mountain village affair

Chapter 68 We Are Old Classmates

After a while, the steaming hot meal was ready, including chicken, fish, meat, eggs, and seafood. When ordering, Liu Xiaolan deliberately ordered a grilled lamb egg.

Because it was the first time they met, Liu Longgen asked the two girls what they wanted to drink. Liu Xiaolan didn't know why she was crazy, but she strongly demanded to drink liquor. Now Liu Longgen was scared and had sex after drinking. Although this is a hotel, this is a private room Ah, if you do something after drinking, it will be troublesome.

Without liquor, Liu Longgen asked the waiter to bring a few bottles of beer. This thing is not intoxicating, and he is not afraid that he will not be able to go back when he is drunk.

A meal is delicious, and Liu Xiaolan picks up vegetables for Liu Longgen from time to time, like a little lover, caring and considerate, making even a grown man Liu Longgen feel embarrassed.

Liu Longgen looked at Tang Yuxin who was sitting next to Liu Xiaolan. Tang Yuxin's complexion was a little rosy at the moment, and he didn't know if it was because of the hot meal, or because she was shy watching the intimate behavior of the two of them.

Liu Xiaolan once again used her chopsticks to pick up a dish for Liu Longgen, which was the sheep egg she had specially ordered earlier, but Liu Longgen blocked it with her chopsticks and said, "Xiaolan, don't just pick up vegetables for me, look at Yuxin Sitting on the side, why don't you persuade her to eat more."

Liu Xiaolan chuckled and said, "We're old classmates, it's okay."

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