flower stealing doctor

0065 Chapter Life in the same bed and death in the same hole

Strangely, Wen Tingting didn't ask about the underwear the next day, and Ling Xiao was also surprised to find that there was an extra pair of underwear on the clothesline, and it was clean.

What is this?Ling Xiao felt guilty just thinking about it.

Breakfast is sweet potato porridge, sauerkraut and stir-fried cabbage, simple but delicious.

When eating, Wen Tingting glanced at Ling Xiao from time to time, and Ling Xiao also glanced at Wen Tingting from time to time, the two of them didn't speak, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.Miao Xiaohua, on the other hand, kept talking with her small mouth, chirping and quacking, saying whatever she caught on, even if she didn't catch anything.The quick words in the idioms seem to be tailor-made for her.

"Sister Wen, are you still going to the headquarters today?" Ling Xiao asked after dinner.

Wen Tingting nodded, "Well, I still have to go, I'm going to ask for the materials too."

"Then I will continue to investigate, and call if there is anything to do." Ling Xiao said.

"Well, okay." Wen Tingting blushed inexplicably.

After leaving Dong's house, Wen Tingting went to the mountain temple. Ling Xiao and Miao Xiaohua had already gone to the stockade to investigate.

"Ling Xiao, wait, let me ask you something." Wen Tingting stopped Ling Xiao as soon as they separated.

Ling Xiao turned back, inexplicably nervous: "Sister Wen, is there anything else?"

"Last night... Forget it, it's okay, you go." Wen Tingting ran away without waiting for Ling Xiao's answer.

Ling Xiao looked at her trembling plump buttocks, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He and she knew what happened last night. He didn't expect that instead of blaming him, she would take the initiative to wash his underwear. At this moment, she is reacting shyly and nervously again. Is this a hint?

"Doctor Ling, did you sleep well last night?" On the way, Miao Xiaohua chatted with you again.

"Well, it's okay, I slept soundly." Ling Xiao said.

A look of disappointment flashed in Miao Xiaohua's eyes.She performed with all her might last night, using all her unique skills such as the brilliant tongue and lotus flower one-finger meditation, and he slept soundly!Is he a pig?

Ling Xiao smiled again, "However, sometimes I hear some strange sounds, I don't know what they are, it looks so strange."

Miao Xiaohua regained her energy immediately, "Really? What kind of voice is it? I live next door to you, why didn't I hear it?"

Ling Xiao cursed "**" in his heart, but kept a serious face. He pretended to think about it for a while, and then said: "Most of them are sounds like um, eh, eh, pheasants, and chickens crowing at night. No one? They say it’s a pig’s cry, but that sound doesn’t sound like a pig’s, hey, I can’t think of what that sound is, do you know?”

"You're the pig..." Miao Xiaohua cursed inwardly, her face also serious, "Well, I don't know, maybe it's the sound of the wind blowing through the bamboo forest."

Ling Xiao and Miao Xiaohua were also aware of last night's cry, but no one was ashamed to reveal it.Ling Xiao was even impulsive to knock on her door and go to her bed, but Miao Xiaohua didn't know about these things, and Ling Xiao was too embarrassed to say it.

Men and women love this kind of thing, women have intentions, men have intentions, but to make things happen, it still needs to be done when the time is right.

In the stockade, Ling Xiao followed Miao Xiaohua to visit each house, asking and recording the people in the stockade.Miao Xiaohua is very popular and can speak, which helped Ling Xiao a lot.

At noon, the family specially stayed for Ling Xiao and Miao Xiaohua for lunch.

Continuing the investigation in the afternoon, Ling Xiao and Miao Xiaohua came to a house.

The family's surname is Zhu, and all the young people in the family have gone out to work, leaving only two old people to depend on each other.As a member of Jinhua Village, Miao Xiaohua knows the family situation in the village very well.

The door was closed tightly, and there was no sound in the room.

"Uncle Zhu, open the door, it's me, Miao Xiaohua." Miao Xiaohua reached out and knocked on the door.

After a while, the courtyard door opened.Behind the door stood an old woman with a stooped waist, pale hair and wrinkled face.She looked at Miao Xiaohua and Ling Xiao with blank eyes.

