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"The Sixth Day, it's you!"

After repeated selection and comparison, Liu Qi finally decided on his target this time!

"Sixth Day"!This is a sci-fi movie in which Governor Schwarzenegger played the leading role in [-]. It tells about the day when cloning technology matures in the near future. Human beings wantonly clone animals, but they are very taboo about cloning human beings. After the cloning of the first human being was resented by the society and protested and resisted by various people, the court rejected and set the code-named "Sixth Day" to prohibit the cloning of human beings. No one has blatantly cloned humans for years.

However, according to the famous saying of Brother Marx: Capitalists will take risks if they have 50.00% of profits; if they have [-]% profits, they will dare to trample on all laws in the world; if they have [-]% profits, they will dare to go to the gallows danger.Even though human cloning faces so-called moral issues and social opposition, but in the face of the huge benefits brought by human cloning, some people still secretly carry out this kind of cloning experiment, but it is not on the surface.

The protagonist Adam played by Schwarzenegger is a pilot. Because of an accident, he discovered that he had been cloned, and the black hand behind the scenes tried to kill him for the sake of secrecy.Of course, Adam will not stand still, and then a series of things, such as chases, speeding gun battles, and a series of action movies must have many elements. The final ending of the movie is of course that the protagonist survives with his family smoothly until the end , The bad guys are destined to fail, and the rice drama that hits the street is bound to end.Of course, Liu Qi didn't have the heart to complain about the ending of the rice drama or chose this movie because he likes the role of Schwarzenegger, but because this movie is indeed the most in line with the limit that Liu Qi can eat now.

Like other cloning techniques in Resident Evil movies, which seem to be the same as the Sound Nest organization, it is really not a good choice.Although cloning techniques such as magic ban can even copy superpowers, they are not easy to start with.The other two or three remaining choices are also the kind of stuff that is too low to be high, and after all the calculations, this movie has the highest price-performance ratio!

Although the computer special effects of this movie are not very good due to the limitations of the times, and the plot is worthy of complaints.But the cloning technology in the movie is quite perfect.Not only can the human body be easily cloned, the time is only two or three hours is enough, but also the memory of the deity can be directly implanted.Even in the plot, certain genetic modifications can be made according to the needs of cloned animal customers... This is completely within the scope of human gene enhancement technology.

Uh, although the movie only appears on pets, Liu Qi does not believe that this mature technology cannot appear on humans. The most important thing is how many experimental subjects are needed to obtain the optimized technology. Liu Qi Don't worry.Secondly, other high-tech equipment and weapons that appear in the movie are also worthy of Liu Qi's attention, such as the laser rifle and laser pistol in the movie, as well as the multi-machine gun that can be used as a helicopter or a jet in the movie. Purpose aircraft...

Of course, the most important reason is that there is less danger in this movie.Not only has the level of technology not reached the three-year level of science and technology in the world of Public Enemy Mechanical, even the city monitoring system, large-scale smart computers, and smart robots have not appeared. For Liu Qi's smart AI star, it can undoubtedly play a considerable role role.

Well, of course, it is worth discussing what the real technological level of the sixth world will be after it becomes a fantasy world, but at least it will not be too bad, but it will definitely not reach the technological level of 3 years.

"Tsk tsk, technology and production equipment related to human cloning, the human cloning expert Dr. Wayne and the research team, laser weapon technology and samples, aircraft deformation technology and samples, various other high-tech..."…

After Liu Qi finished watching the movie, he started counting with his fingers. He needed several technologies and talents, but he had to conduct a detailed search according to the specific situation after entering, hoping to have more additional gains.

Liu Qi has no idea about this movie. It is listed as a world of technology acquisition or material procurement like the world of public enemies, rather than a world of bases like Tianlong World-although the Australian base is still unable to produce improved Yanhuang base vehicles, But this is not a matter of time, Liu Qi is still very interested in opening a sub-base.

However, even if there is an extra base car, Liu Qi will not throw it into a world where the technological level exceeds his own.

"Tsk... But, let me prepare first!"

While shaking his head, Liu Qi began to prepare the things he might use in the next operation, such as weapons, silencers, gold, etc., which are indispensable, such as cheap cannon fodder like armed multi-legged robots It is also necessary to prepare, if it is not for n3, a humanoid robot that has just been finalized and is being tested, and needs to be tested, Liu Qi will directly use this kind of cannon fodder that can be produced.

After the preparations were done, Liu Qi finally told Nanaselian and the others a few words, and then said goodbye to his women.


"Sixth Day" world

A nightlife vibe in a bustling metropolis

A well-dressed Caucasian young man walked out of a dark alley. Looking at the scene of people coming and going on the street, he naturally blended into the flow of people. No passer-by expressed any doubts about this young man who seemed to be out for a stroll. and doubt.

