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Chapter 102 Beast Tide Attack

Immediately whispered persuasion.

But the two of them didn't stop. Others didn't know it, but they knew it. Liu Zhi was a general, a real Chinese general. If he wanted to deal with a small public security bureau chief who violated discipline, he would use a sledgehammer to kill a chicken. ?

"Hehe, brothers, brothers, I advise you to come out too." The two didn't say much, but they also stood up after saying such a sentence.

"Count me in. Without you, I would have died long ago. I will follow you." A tall figure stood out, a burly man. Liu Zhi had an impression of this man. He was a hunter in the mountains. The first time he came to the city to sell mountain goods, but he did not expect to encounter this incident, and was almost killed by a wild beast in the end. It was Liu Zhi who saved his life.

"Count me in as well. Although I'm just a weak woman, I still know that without you, I would have died long ago." This woman was rescued by Gu Longping.

"Count me in.."

"And I."

"Me too."

Some people took the lead, and then others continued to stand up, but in the end, there were only 15 people in total, accounting for only 0% of the people here.

Liu Zhi nodded. In his opinion, ten people can stand out, but there are fifteen. You must know that Huaxia instills strong patriotic thoughts in people from birth, and at the same time makes all people People in China have an incomparable sense of belonging to Huaxia, so it is not easy to abandon those who stand here with Liu Zhi.

Seeing that only fifteen people stood up, the police chief was overjoyed, so he was not afraid that Liu Zhi would really throw them out.

"I said, little brother, don't be too extreme in being a human being. There are so many wild beasts outside now. We are not in a time of civil strife." The director wanted to get rid of Liu Zhi's idea of ​​killing them with carelessness.

But Liu Zhi just smiled slightly and said to Gu Longping and Xuan Wuji: "You can do it now."


Just after Liu Zhi finished speaking, the figures of Gu Longping and Xuan Wuji disappeared at the same time, and they appeared here in front of the policemen.

Gu Longping raised one with both hands: "Haha, get out of here." After speaking, he threw the two of them out abruptly.

"No, no, you can't do this, aren't you afraid of the country's sanctions? Big guys, you have to help us, we are the pillars of the country, we can't die here." The director immediately started to fool those behind him , but he found that he was wrong. Although those people did not choose to support Liu Zhi, they did not intend to help him and offend Liu Zhi.

"You are wrong, Comrade Director, this is my ID. I am the deputy head of the Army Special Operations Group, with the rank of major general. Now, as a major general, I am going to tell you that you have brought thousands of people into crisis for your own selfish desires. Make a verdict, and I will sentence you to death." Liu Zhi took out his ID card and said coldly.

"Master, major general." The bureau chief finally knew where Liu Zhi's confidence came from. Huaxia's major general can destroy his character with a flick of a finger.

Those 15 people looked at Liu Zhi with admiration, while those who didn't stand up felt very regretful, regretting that they had missed a great opportunity.

"No, your ID must be fake." The director was completely annoyed, but at this time Gu Longping had come to him and smiled slightly: "Now it's your turn."

He picked up the director with one hand and threw it out of the city wall.

"Ah!! Ah!!"

More than ten screams sounded at the same time, and then disappeared completely.Immediately whispered persuasion.

But the two of them didn't stop. Others didn't know it, but they knew it. Liu Zhi was a general, a real Chinese general. If he wanted to deal with a small public security bureau chief who violated discipline, he would use a sledgehammer to kill a chicken. ?

"Hehe, brothers, brothers, I advise you to come out too." The two didn't say much, but they also stood up after saying such a sentence.

"Count me in. Without you, I would have died long ago. I will follow you." A tall figure stood out, a burly man. Liu Zhi had an impression of this man. He was a hunter in the mountains. The first time he came to the city to sell mountain goods, but he did not expect to encounter this incident, and was almost killed by a wild beast in the end. It was Liu Zhi who saved his life.

"Count me in as well. Although I'm just a weak woman, I still know that without you, I would have died long ago." This woman was rescued by Gu Longping.

"Count me in.."

"And I."

"Me too."

Some people took the lead, and then others continued to stand up, but in the end, there were only 15 people in total, accounting for only 0% of the people here.

Liu Zhi nodded. In his opinion, ten people can stand out, but there are fifteen. You must know that Huaxia instills strong patriotic thoughts in people from birth, and at the same time makes all people People in China have an incomparable sense of belonging to Huaxia, so it is not easy to abandon those who stand here with Liu Zhi.

Seeing that only fifteen people stood up, the police chief was overjoyed, so he was not afraid that Liu Zhi would really throw them out.

"I said, little brother, don't be too extreme in being a human being. There are so many wild beasts outside now. We are not in a time of civil strife." The director wanted to get rid of Liu Zhi's idea of ​​killing them with carelessness.

But Liu Zhi just smiled slightly and said to Gu Longping and Xuan Wuji: "You can do it now."


Just after Liu Zhi finished speaking, the figures of Gu Longping and Xuan Wuji disappeared at the same time, and they appeared here in front of the policemen.

Gu Longping raised one with both hands: "Haha, get out of here." After speaking, he threw the two of them out abruptly.

"No, no, you can't do this, aren't you afraid of the country's sanctions? Big guys, you have to help us, we are the pillars of the country, we can't die here." The director immediately started to fool those behind him , but he found that he was wrong. Although those people did not choose to support Liu Zhi, they did not intend to help him and offend Liu Zhi.

"You are wrong, Comrade Director, this is my ID. I am the deputy head of the Army Special Operations Group, with the rank of major general. Now, as a major general, I am going to tell you that you have brought thousands of people into crisis for your own selfish desires. Make a verdict, and I will sentence you to death." Liu Zhi took out his ID card and said coldly.

"Master, major general." The bureau chief finally knew where Liu Zhi's confidence came from. Huaxia's major general can destroy his character with a flick of a finger.

Those 15 people looked at Liu Zhi with admiration, while those who didn't stand up felt very regretful, regretting that they had missed a great opportunity.

"No, your ID must be fake." The director was completely annoyed, but at this time Gu Longping had come to him and smiled slightly: "Now it's your turn."

He picked up the director with one hand and threw it out of the city wall.

"Ah!! Ah!!"

More than ten screams sounded at the same time, and then disappeared completely.

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