super robot clone

Chapter 45 Star Stone

After a while, Chen Xin asked: "Gangyi, have you finished analyzing the aircraft structure diagram?"

"Wait, it will be ready soon!"

Chen Xin naturally knew the dangers of hiding in the landing gear compartment. Although the Airbus A380 passenger plane has a large space in the landing gear compartment, if the hiding place is not selected properly, it is likely to be crushed to pieces by the huge wheels during takeoff.Moreover, the plane has a run-up before take-off. After friction with the ground, the temperature of the wheels will rise to a high level. Even if people touch the hot wheels, they will not die or will be burned.

Even if you escape this hurdle, the aircraft generally needs to fly at an altitude of 10000 to 12000 meters. For every 1000 meters in altitude, the atmospheric temperature will drop by 6 degrees Celsius, and the temperature in the landing gear cabin at an altitude of 50 meters will drop below minus [-] degrees Celsius.

More importantly, at an altitude of 50 meters, you will suffocate to death in a few minutes in the landing gear cabin.Because it is speculated based on the flight altitude of a civil aviation airliner at 5 meters, the oxygen content in the landing gear compartment is less than [-]% lower than that at sea level, which is considered to be severe hypoxia. The average person will become unconscious and fall into a coma after staying there for only [-] minutes.

Therefore, Chen Xin had to rush into the cabin before the plane took off.

Soon, the structural diagram of this A380 was projected onto Chen Xin's retina by the steel rod through the sunglasses. The small door on the top of the landing gear cabin leads upwards to the cargo compartment of the aircraft, and the cargo compartment and the passenger cabin are connected by an emergency door. Only the captain has the right to open the door.

Fortunately, there are steel coins, and these two doors are not a problem at all.

It is estimated that for the convenience of maintenance, there are actually several ladders in the landing gear compartment that can be climbed up. Chen Xin opened the small door and entered the cargo compartment without any risk.At this time, the plane had already started taxiing and was about to enter the main runway.

The cargo hold was full of luggage, and Chen Xin was not interested in these things. He continued to go up the gangway, and the emergency door opened a crack silently.

The Airbus A380 adopts a three-story layout, the bottom floor is the cargo hold, and the second and third floors are passenger cabins.

Fortunately for Chen Xin, this emergency door was set up in the stewardess lounge. This is the busiest time for the stewardesses, and there is no one in the lounge.

The stewardess lounge is not big, and its layout is similar to that of a train sleeper, with four single beds on the left and right double floors, and a small locker under the bed.

Chen Xin thought for a while, opened one of the lockers, took off the assault rifle he was carrying and put it inside, then lay down on his side, closed the door of the locker again, and Gang Beng directly talked to Chen Xin. The clothes on the new body blended into one.

It takes about eight and a half hours to fly from the capital to Dubai. Chen Xin estimates that the time the flight attendants actually use the lounge is only the middle five hours. They need to distribute airline packages to passengers more than an hour after the flight takes off and more than an hour before landing. , no one should come in to disturb him.

It wasn't until this time that Chen Xin heaved a sigh of relief.

After more than ten minutes of taxiing, the a380 finally entered the main runway, the engine roared deafeningly, and the plane began to accelerate and take off.

Chen Xindao: "Gangbi, can you find information about the kidnapping case in Uganda through the internal network?"

Gang Bing said: "No, I have monitored the communication records between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Chinese Embassy in Uganda. They have adopted a new communication code. It will take at least one day to decipher it. In addition, the military uses communication satellites to Sending orders to the escort fleet in the Gulf of Aden also cannot be cracked in a short time."

Chen Xin sighed. There was no other way. The key point was that the kidnapping case was too urgent. He didn't have time to collect too much information, so he could only take one step at a time.

But when he thought of the steel coin by his side, Chen Xin's confidence suddenly increased a lot.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Xin said, "Gangbi, help me connect to the Internet!"

A light curtain lit up in front of Chen Xin's eyes, and the Hao123 navigation page appeared. Chen Xin clicked on the major portals and the relevant homepages of Xinhuanet and People's Network. The news about the Uganda kidnapping case was only a short paragraph:

According to information obtained by the reporter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at 4:30 p.m. local time on April 32, a group of armed men raided the exploration camp of a Chinese-funded oil company in western Uganda. The attack killed one Chinese and injured two. , another [-] Chinese were taken hostage.At present, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Commerce, the Chinese embassy in Uganda, and relevant enterprises have quickly activated the emergency response mechanism, lodged urgent representations with the Ugandan side, and demanded that all Chinese personnel who were attacked should be searched and rescued to ensure their safe release, and that effective measures should be taken to protect the victims in Uganda. The safety of life and property of the personnel of Chinese-funded institutions in Uganda, and assist in the aftermath work.At present, the Ugandan government has sent additional troops to the scene of the incident.