"Tch, it's been a year, it's earlier than Public Enemy, no wonder electronic technology is not good, but cloning technology and high-tech weapon technology are developing well, and the technology is also very interesting... It's a pity that the initial stage changes There are not many medicines left, so I need to save some time and hurry to find the right owner. Hmm, Bruton Stadium? Has the plot already started?..."

Liu Qi looked at the surrounding environment while thinking about the news he had just received.

First of all, what is gratifying is that this world is only one year old. Although the level of technology is much higher than that of the real world, it is still within Xingchen's control. Xingchen has already infected the Internet in just a few minutes.

The bad news is that some technologies in this world seem to be a bit too advanced. Except for the original human cloning technology which is a bit beyond the standard, black technologies such as high-energy battery technology and laser weapons have all appeared.

High-energy batteries that have not yet been practically used in the real world have been used on a large scale, even in cars.A newly released car battery with full electric power is enough to drive a car for 3 kilometers non-stop. Compared with the battery technology in Public Enemy Mechanics, although it is a bit inferior, if it is compared with the real world and other modern fantasy worlds of the same era In comparison, the level of science and technology does not conform to the posture of this era, and it is a bit too advanced.

In addition, thanks to the development of advanced high-energy battery technology and the stimulation of the progress of certain material technologies, laser weapons that are still under consideration in the real world at the same time have appeared in large quantities and have been produced and equipped. It is said that this does not appear only when fighting interstellar wars. Something? Why is it showing up now?

If it wasn't for Liu Qi seeing the stars, it would mean that this laser weapon powered by military batteries also has flaws. At most, it has made some breakthroughs in ammunition capacity and power. Compared with traditional gunpowder weapons, it is one step ahead of the trend, maybe I really want to change weapons.

Fortunately, according to relevant information, this kind of laser weapon has the disadvantage of cooling down for about 1 second every time a shot is fired, and a high-energy battery can supply the energy of one shot of the laser rifle at most, and the battery of the laser pistol is only enough for one shot. , Liu Qi has the idea of ​​putting down the cloning technology first, but running to obtain this kind of laser weapon technology.

However, after seeing that in addition to the light weapons of the teams in this world using laser technology, heavy weapons, artillery, missiles and the like are still traditional gunpowder weapons, Liu Qi continued his goal and first positioned himself on cloning technology.

"Wayne Lab...Dr. Wayne...Dulak..."

Liu Qi listened to the news that the commentator exclaimed in his ears from the Bruton Stadium that the football star Johnny seemed to be injured, and started to wave his hands on the side of the road to stop a battery-powered taxi.

"Go to the xxx building, hurry up!"

After Liu Qi stopped the taxi, he told the driver directly that he already knew a lot about this world. This world, which is obviously a bit biased in certain technologies, has no ability to resist the higher-end intelligent AI stars. Technological intelligence has been collected by the invading stars.

Technologies such as laser technology and human cloning have already been collected, but Liu Qi is now not only interested in technology, but also interested in scientific research talents. Dr. Wayne Liu Qi who invented cloning technology does not intend to let it go, this time he plans to pack it together take away.

"Yes, sir!"

It is not surprising that a middle-aged driver who is probably of mixed race just sat in the back and did not move after giving Liu Qi an order. He directly started the car and drove into the street where cars were passing by in the dark.


When the villain boss in the original plot, Du Lac, came down to Wayne's laboratory with a group of his men to watch Dr. Wayne clone the unlucky one who was broken, "Damn it, who are you?"

Just now, I was planning to spend the night with a charming and beautiful female star, but because I received a notice from my subordinates.The group just signed a lifetime contract with Johnny, that unlucky football star, and now there is a big problem, and the villain boss Dulac who had to break off the date and ran over to deal with this mess saw Liu Qi looking like a curious baby Looking at Dr. Wayne's cloning equipment, he, who was already in a bad mood, suddenly exploded.

Where is this? This is my most secret place! A secret laboratory for cloning humans!!

If the matter of human cloning is spread outside, not to mention what the public and the government will think, just those extreme anti-cloning humanists will be able to regard him as a deadly enemy and assassinate him at all costs.

Therefore, after seeing Liu Qi, a stranger, appearing, Du Lak asked a few of his subordinates to prepare to take Liu Qi down to see how this guy appeared here, whether it was a commercial spy or someone inside the laboratory. ..

"Boy, don't move, be honest!"

"If you don't want to die, obediently don't move!"

"Willie, be careful, don't go off!"  …

The boss ordered that several of Durak's subordinates in the original movie draw laser pistols from their holsters and point them at the unarmed Liu Qi, and the two of them were ready to take Liu Qi down for interrogation.

"What a nasty guy..."

Liu Qi looked at those guys who interrupted his observation, uttered a word directly, and then shot!

New book recommendation: ,,,,,,,,



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