Long time no see, everyone, sorry Ang, the whole site is anti-pornography and anti-illegal, all books have to be scanned and checked, modern texts are especially serious, if you write pornography or something, you will be invited to the police station for tea, although Han Han does not write pornography, but There are many parts describing the dark side of society, so there has been no update this month. Now that the editor has checked and passed the test, Hanhan will resume the update of this article on May [-]st. Hanhan is very sorry for the inconvenience caused to everyone!

This article will end at 120 million, and there are only more than 20 words left, so Hanhan took advantage of the time of editing and checking the text to write a new article. The new article has now been published. It is an old saying. Friends who are interested You can go and have a look, and leave a message for Hanhan by the way, step on the footprints ╮(╯▽╰)╭

Introduction to the new article: She is the stunningly talented eldest princess of the Beiming Kingdom but has lost all martial arts, and he is the mysterious and ruthless crown prince of the Xitan Kingdom with great military exploits.On the day of their wedding, he actually invaded the imperial city with his imperial sister, and killed the emperor with her hands, causing disputes in the court; The princess of the country can only be me!" He stood still on the city wall, his long sword stained with blood, and watched her fall to the city wall and be wiped out in ashes.Bloodthirsty rebirth, she went back to the eve when her aunt murdered her when she was 15 years old, and stopped the Huagong Powder held in the slender fingers of the visitor, she smiled coldly, since she wanted to put her to death, then all of them should not live stop.

Trial reading of the new article: The low voice was barely audible, and with the last gesture settled, those patterns floating in the air finally formed an ancient and huge gluttonous totem. The area covered by the totem expanded rapidly, and the entire palace was caught in this bloody formation!

The source of life killing formation, with life as the guide, never dies, once the formation is formed, as long as the eye of the formation dies, everyone trapped by the formation will be strangled, leaving no corpses!

And she is the one who controls everyone's life and death!

Acting like a baby and being cute and rolling~~~New article, please collect~~~Please support~~~Please recommend~~~Please click~~~Please ask for comments~~~Please ask for five points~~~

Thank you for your support all the way, I can write better without you, I hope we can go on together forever, ヽ( ̄w ̄( ̄w ̄〃)ゝ

[The chapters that Hanhan was cheated by the system before have not been edited yet, so I will try my best to finish writing during the May Day holiday. At that time, this chapter will also be replaced with new chapter content. Don't mind too much. Use a reader to read the book baby If you can’t see the chapters I updated, delete the book and the local files and download it again to see it. I’m very sorry for the inconvenience. e(┬┬﹏┬┬)3]

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