flower stealing doctor

Chapter 0083 Sexy Prayer

After finishing talking with the Hu family brothers, the sky slowly darkened.Birds flying into the forest in the mountains, singing a lot, giving people a very distant and peaceful feeling.Xiama Village is only a dozen miles away from Jinhua Village on a mountain road, and it will take at least half a day to walk down the mountain road, and it is not safe to walk on the mountain road at night, so Ling Xiao and Tang Meiyu's plan to return to Jinhua Village that day had to come to naught.

"Ling Xiao, the signal from the temporary signal station in the mountain temple can't reach here, the mobile phone has no signal, and we can't contact Mayor Nie and the others. I'm afraid that what we learned today won't be able to reach the headquarters. "Tang Meiyu said a little discouraged after walking around the village with her mobile phone but couldn't find a signal.

"I'm not in a hurry for the night, the most important thing now is to find a place to live. Also, I'm already hungry, Sister Tang, how about you?" Ling Xiao looked at Tang Meiyu, he liked her delicate and quiet appearance , and the very special aura on her body, like a snow-capped mountain under the sky, pure, spotless, and so beautiful that it makes people intoxicated.

After being busy for a long time, he finally finished his work, and once he relaxed physically and mentally, he was in the mood to admire beautiful women.

"I also feel a little hungry, but the villagers have left, and we are not familiar with the people in Xiama village. Whose house should we go to for a night, and where should we go for a meal?" Tang Meiyu didn't mind Ling Xiao's gaze at all. , with a smile, with a generous look.

"How about we just sleep in the mountains for one night?" Ling Xiao said with a smile: "Build a bonfire, eat some dry food we brought, and then sleep on the open floor? As long as you are not afraid of being taken away by wolves in the middle of the night .”

Tang Meiyu also laughed, and said playfully: "Even if there are wolves, you will protect me?"

Her smile is quiet and gentle, she looks so seductive and feels so comfortable.

"Do you really want to sleep in the open?" Ling Xiao really wanted to, but worried that Tang Meiyu would not be able to bear that kind of suffering.

"You make up your mind." Tang Meiyu said, "Are you worried that I won't be able to endure that kind of hardship? Then you are wrong. I am an experienced donkey friend and have a lot of outdoor experience."

Ling Xiao smiled, but it was true. Tang Meiyu looked weak and delicate, but she was a senior donkey friend. Which donkey friend has not experienced such a thing as sleeping in the open?

But when he was thinking about where to go to light a bonfire and spend a romantic outdoor night with Tang Meiyu, Lu Dayou walked in from the gate of the village again, and said from a long distance: "Doctor Ling, Miss Tang, Fortunately, you are still here, just now I went home to prepare guest rooms and dinner for you, and forgot to say hello to you, if you leave, my face will be thrown at grandma's house."

Mountain people are very hospitable.

"It seems that our plan can't be realized." Ling Xiao said with a smile.

Tang Meiyu also grinned, "Next time, there will be opportunities, next time we will conquer the mountains together."

Lu Dayou came over and asked curiously, "Do you have any other plans?"

"Uh, no, let's go, Village Chief Lu, let's go to your house." Ling Xiao said.

Tang Meiyu nodded slightly, "Mr. Lu, please excuse me, thank you."

"Oh, why are you being polite to me? You are all benefactors of our Hongxiagou. Compared with what you did for us, what am I doing? It should be done, so don't be polite. Otherwise, I would be embarrassed." Lu Dayou said.

After walking a mountain road, Ling Xiao and Tang Meiyu followed Lu Dayou to his home.Lu Dayou's house is also a common wooden frame blue-tiled house in the mountains. The biggest feature of this kind of house is that the walls and pillars are made of wood, without bricks or concrete.

Lu Dayou's wife prepared several dishes, including bacon, grouper and two kinds of seasonal vegetables.Simple, yet delicious.Ling Xiao also drank a few glasses of wine with Lu Dayou and chatted about the situation in Xiama village.

After dinner, Tang Meiyu returned to her guest room to rest, and Ling Xiao also returned to his guest room to rest.The two rooms are next to each other, separated only by a wooden wall.Tang Meiyu made more noise in the room, and Ling Xiao could hear it.Ling Xiao made more noise in the room, and Tang Meiyu could hear it clearly.

