Misleading the wolf president

224 I Wanted to Kill This Child

Guan Mo had no objection, and walked out directly, while Dong Si looked back at every step, until he closed the door of the ward, he had a worried expression on his face.

Zhuo Zhi's face was extremely pale, and she lost her usual vigor and vitality. She stretched out her hand to touch her stomach, and said in a voiceless voice, "It's gone?"

Liang Ge nodded: "Xiao Zhi, there will be more children, what matters now is your body!"

Zhuo Zhi squinted his eyes, with a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth: "I wanted to kill this child!"

Liang Ge and Miao Miao's eyes widened immediately, and they looked at Zhuo Zhi in disbelief. So, Zhuo Zhi already knew that she was pregnant?

"I didn't expect it to abandon me first!"

Dong Si had always been looking forward to this unexpected pregnancy. He always said that it would be great if there was a baby, so she wouldn't be able to run away!

But she decided that Dong Si was not serious, so when the child came, she chose to escape!Choose to escape from your own heart!

She admitted that in the process of getting along, she had fallen in love with Dong Si, and she had completely lost, lost her body, lost her heart...

Dong Si said, Zhuo Zhi, you will definitely fall in love with me!

At that time, she retorted him so forcefully: You scum, how could I fall in love with you? !The vows made at that time are the greatest irony of today!

Dongsi said, if you fall in love with me, I will leave a place for you by my side!Reluctantly accept you, be my mistress!

She Zhuo Zhi is a proud person, how could she be someone else's bed warmer? !

Just when she was hesitating about how to deal with her child, maybe the child sensed her intentions and chose to abandon her first!

Zhuo Zhi only felt that now, her heart was empty!Impulsively at that time, she must have shot, but her movements were very small, she was really consciously protecting her baby!

"How could this be?" Zhuo Zhi murmured softly with tears in his eyes, and finally shed tears.

A cloud of doubts suddenly arose in Liang Ge's heart, Zhuo Zhi was usually very cautious, besides, even if the first three months were a dangerous period, shouldn't she lose her child because of a small fight?

Thinking of this, the suspicion in Liang Ge's heart is getting bigger and bigger!A bad premonition made Liang Ge feel chills all over.


"Miss, everything is in order!"

"Where's the wine glass she used?" The woman's voice was gentle and sweet, really nice.

"Miss, please don't worry, everything is properly arranged, they can only prove that it was an accident!" The man smiled, sinister.

The woman laughed together with the man, it was very pervasive!

Zhuo Zhi's mood is very stable, too stable.

Before leaving, Liang Ge told Dong Si to be optimistic about Zhuo Zhi, but he was still worried. If it weren't for Guan Mo staring at him, Liang Ge would really like to stay with Zhuo Zhi.

Basically everyone in the company was off work, and Liang Ge and the other four members stayed behind, working hard to prepare their case.

Liang Ge quickly threw himself into the battle.

According to previous cases, several people have formulated a set of project reports to echo this case according to the current situation!

It was late at night, and five people were sitting in the office, burying their heads in reading the materials carefully, and using the computer to record something from time to time. Liang Ge looked up at a few people, and couldn't help a smile from the corner of his mouth. This feeling...it's so good!

They are a team, from their resistance to themselves at the beginning, to now they are slowly accepting her and obeying her leadership... During this process, no one saw how late she slept at night, and made up for her. How much professional knowledge!But that's how she got through it!

Looking at everyone's enthusiastic smiling faces and eyes full of excitement even though they were obviously tired, Liangge felt better!

After dealing with the matter at hand, it was almost early morning when I got off work, and several people went downstairs together. He Xin and Zhu Zhu were very happy, chatting and not knowing what to say, while Wang Yong's face was a little dignified, as if he was still thinking about something.

And Shitou leaned close to Liangge, pushing He Xin and Zhu Zhu to the other side, "I said, little girl, you know a lot at such a young age?"

Liang Ge secretly laughed in his heart. When they first met, Shi Shi never cared about himself. Now is this flattering?

"That's right, don't look at who I am!" Liang Ge raised his jaw, a little proudly.

"Stinky fart!" Shitou cursed in a low voice, but still smiled and approached: "Be honest, did the president mention you?"

Liang Ge frowned: "This is all my own thinking, okay!"

Seeing Liangge's solemn and serious face, Shitou took a deep breath. Liangge was usually smiling, but when he suddenly saw Liangge's solemn expression, he felt a little nervous for a moment. He didn't expect Xiaoni to have a cold face. , will have such great power.

"Well, isn't it a joke!" Shitou stroked his hair and smiled flatteringly.

Liang Ge rolled Shitou's eyes, and didn't intend to argue with him. After all, there may not be a few people who think this way, but this is her own strength, and she is not afraid of what others say.

"I'm talking about Xiaoge..." Shitou saw that Liangge's expression was a little slack, and immediately leaned forward again: "Well, Xiaoge, when did you and the president do that?!"

Liangge quickened her pace. Ever since Shi Shi called her Xiaoge, she felt uncomfortable all over her body. It seems that gossip is a common problem for everyone in the world!

"Why are you walking so fast?"

"Hey, Xiaoge, may I ask you something?"

"Little song, little song..."

Stone kept asking Liangge's ear, Liangge sighed: "Are you thirsty, do you want me to buy you a glass of water?"

Shi Shi pouted aggrievedly: "Okay, Xiaoge, you are so understanding!"

Afterwards, Shito belatedly heard Liang Ge's sarcastic tone amidst the smirks of the other three, he immediately ran up in two or three steps: "Don't change the subject, talk quickly!"

Liangge frowned, and before he could speak, he heard a loud noise.

When the car slammed on the brakes, the sound of rubbing against the ground was sharp and piercing, and the car barely stopped beside Liang Ge and Shitou, and they were all startled.

Just as Shi Shi was about to yell, the car door was opened, and a tall figure stepped down.

The man is tall and mighty, with a stern face, and his eyes are as cold as ice, as if spitting ice. His steps are elegant and noble, but with a terrifying coercion, he walks towards Liangge step by step.

Shi Shi hastily shrunk his neck back, he was so close to Liang Ge just now, would the CEO...would he be jealous?

Thinking of this, Shi Shi's heart was lifted up immediately, feeling like he was about to die.

He Xin, Zhu Zhu and Wang Yong also tensed up, looking at Guan Mo nervously!In today's world, the most indispensable thing is talent!What's more, how many of their remnants were defeated?When did they meet the big leaders of the company?

Now seeing the president all of a sudden, the two women and Wang Yong were very excited, and at the same time their nervous hands were trembling.

Liang Ge didn't see the expressions of the other people, but just pouted and stared at Guan Mo dissatisfiedly: "Do you understand that people are scary and scary to death?!"

When the car suddenly drove towards Liangge just now, Liangge was instinctively tense, but fortunately...the car didn't hit him!But surprise!What if an accident happens? !


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