Vampire cute baby tomb robber

420 is too easy to get and boring

420 is too easy to get and boring

As if he couldn't bear it anymore, Qu Luo suddenly lowered his head and kissed the thin lips in front of him.

The soft touch, with the sweetness of red dates, is even more beautiful than he imagined...

The big palm unconsciously reached into her long skirt, and the light kiss also moved down, landing on her slender neck.

It's easy to get this guy.

But, in that case... what's the point.

Qu Luo took a deep breath, a restrained expression appeared on his usually evil and handsome face, and his long and narrow eyes were as deep as the ancient well in the night.

"If you keep doing this, you will soon lose to me..." He said in a hoarse voice, opened his arms again, and hugged him, with such an arrogant appearance, it was like getting a beloved toy...

When Mo Niang woke up, it was already noon, and it was raining outside, and it was much cooler near the capital.

She sat up lazily, a well-crafted gown, because of her sudden movement, slipped off her shoulders and fell into the carriage.

She recognized that it was Qu Luo's coat...

What about him?

Mo Niang looked around, only to realize that she was the only one left in the carriage.

I don't know if I was bitten by some insects, and my lips are a little itchy.

Mo Niang didn't think much about it, she opened the jujube water she was carrying and drank a cup, only then did she feel much better.

When I looked up again, I realized that he was looking at her, his eyes were full of evil charm, the corners of his lips were slightly raised, as if the ripples were automatic without wind, his whole person seemed to be shining like beautiful jade, overflowing with elegant and moving brilliance

"Come down." Qu Luo stretched out his hand, his smile was like sunshine after a summer rain, so clean that it made people defenseless.

Mo Niang smiled, just about to lift her skirt and jump off the carriage.

He was hugged by his hands and fell to the ground properly.

Mo Niang was stunned.

Before he opened his mouth, he heard him whispering in his ear: "I got a silver wolf."

"Silver wolf?" Mo Niang's eyes lit up, and her brows brightened.

Qu Luo hooked her thin lips: "I knew you would like it."

Mo Niang really likes it. She wanted to raise a wolf when she was a child, but her grandfather didn't allow it. She was afraid that the wolf would hurt people. After all, with her previous temperament, it was really dangerous.

just now...

No matter how much she likes it, she won't raise it anymore...

Qu Luo didn't know what she was thinking, and reached out to take a silver snow ball from the servant's hand, stroking its ears with his fingers, and the corner of his mouth was full of evil spirit.

"Master, be careful, this little bastard bites people hard!" The servant held his hand, reminding his master with lingering fear.

Qu Luo smiled and pinched the silver wolf's chin: "Bite?"

"Hmmmmmmmmmmm!" The servant was afraid that the young master would not believe it, so he held up his hand to show him.

Qu Luo's long and narrow eyes overflowed with a smile: "That's what's interesting, and what's too easy to get is also boring."

Hearing this, Mo Niang glanced at him, something slowly rose from the bottom of her eyes, then fell, and finally returned to calm.

Qu Luo was lowering his head and fiddling with the silver wolf's ears, his charming smile never stopped, it could be seen that he liked this little thing very much.

It is not too much to say that it is a small thing, a small ball, like a cat before the full moon, round and white.

Mo Niang looked at it and couldn't help but want to laugh. A wolf with such a shape might not even be able to defeat ordinary hunting dogs.

Just as he was thinking, the lump of softness came into his hands.

The little thing stared at her with round eyes, motionless, and the hair all over his body exploded.

"Don't be afraid." Mo Niang smiled softly, rubbing her cheek against its head, her voice gentle.

The sharp claws stretched out by the little thing slowly retracted into the center of the claws, and then whimpered at the demon mother.

Mo Niang looked at it, and then asked the servant beside her, "Is there anything to eat?"

The servant nodded and brought the dry food over in a short while.

Mo Niang first fed the little wolf cub some jujube water, and he seemed to like drinking it very much. He held the water bottle with his two little paws and never let go.

It wasn't until the devil girl tore some beef jerky for it that it stopped drinking water, sniffed it with its nose, swiped the tip of its tongue, and swept the jerky from the devil girl's finger into its mouth, very well-behaved.

Don't look at this little thing with a tiger's head and a tiger's brain, but his brain is very smart.

Once in the hands of the demon lady, she refused to come out no matter what.

Qu Luo caught it three times, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, it burrowed into the demon mother's arms.

At the end of the drill, Qu Luo smiled coldly, picked up the little thing by its ears, and threw it to the back of the carriage.

The little thing pulled out his little paw and turned it around in circles, thinking about coming out.

Qu Luo looked at it with low eyes, his eyes were cold: "I haven't even touched that place, but you touched it three times in a row. If it wasn't because she really likes you, I would chop off your claws for you." come down."

The little thing paused and took two steps back.

Animals always have a natural sensitivity to danger...

With the company of the silver wolf, the demon lady's smile increased significantly.

When she and Qu Luo get out of the car for a walk, they always take the little silver wolf with them.

The two walked forward, and the little thing followed behind, sniffing here and there, running happily.

When two people are sitting and chatting, it will always hold the water bottle in its mouth and touch the demon lady's leg with its head, which means it is thirsty.

At night, it sleeps between the two of them, standing up from time to time, howling twice towards the distance.

That day was happy and short.

So that later, when Mo Niang walked by here alone, she always wanted to smile.

After four years of absence, the capital city.

After all, it changed its appearance.

Mo Niang sat in the carriage and looked through the window at the streets full of people coming and going.

The one selling bean curds has been converted into a tailor shop.

The restaurant that sells Nurhong has tripled in size.

And the casino that her grandfather often took her to is also different from before.

Mo Niang watched all this quietly, something seemed to be waking up in her blood...

Here, she was humiliated to pieces.

Here, she lost the person she thought would accompany her to the end.

Just a little bit, just a little bit, and she was going to lose.

Lost to the jailers who were always trying to rape her.

In fact, when Pirate Ye appeared, she thought it was that person who sent someone to pick her up.

She was happy in her heart, happy for the surname Nangong.

She thought he finally believed her.

However, Robber told her that she was no longer from the Nangong family, and she didn't know what Nangong was.

Later, she heard those people say that he took Qu Chuxiao to the snow mountain, probably because he was afraid that Qu Chuxiao would not feel well, so he went to ask for the elixir.

It was winter.

When she heard these things, she subconsciously looked at her hands.

The fingers she was most proud of had long been worn out by years of prison life and had frostbite.

Ten fingers connected to the heart.

She didn't feel any pain.

Later, when Bai Ye came to see her again, he wanted to take her away.

She also shook her head and refused.

It was also from that moment that she understood thoroughly.

The person she was waiting for would never come...

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