Lu Dayou is really caring, the sheets and bedding are brand new, never used.Ling Xiao lay on the bed, feeling no discomfort at all.

Ling Xiao took out his notes and looked through them.After reading the situation of the Hu family brothers recorded in the afternoon, he recalled the description of the Hu family brothers in his mind, and suddenly he felt the feeling of capturing some inspiration, and he secretly said: "By the way, Xia Mazhai Chen Eight of them died in one night, and their family is also a traditional hunter, is it just a coincidence? Or is there some other reason that I don’t know about?”

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao excitedly turned the notepad to the pages that recorded the situation of the Chen family, and read it from the beginning.

After looking through it, he found that among the eight deceased of the Chen family, three were in the same situation as the Hu family brothers.He also entered the Daxue Mountain, hunted and dug caterpillar fungus, and returned home after more than 20 days. However, within a few days after returning, eight members of the Chen family were infected with ghost burn virus.

"Looking at it this way, it's no wonder I couldn't find the source of the ghost burning body virus, because it wasn't in Hongxiagou at all, but the hunters in Hongxiagou got it from the Daxue Mountain or the grassland, and then transmitted it to other people. Villagers!" Ling Xiao was so excited that he couldn't sit still.

This is just a hypothesis, but Ling Xiao's hunch is very strong-the probability of this possibility is extremely high!

"Sister Tang, are you asleep?" Ling Xiao couldn't wait to tell Tang Meiyu his discoveries and ideas.

"Not yet, I can't sleep." Tang Meiyu's voice came from the next door.

Ling Xiao followed up with his discovery and ideas, and then said: "I have a plan, are you interested?"

"Tell me, I'm listening." Tang Meiyu also became excited.

"Tomorrow we won't go back to Jinhuazhai. Let's go to Daxue Mountain and the grasslands." Ling Xiao said.

"Okay! Let's go through the same route that the Hu brothers took, maybe we can solve the problem completely!" Tang Meiyu became even more excited.

"Well, then it's a deal, go to bed early, keep your spirits up, and we'll conquer the Great Snow Mountain tomorrow."

"Hmm..." Tang Meiyu responded, and after a while, she said again, "Oops, I'm a little excited and can't sleep."

Ling Xiao, "..."

He also discovered that Tang Meiyu's voice was actually behind the wooden wall, very close to him. If there was no wooden wall separating him, he would be able to roll from his bed to Tang Meiyu's bed with just one turn.This discovery made him speechless. The two beds in the two rooms were placed under the wooden wall in the middle. With such a distance, how could people not think about it?

Ling Xiao turned over and lay on his side, his eyes fell on the wooden wall beside the bed.

The wooden walls are at least several decades old, and there are gaps between the planks.In some places, there are insect eyes.What is Tang Meiyu doing now?Sleeping on your back, on your side, or curled up?Does she wear underwear?Does she have a quilt?For a while, the gaps and insect eyes on the wall filled Ling Xiao's head with these fantasies.

However, after all, he gave up the idea of ​​peeping, pulled the switch of the incandescent lamp, turned off the light and went to sleep.

The light went out, but the light from the next room shone through the gaps in the wall and through the insect holes.These lights are all temptations and imaginations.

Tossing and turning, unable to calm down, Ling Xiao sat up from the bed again, meditated cross-legged, and exercised his internal force in the way mentioned in the "Huang Di Wai Jing".Since he couldn't sleep, and he didn't want to do something worthless like voyeurism, he didn't want to waste time, and it was just right for him to use it to practice his internal strength.He has been wasted on internal strength training during this period of time.

Ling Xiao quickly entered the state of emptiness of mind required by the "Huangdi Foreign Classics", holding the essence and keeping one, sinking the qi into the dantian, breathing, breathing, refining qi with qi.

"Puff-breath-breath-breath-breath!" Ling Xiao was immersed in the realm of inner strength training, forgetting the things around him.At this moment, he no longer cared about the ghost-burning virus, nor did he care about tomorrow's trip to the snow-capped mountains. Even Tang Meiyu on the other side of the wall, whether she wore underwear or covered with a quilt was full of temptations. He doesn't care anymore.