"Grandma Niu, it's me, Miao Xiaohua." Miao Xiaohua smiled sweetly.

"It's Xiao Hua, what's the matter?" Granny Niu said hoarsely.

Miao Xiaohua backed away automatically.

Ling Xiao stepped forward and said, "That's it, hello, Granny Niu. We are here to investigate the ghost burn virus. I want to know the situation. Have you and your family members had fever, abdominal pain and diarrhea recently?"

"Who are you?" Granny Niu looked at Ling Xiao warily.

"Grandma Niu, he is Dr. Ling, he is a genius doctor, he cured my acute gastritis, you don't even know it, it's really cured by medicine." Miao Xiaohua interjected.

Granny Niu doesn't know Ling Xiao, and it's normal for elderly people to be wary of strangers, but Miao Xiaohua is from a village, and Granny Niu even went to drink Miao Xiaohua's wedding wine and is an acquaintance, so she believes Miao Xiaohua little flower.As soon as Miao Xiaohua said this, Granny Niu lost her guard. She said, "So it's a doctor. Do you charge for seeing a doctor?"

Ling Xiao quickly said, "No money, no money, not a penny."

Miao Xiaohua also said, "That's right, Dr. Ling didn't charge me any money when he cured me."

Granny Niu said: "If you don't charge money, I will help my old man. He has had a fever since the day before yesterday, and he vomited whatever he ate. I went to the health station to pack some medicine for him, but it didn't work. He is lying on the bed now. I'm so worried, you guys came just in time, please show my old man."

Hearing her description, Ling Xiao's nerves suddenly tensed up. Aren't these symptoms the characteristics of the "ghost burning body" virus?

Following Granny Niu into the yard, Ling Xiao said to Miao Xiaohua: "Sister Miao, don't go in to see patients, you stay here and wait for me. Also, you take this medicine to take precautions." After finishing speaking , he gave Miao Xiaohua a small illness pill.

Xiaobing Pill is not only a good medicine for treating many minor ailments, but also a preventive medicine for detoxification, strengthening the body and enhancing immunity.Although he is not sure whether his Xiaobing Pill can resist the "ghost burning body" virus, he is sure that his Xiaobing Pill has a strong effect on enhancing immunity, and the body's immunity is a person's ability to avoid being attacked by someone. The key to this kind of virus infection is like the firewall in the computer.

Miao Xiaohua took Xiaobing Pill, pursed her lips, "Isn't this the medicine I took last time?"

Ling Xiao put his head next to Miao Xiaohua's ear, and said in a low voice: "Don't get too close to Grandma Niu, she may have been infected with the ghost burning body virus, and your chances of getting infected will increase if you come into contact with her, I will give you The medicine you take, the medicine that can strengthen your immunity. Stay here and wait for me, don't touch anything here, remember?"

Miao Xiaohua nodded gently with her heart warm.

"Grandma Niu, you can take one too, it's good for you." Ling Xiao gave Granny Niu another sickness pill.

"Do you still distribute the medicine? Do you want money?" Granny Niu took the medicine but didn't take it immediately.

Ling Xiao said with a smile: "If you don't need money, you can eat it, Grandma Niu, it's good for you."

Granny Niu took the medicine after confirming that she didn't want money, and said, "This medicine is so strange, it's not bitter, but a little sweet."

Ling Xiao also took a small illness pill himself, and then put on the anti-bacterial mask and anti-bacterial gloves that Wen Tingting had prepared for him. After he was ready for protection, he followed Granny Niu into a room.Take care of yourself while taking care of others.

The windows of the room were closed tightly, the light was dim, and there was a smell like rotten food in the air, which was very unpleasant.Granny Niu is used to this smell, but Ling Xiao is not used to it, it makes him frown.However, he didn't feel any contempt for Grandma Niu and Uncle Zhu in his heart.

"Grandma Niu, you should open the windows more often to let the air circulate, so that you will be healthy." Ling Xiao took the initiative to open the window for Granny Niu.

The sun shines in from the window, and the room is suddenly much brighter.

