In the small building.

The man had already placed the money bag on the floor in the living room, he pointed to the money bag and said, "My lord, it's all here, and I haven't touched a dime."

Jiao Yu nodded, he still believed in his subordinates.Now, it belongs to women and can't touch it, so I can only use this money to compensate for the unhappiness in my heart.After all, it would cost money to hire a bodyguard to do things for him, and he couldn't let himself pay millions.

Jiao Yu opened the money bag with confidence, but when he saw the situation in the bag clearly, at this moment, he felt his blood surging.

The bodyguard glanced into the bag, and there were all ghost coins in it.This is more than 1000 million, 1000 trillion is good.This is simply giving more than I don't know how many times.

However, as far as the bodyguards were concerned, he didn't have much to worry about. He had collected a fee for his expedition in advance.So, it doesn't matter what kind of love is on his side.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Jiao Yu took a mess of coins and went upstairs immediately.

The bodyguard found a sofa and sat down.Suddenly when he sat down, he frowned, and then he stood up.Bodyguards are in a situation of meddling and nosy.He smelled a faint smell of blood, which meant that something happened outside.If something happened outside, it would be involved for a while, and the incident would definitely spread.One is to be passively calculated by the opponent to defend, and the other is to go out now, if you don't have the opportunity to take the lead, you can still calculate others.

There is actually a surprising difference between the two, but it’s not too big.The bodyguard thought it was time to ask for Jiaoyu's opinion, but this Jiaoyu is now upstairs.

The bodyguard thought it over and over again, and he felt that if he waited for the fish to go downstairs, it would definitely be too late.So, you have to go out and see for yourself.As soon as he thought of this, he immediately walked out.

Outside the small building, Chen Xiaotian just finished the last one.He blew on the muzzle of the gun for a while, and then murmured indifferently: "This sniper, really, is unusually fragile, so weak."

"Snipers are inherently fragile, so if they really want to fight, they will still be my opponent." A figure appeared behind Chen Xiaotian, he said.

"Huh?" Chen Xiaotian turned around.He felt that the other party, Nima, was too damned.It actually appeared behind him silently.

"Master Tian!" Wu Gui looked at Chen Xiaotian.

"The two of you can find a place to play first, this guy is a bit tricky, if you kill it, it should take a few minutes." Chen Xiaotian said.

"Oh, oh, oh, what are you talking about?" The man pointed at the tip of his nose and said to Chen Xiaotian, "It will only take a few minutes for you to kill me?" "How long do you think it will take?" Chen Xiaotian glanced at the other party.Anyway, if it came from one of his ideas, it would definitely be enough to kill the opponent for a few minutes.

"Ouch, I thought you made a slip of the tongue. I can tell from your smug expression now, feelings, you are serious. You really think that it only takes a few seconds to kill me. Minutes?" The man looked at Chen Xiaotian.

"Why do you talk so much nonsense. I said it at the beginning, and it only takes a few minutes to kill you. Then you asked me, and I agreed. It's been twice, how many times do you need me to say it, Mo It hurts to death." Chen Xiaotian said.

"Okay, okay, okay!" The man was annoyed, unprecedented.

"What are you two still watching from the sidelines? Why don't you go to the other side? Are you afraid that it will affect you two?" Chen Xiaotian glanced at Lu Limang and Wu Gui behind him.He suddenly felt, why are these people so worried.From the very beginning, he wanted to come alone, and the two had to follow.Now it seems that it is superfluous to call the other party by yourself.

Wu Gui and Lu Sulmang stepped aside, while Chen Xiaotian and the bodyguard looked at each other.

"Are you going to do it first or should I do it first? I immediately suspected that if I did it first, then you would have absolutely no chance." Chen Xiaotian said.

"Okay, okay, okay, you are more than confident in yourself, you are simply confident." The man gave Chen Xiaotian a thumbs up.It had been a long, long time since I had seen such an opponent. Now, his little interest was suddenly raised.

"What a hair!" Chen Xiaotian raised his hands, and two daggers appeared in his palms.

"Play this with me?" The man laughed immediately.His favorite thing to play with is the dagger.What he likes most when others play with him is the dagger.Because, in addition to the attainments of the dagger, he is not only average, but simply extraordinary.

"That's right, I'm just playing with you." After Chen Xiaotian finished speaking, he shot towards the opponent with a whoosh.


The two figures shot towards each other, and in the next second, the two figures came in front of each other, and immediately, the sound of clanging weapons clashing could be heard endlessly.Between the two sides, the speed is very fast, which has reached the point where it is dazzling.

The bystanders could no longer see the hands of Chen Xiaotian and the man, nor could they see the figure between them. What they can still see now is the flames flashing everywhere.The fire came from the confrontation between Chen Xiaotian and the man, from the contact between weapons.

So fast!Chen Xiaotian said with emotion from the bottom of his heart.When it comes to competing for speed, he may not necessarily be the opponent's opponent.If it weren't for his own skills, defeat would have been a long time ago.Rao is my own skill, and now I am in a dangerous state in several places, and defeat is also a matter at any time.


