Misleading the wolf president

180 A certain man's red alert

179 How much is true and how much is false?

Yun Lanfeng sat there not daring to move, his whole heart fluttered, the hand that applied the medicine for Liangge trembled slightly, the only sound in the whole room was the phone ringing.

Liang Ge and Aunt Li stopped talking wisely, and the ringtone became more and more piercing in Yun Lanfeng's ears.

"Mom, call." Liang Ge glanced at Yun Lanfeng suspiciously and reminded.

Yun Lanfeng groaned, her expression flickering slightly, she stood up pretending to be calm, handed the medicinal wine in her hand to Aunt Li, took out her mobile phone from her pocket, and walked out slowly.

At this moment, Liang Ge raised his head and didn't notice the strangeness. Instead, Aunt Li became suspicious and looked at Yun Lanfeng's back in a daze.

"Sister-in-law Li, what are you doing?" Liang Ge asked suspiciously seeing that Mrs. Li was in a daze and refused to give herself medicine.

Mrs. Li shook her head: "I said Miss, why don't we go to the hospital to see?!"

Liang Ge chuckled: "I said, Mrs. Li, do you really think that I am used to screaming? I was injured more seriously when I was a child than I am now, and I have never been to the hospital!"

After speaking, both of them fell silent.

When I was a child...

That year, Liang Ge was ten years old. She was small and weak, but she was stubborn and strong. Yun Lanfeng's temperament changed a lot that year. She beat or scolded Liang Ge, and she was really a Suffered a lot!But all the cool songs were not as she wanted, she knelt on the washboard and was locked in a small dark room...

Mrs. Li even remembers that time, when the rain was pouring heavily, the little Liang Ge was punished to kneel in front of the door. The big raindrops hit her face and body, and her small body was kneeling there, soaked to the skin. It was extremely uncomfortable for the clothes to stick to her body, but she straightened her back. It turned out that from then on, her young lady had a sense of arrogance!Stubborn makes people feel distressed!

Aunt Li was in a hurry and called for help, but Liang Zhenxia was far away, silent for a long time, and finally hung up the phone wordlessly. At that time, Aunt Li was wondering, is Liang Ge their child? !She has the urge to take Xiao Liangge back to her home and love her!

The frail little body just knelt in the rain for half the night!In the end, she fell into a pool of water, unconscious, and had a high fever of 41 degrees. She was sent to the hospital with a hot body, almost convulsed!

In a severe coma, she spit out some white foam from her mouth, which frightened a group of people!Including Yunlanfeng.

She was thinking, what kind of cruel parents are these? !It wasn't until later, when she saw Yun Lanfeng hiding in the room that she was self-harming, that she realized that Yun Lanfeng was far from being as cold and heartless as she appeared on the surface, but her love was distorted!

When Liang Zhenxia arrived home, Yun Lanfeng had already made the decision to send Liang Ge away, and Mayor Liang sat on the sofa alone for the whole afternoon. The servants were trembling and cautious.

The next day, Liang Ge was sent away, shocking all the domestic helpers!

Thinking of the past, the two chose to remain silent tacitly.

Far and near, Liangge seemed to hear Yun Lanfeng arguing with the person on the phone outside, and then Yun Lanfeng hung up the phone. When she approached the room again, the atmosphere in the room was a little weird.

"Sister-in-law Li, go and have some supper." Yun Lanfeng turned her head and told Sister-in-law Li.

Mrs. Li let out a cry and went out, while Yun Lanfeng sat opposite Liang Ge, with a serious expression on her face.

"What's wrong?" Liang Ge frowned and looked at Yun Lanfeng.

Yun Lanfeng said: "Xiaoge, how true or false is Mo Sanshao's heart?"

Liang Ge frowned and said nothing.

"Mom, what are you worried about? It's normal for couples to quarrel and fight." Liang Ge tried to comfort Yun Lanfeng.

