mountain village affair

Chapter 5 The house is on fire

Touching the sensitive parts of his body from time to time, Liu Longgen suddenly felt the nerves in his lower body twitch suddenly, with a numb, itchy feeling.

Seeing that Liu Longgen couldn't bear it anymore, Ma Xiaoling clamped two fingers on the peanut-sized lump, and hummed a few times enjoying herself.

Liu Longgen felt as if his body was burning, his eyes turned red, and he threw Ma Xiaoling down with a wolf pounce, and then grabbed a **** with one bite, biting a fleshy lump like a cherry.

Sensing Liu Longgen's reaction, Ma Xiaoling closed her eyes, waiting for Liu Longgen's conquest.

But when Liu Longgen took off his underpants and his body was on fire, he felt a sudden heat above his head. He looked up at the roof of the granary, and there was a small flame falling from it.

Liu Longgen was startled suddenly, stood up and asked Ma Xiaoling to pass the clothes on quickly, because the house was on fire.

Putting on his clothes, Liu Longgen shouted: "Help, the house is on fire, come and put out the fire."

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