Chen Xiaotian and the man shot in opposite directions, creating a distance.

Chen Xiaotian looked at the man alertly, and the man also looked at Chen Xiaotian alertly.The two sides looked at each other, but neither of them made a move.

The man thought that with Chen Xiaotian's speed, it would not be too difficult to break through the opponent's defense.However, he always felt that the other party was not just such a simple rhythm.

Chen Xiaotian looked at the man, he knew deeply that he was weak in speed, and he couldn't catch up at all.It seems that it is a bit difficult to expect a victory or defeat in close quarters combat.If you want to win the opponent, you can only use the ability.

"Boy, this is because you forced me to use the most powerful combat stat. I just want to say that any subsequent consequences are entirely a matter of your own ego." Chen Xiaotian looked at the man.

"Are you threatening me again?" The man shook his head and said, "Why do you always like to threaten me? After the threats are over, it's time to show your strength. But, after you're threatening, I don't I saw your strength. Hey..."

Chen Xiaotian looked around, looked at his feet, made a seal with his hands, folded his palms together, and shouted: "Water escape, the art of killing both water and dragons."

Crashing, the water surged out, forming the shape of two flood dragons, and immediately rushed towards the man.

The man's eyes were narrowed, his hands clenched the dagger in his palm, and his figure suddenly moved towards Jiaolong.

The sound of clattering can be heard endlessly, and Jiaolong was disintegrated under the man's dagger attack, and it was completely disintegrated.

"This..." Chen Xiaotian swallowed.What he used was a supernatural power, a supernatural power.However, it has been disintegrated in such a short while?So it was disintegrated without even a little bit of suspense?Nima, isn't this Nima?

"Your job is over, it's my turn." After the man finished speaking, he clasped the dagger tightly in both hands, and shouted: "Unlock the restriction, the first floor, open."

Black energy surged out around the man, and then formed a vortex.

Just looking at this black energy, Chen Xiaotian knew that it was definitely not suitable for attacking at this moment.The energy fluctuation above this vortex is very unusual.It seems that it feels like a rhythm that will explode when touched.

The black energy disappeared around the man's body, and it seemed to pour into the man's body.At this moment, the man gave Chen Xiaotian a very different feeling.Anyway, at this moment, the man's aura must have changed compared to just now.

"I'm coming!" When the man's voice fell, his figure shot towards Chen Xiaotian with a whoosh.Speed, unprecedented fast.

Chen Xiaotian's eyes had completely lost the trace of the man, the other party, the other party just disappeared without a trace without the slightest trace.He felt a gust of wind behind him, and then a sense of crisis arose in his heart.

A suit of armor suddenly appeared on Chen Xiaotian's body.It just appeared out of thin air, and it felt like it came just in time.

Ding!The dagger pierced Chen Xiaotian's body, outside the armor.

This... the situation makes the man a little confused.However, he just gritted his teeth and shouted: "Go one step further, the second floor, open!"

Black energy emerged, as if grabbing Chen Xiaotian with one hand, and sucking Chen Xiaotian in.Such a state is the rhythm of preparing to use the high-intensity operation of black energy to completely wipe out Chen Xiaotian.

How despicable!At this moment, Chen Xiaotian gave the other party these three words in his heart.However, knowing that the other party is despicable, he also has no way to do it.Despicable, then despicable.

Chen Xiaotian's body was completely restrained by the black energy, Dong couldn't even move, and more and more oppressive force swept over his body.

Chen Xiaotian knew that if he didn't want to come up with countermeasures, it wouldn't work.Think of a way, think of a way.Now, even if he wanted to form seals with both hands, he couldn't do it with the same moves as the opponent.Nima, didn't the other party tell him that he was a killer?With the maturity of using a dagger, and with the method of breaking the restriction, it is obvious that the tricks and characteristics of the Death Gate are revealed.

"Boy, die." The man clenched his right fist and threw it at Chen Xiaotian's chest.


The man's fist hit the armor,


Chen Xiaotian spit out a mouthful of blood.The figure flew backward like a kite with a broken string, and the speed of flying backward was as fast as the bullets fired from the barrel of a gun.

Chen Xiaotian could feel that his ribs were broken, and his heart was also injured to a certain extent.The opponent obviously knew that his armor could not be broken, so he did it like this.

Boom, boom, boom!

Chen Xiaotian landed, hit once, twice, three times, and after several hits, he stopped his momentum.


A figure appeared in front of Chen Xiaotian, with a dagger on his neck.

"Even if you are wearing armor, your neck is still defenseless. So..." The man looked at Chen Xiaotian and grinned.

"Huh..." Chen Xiaotian let out a deep breath, feeling unprecedentedly unwilling in his heart.He looked behind the man and said, "You are merciful."

"You want to lie to me? Don't think about it!" After the man finished speaking, the back of his head was hit with a bang, and he fell to the ground in a daze.

The latest chapter of the high-speed debut Yan Fu is not shallow, this chapter is Chapter 150 [-]&er>

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