Yun Lanfeng hastily grabbed Liang Ge's little hand: "Xiao Ge, Mom just wants you to be well. I don't ask you to be rich and rich, and to climb into the family with Mo Sanshao. I just want you to be safe, happy and worry-free." ! But these ordinary lives are something that Mo Sanshao can't give!"

Liangge lowered her head, looking at Yun Lanfeng's flustered hands because of her anxiety, she felt a little warm, did her mother finally think about her?

"Mom, don't worry, your daughter is not stupid!" The relationship with Guan Mo is a contract, as long as she can keep her heart firmly, then she will definitely be chic when she leaves!

"Xiao Ge!" Yun Lanfeng opened her mouth and wanted to say, but Liang Ge suddenly interrupted her.

"Mom, Guan Mo and I are not what he said!" Liang Ge's words startled Yun Lanfeng.

"What do you mean?"

"My relationship with Guan Mo is fake!" Liang Ge smiled slightly, and patted Yun Lanfeng's hand comfortingly: "Mom, I don't know what he wants to do, but he and I are really just in agreement I owe him money, he wants my name, that's all!"

Yun Lanfeng seemed to be taken aback, unable to recover for a while.

"Why did he do this?" Yun Lanfeng murmured softly, she couldn't think of a reason for Guan Mo to do this!

"How much do you owe him?"

Yun Lanfeng took out a checkbook from her pocket, and signed while asking. Her Yun Lanfeng's daughter, Mayor Liang's daughter, owed money to others? !

Liang Ge smiled awkwardly, the chain alone is worth millions, let alone the pendant?

"Mom, I have the ability to earn money. This is a debt I owe, and I will pay it myself!" Liang Ge has her own insistence, and the debt she owes must be paid by herself!

Yun Lanfeng looked at Liangge steadily, and seeing her firm expression with downcast eyes, she suddenly smiled and touched Liangge's head, which made Liangge blush: "Xiaoge, you have really grown up!" !"

She is much more mature than when she first came to Liang's house.

However, thinking of Mo Sanshao, Yun Lanfeng suddenly felt weird again!

Mo Sanshao has always been a man with a strong purpose, no matter what he does, he has his purpose, so what is the purpose of being with Liang Ge? !

Liang Ge racked her brains but couldn't figure it out, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Yun Lanfeng's mind, she stood up hastily, with a trace of uneasiness in her eyes: "Xiao Ge, go to bed early!"

After finishing speaking, she left in a hurry, leaving Liang Ge with a surprised face.

After leaving Liangge's room, Yun Lanfeng dialed the phone immediately, so that she didn't notice Liangge hurriedly following behind her.

"Hey, I have a valuable message, I hope you can return my things to me!" Yun Lanfeng's voice was tinged with coldness.

Liang Ge was puzzled, what made Yun Lanfeng have such a cold tone?

"You must want to hear it!" Yun Lanfeng seemed to be ridiculed by the person opposite, and her tone was extremely hostile and impatient.

"About Xiaoge and Mo Sanshao!" Yun Lanfeng walked to the corner and growled.

Liang Ge's footsteps stopped completely. She watched in amazement that Yun Lanfeng disappeared in front of her, but she couldn't move a single inch of her footsteps. Did she have hallucinations or something?

She wanted to leave, afraid of hearing what she might hear, but she walked over in disobedient steps, and her feet lightened inadvertently.

"Don't worry, this matter is absolutely genuine, what I want is the bottom plate!" Yun Lanfeng's voice came faintly.

Liang Ge was covered in cold sweat, his hands were trembling slightly, the palms of which were already beads of sweat.

"I hope I can trust you, otherwise, you know my temper!" Yun Lanfeng said, her tone became colder and colder.

The surrounding air was silent, Liangge felt her heart pounding, and the feeling of her heart being caught made her stand stiff and dare not move.

"Xiaoge and Mo Sanshao..." Yun Lanfeng slowly opened her mouth.

Liang Ge's heart was lifted into his throat, but at this moment...


A sharp cry broke the quiet air and interrupted Yun Lanfeng's words.

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