He didn't realize it, a gap in the wooden wall suddenly dimmed, and a big round eye quietly approached behind the gap.

Ling Xiao can restrain himself from peeping at Tang Meiyu, that's because Tang Meiyu is a different woman, such a woman is like Li Qingzhao, a talented woman from the Qing Dynasty, and Lin Daiyu in Cao Xueqin's story. Online communication is more comfortable and wonderful than online communication, and it would be vulgar to spy on such a woman.If it were a woman like Miao Xiaohua, Yu Qingmei, or He Yue'e, she would be peeping, and it wouldn't be fun not to peek.

However, Tang Meiyu couldn't restrain her curiosity, and was attracted by Ling Xiao's unique snoring sound, so she couldn't help but use the gap between the wooden boards to peep what Ling Xiao was doing.

There is no light in Ling Xiao's room, but it is not dark, and he can vaguely see what he is doing.Part of the light that passed through the gaps in the boards and the insect eyes shone on him.With her upper body naked, her muscular body, and her well-proportioned lines made Tang Meiyu's heart flutter.Because of the relationship between long-term martial arts practice and internal strength, Ling Xiao's body has an incomparable beauty, strength and wildness that ordinary people cannot match.She admired it quietly and felt very comfortable.

She was also thinking quietly in her heart, "What is he doing? Oh, by the way, he is practicing? Most likely, um, it must be. That day in the bamboo forest, he showed his hand and It almost hurt me. However, cross-legged, breathing, these are the plots that only exist in those martial arts TV dramas, how could they exist in the real world? Moreover, he looks so professional and powerful... "

It looks like that's the case.Thinking about it, I don't think so.Tang Meiyu's heart was extremely conflicted, several times she couldn't help but wanted to interrupt Ling Xiao and ask him what he was doing, but every time the words came to her lips, she swallowed them cautiously.

A great writer with hundreds of thousands of fans peeped at a teenager's body at night. If this kind of thing got out, she might have to find a crack in the ground and hide.

"One day, I will solve the mystery of him, and I will." Tang Meiyu secretly made a decision in her heart.

One watched quietly.

One is practicing quietly.

Outside the house, the continuous snow-capped mountains stand under the tile-blue night sky, the full moon is cold and snow-capped.

After about half an hour, Ling Xiao let out a long breath and ended his training.His spirit was refreshed, and he didn't feel tired at all, let alone sleepy.

He sat quietly for a while, seeming to be thinking about something, hesitating about something.

"What is he doing? He looks so strange, is this also a kind of kung fu?" Tang Meiyu wondered curiously.

Suddenly, as if he had figured out something, Ling Xiao moved his head towards the wooden wall.

"Ah! Did he find out?" Tang Meiyu was taken aback, she hurriedly shrank her head, but when she shrank back a little, she seemed to think of something again, and then moved her eyes to the gap to look at Ling Xiao, but Seeing that Ling Xiao had already lay down on his side, he looked very quiet.

Just now, she thought that Ling Xiao was coming to spy on her, but that was not the case, Ling Xiao just lay down and slept.

"Lord, please forgive my mistakes..." The ashamed female writer knelt on the bed, crossed herself, and sincerely repented of the mistakes she made just now.

Under the bright light, the black lace bra and the black combed cotton lining set off her skin, making it look more delicate, soft, smooth and delicate.One-third of the breasts are exposed to the air, and a V-shaped deep groove is particularly eye-catching. It is a depth enough to hold three fingers, and one can't help but want to put something in it for a swim.Her waist is slender and soft, and her lower abdomen has a cute baby fat feeling. It forms an undulating curve with the plump and huge breasts, which is so graceful.Wrapped in a black combed cotton inner, a round dolphin hip almost pierces through the thin fabric, giving people a fantasy that is about to come out.

Her appearance is exquisite, delicate and quiet, but it is only the appearance, her sexiness is hidden under the clothes.When she is dressed, she has the charm of a talented woman full of aura. When she is not naked, she has another kind of sexy charm, just like a stripper with good qualities.However, it is these two completely different elements that are perfectly integrated in her body, which is pleasing to the eye.

God, what do you think about prayers like this?

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