyes away and replied calmly.

In this way, the two little guys had their own names, but at this time they didn't know anything at all, and they were still sleeping vigorously.

I've heard that a mother's heart, just looking at her own children, will feel that her heart is so soft. Liu Yun used to sneer at it, but now she knows it's true. She just looked at the sleeping faces of the two little guys. , I feel that the happiness in my heart seems to overflow.

Dongfang Ye saw Liu Yun's expression of concentrating on the two little guys, a sour thought welled up in his heart, he suddenly felt that his position was not guaranteed, and his sight also fell on the two little guys, I saw him curling his lips. At present, it seems that these two little guys are not his opponents.

"Let the nanny carry them to sleep next door." After Dongfang Ye said this, he added, "I've been so busy that I haven't said a few words to you properly."

What innocent and wronged words, the son of Dongfang has said more and more smoothly, and he doesn't think about his own image at all.

"En." At least from the present point of view, Dongfang Ye still occupies the first place in Liu Yun's heart. As for the future, it is uncertain. In fact, Dongfang Ye's premonition is very accurate, at least in the future. For a long period of time, because of his poor health, the eldest brother Dongfang Che was like a baby lump in Liu Yun's palm, which made Dongfang Ye want to throw him out every time he saw that little guy.

Until the nanny took the little ones away, the room became quiet again, Dongfang Ye sat by the bed, did not hold her in her arms as usual, but just held her hand, fingers intertwined, extremely lingering, flowing clouds I knew that I must have frightened him, otherwise how could this guy be so clingy with his usual black belly, as if he didn't want to leave for a moment.

"I'm sorry, I made you worry." Liu Yunhui shook her hand, his eyes were full of distress, "You must have not slept well last night, right?"

Dongfang Ye smiled, leaned over and kissed the corner of her mouth, and immediately said, "As long as you're fine."

This is not a scene, let alone a polite word, but his sincere words. In Dongfang Ye's heart, the sky and the earth are not as big as a wife.

"You really scared me." To make Liu Yun feel distressed, Dongfang Ye naturally spared no effort to get his wife's attention. After all, the two young ones can't speak at the moment, so he, the father, naturally wants to capture him first. Liu Yun's defensive line made her unable to focus on one thing and lose another to him in the future.

"It won't happen in the future." Liu Yun pursed his lips, comforting softly.

You won't be given a chance to have another child in the future... Dongfang Ye once again silently strengthened his determination, for the sake of his future and his future status, he still thinks that only two little Doudings are enough for his family.

Liu Yun didn't understand his thoughts, but she still nodded towards him, and the smile on her face became more gentle: "It won't happen in the future."

The two talked intimately for a while, Liu Yun became groggy again, and soon fell asleep again. Thinking of her weakness, Dongfang Ye got up to help her tuck the quilt, and stared at her for a long time.

Fortunately, she fell asleep. He had been hesitating whether to tell her about the poisoning of the empress. After all, she had just woken up, and this girl had a heavy heart. Telling her these things at this time would not be conducive to her recuperation, so he hesitated for a while. Fan still decided to hide this in advance, and wait for her to recover.

But at this time, he never thought that it was just because he loved her that he didn't tell her these things, which caused a series of troubles.

[Author's digression]: There are two more chapters during the day. . .Really sleepy. . .

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