Ling Xiao also saw Uncle Zhu lying on the hospital bed. He was about the same age as Granny Niu, with pale hair and wrinkled and age spots on his face.He looked at Ling Xiao who entered the room with a dazed expression and dazed eyes, not even interested in asking who it was.

"Old man, I found a doctor to show you. If you feel uncomfortable, you can tell the doctor, do you understand?" Granny Niu urged.

Uncle Zhu finally nodded, and a faint "um" sound came out of his throat.

"It's already so weak, how much time does he have left?" Ling Xiao couldn't help but feel heavy.He came to the bedside and reached out to feel the pulse of Uncle Zhu.

To detect the pulse with internal force, Ling Xiao seemed to put a pair of eyes in Uncle Zhu's body, and the situation in his body was presented "in front of his eyes" at a glance, known and mastered by him.

This time, the pulse detection with internal force was the longest time Ling Xiao had been since practicing medicine.When it was over, a fine layer of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"Uncle Zhu, I want to untie your skirt and have a look, okay?" Ling Xiao asked in a low voice.

"Hmm..." Uncle Zhu's spirit improved a little after going through an internal pulse detection, and he answered with a louder voice.

Ling Xiao untied Uncle Zhu's skirt, exposing Uncle Zhu's chest.

Uncle Zhu's chest was covered with bright red blood spots, and signs of festering had already appeared in some places.

Ling Xiao's mood became heavier. Just now, he found that Uncle Zhu's internal organs were festering. He didn't know the reason, but Uncle Zhu couldn't feel any obvious pain. Otherwise, under normal circumstances, he would She has been wailing for a long time, how can she lie on the bed quietly like now?

No obvious pain is felt, which is a characteristic of the "ghost burning body" virus, and Ling Xiao has made a new discovery.

Uncle Zhu didn't know that he was already in a situation where even a god could not return to heaven.He's lying in bed now, just waiting for the last moment to end.

Ling Xiao's feeling at the moment is also very bad. This is also the first time he has faced a patient, but found that it cannot be cured.

There are no truly invincible generals on the battlefield, and the same is true for the profession of doctors. There is absolutely no doctor who can cure any disease.The so-called genius doctor is only a relative concept, not an absolute concept.Amid the pain and self-blame, Ling Xiao grew up quietly.

"Doctor Ling, is my boss still curable?" Granny Niu looked at Ling Xiao expectantly.

This expectant look made Ling Xiao even more uncomfortable. He didn't know how to answer Granny Zhu's question.Tell her the truth, what if she can't stand it?If you don't tell her the truth, Uncle Zhu obviously has a few days left, and she will know sooner or later.

Ling Xiao's silence seemed to be an answer, Granny Niu sighed, "Hey, I also understand in my heart that this is a very vicious ghost burn, and the young people in the village can't get over this disease. The level of Lord Yan, not to mention my old man is so old? Dr. Ling, no matter what, I still want to thank you. I went to ask the doctors at the health station, but they didn’t come. I also went to invite the mountain god Those people in the temple, they don’t want to come, I didn’t invite you, but you came to treat my old man. You are different from them, you are different from them.”

Ling Xiao silently took out a pack of small illness pills, put them on the bed, and then said: "Grandma Niu, stay with Uncle Zhu well. He takes one of these medicines when he feels uncomfortable. You can take them too, it will make you feel better. You reduce the chance of being infected. I won’t say too much. If you need help, I live at Miao Xiaohua’s house, so you can come to me. If you can’t come, you can just ask someone to bring you a message.”

Granny Niu smiled abnormally, picked up the pack of small illness pills and put it back in Ling Xiao's hands, she said: "We are all very old, and we can't live long without getting sick, isn't it? Are you going to report to Lord Yan? My old man has gone, and I will follow, we are also husband and wife below, and we also have a companion, isn't that great?"

Looking at the gray-haired Granny Niu, Ling Xiao felt touched.Compared with the so-called love in those TV shows, this is the real and true love story!Live in the same bed, die in the same acupuncture point, how many people in the world can do it?

Leaving Uncle Zhu's house, the sun was shining brightly above his head, but Ling Xiao felt chilly all over his body and felt cold.

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