There is not much information about the kidnapping case in Uganda on the Internet, but the sensation caused by the premiere of "Take Her Eyes" detonated the Internet.

The front page of Tencent Entertainment is "Miracle on the Screen, 3D Version Eyes Bright and Blind"

Phoenix Entertainment wrote "The brightest star in the night sky, did you hear it?"

Netyi Entertainment quoted an article from Southern Metropolis Weekly: "Chinese Science Fiction, Dreams Come into Reality". The article not only analyzed why "Bring Her Eyes" was such a huge success, but also pointed out that according to " With the quality shown in the trailer of "Country Teacher", domestic science fiction may even have the possibility of counterattacking the world.


Then Chen Xin looked at the movie page of Douban "Bring Her Eyes". In just a few hours, the number of movie reviews increased by more than 100 compared to before. It has reached as many as 8.8.

A netizen named wcd123 wrote: "Please forgive my incoherent speech, I am so excited. First of all, I want to say sorry to Digital Cybertron, although I have always supported you, but for you to bring "Bring it on again" "Her Eyes" was released in theaters, and I was more or less dissatisfied. I worried that such a powerful and sincere film special effects company would be reduced to a money-making game again. It was just out of support for domestic science fiction. Considering that, I still spent 30 yuan to grab a zero-point ticket to watch it... What I want to say is that I was wrong, and I was too wrong. Cybertron Digital is still the one in my heart Cybertron Digital, the picture effect of "Bring Her Eyes" in theaters is more than a grade higher than that on the Internet. This alone is worth the price of admission, especially the last part, the song "The Brightest in the Night Sky" When "Star" was sung, I was shocked. I was a big man crying in the movie theater, because I was moved, or because of something, I don't know. After I got home, I couldn't sleep at all. I found that song on the Internet. Repeating it over and over again, although there is still a certain gap between the escape plan and the heavenly sound heard in the theater, this song has been engraved into the depths of my soul..."

There are also dozens of people replying to this film review, most of them are: top landlords, deeply sympathetic and so on.

Some people also projected the focus on the trailer of "Country Teacher": "Compared to the last part of "Take Her Eyes", what surprised me was the shock of "Country Teacher", especially the beginning part That extremely realistic long shot, from a small mountain village elementary school to the depths of the Milky Way spanning tens of thousands of light years, from the extreme small to the extreme grand, spanning countless celestial bodies, just 2 minutes, let I felt everything this movie wanted to express. Whether it was the picturesque paradise of the Green Ocean Star or the tragic fight between the Carbon-based Federation and the Silicon-based Empire, every scene was almost classic. Compared with it Compared with Hollywood Star Wars movies, it is simply weak. It is said that Cybertron Digital has bought the copyright of all of Liu’s novels. I am already looking forward to the shooting of super blockbusters such as "The Wandering Earth" and "Three-Body Problem". Cybertron Tan Digi must work hard, support you, and counterattack Hollywood!!!”

Some people also said: "A piece of "Bring Her Eyes" made countless people unable to control themselves, yelling in the movie theater is not counted, and they have to turn on the computer to vent when they get home-wrong type, it is posting everywhere, I am one of them. The reason is obvious, Chinese science fiction is promising..."


After browsing the webpage for a while, Chen Xin's eyelids gradually sank. He only slept for two or three hours last night. Thinking of the next plan, Chen Xin said: "Gangyi, help me watch, wake me up when it's time." ..."

Gang Bian said: "Don't worry, old Dou, with me here, no one can do anything to us."


Five o'clock U.S. local time.

White House conference room.

"What, the night's action is cancelled???"

CIA Director Leon Panetta looked furiously at Admiral Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and said, "Mr. Admiral, our boys have been planning for three years for this operation. At present, the 'Sea Seal' commando and stealth Black Hawk helicopters are in place, and the Afghan garrison has also monitored and tracked the Pakistan Air Force's patrol routes and radar signals for half a year. If it succeeds, we can see Mr. Ben’s body! But now you tell us that we have to cancel this operation, why? Just for an unnecessary 'star stone'? The first four star stones were all obtained in Antarctica Yes, now it is suddenly said that there is another piece of Africa, how credible is it? Your military is really powerful. Just for such a piece of untrue information, you actually bypassed the CIA and directly instigated local militants to kidnap the group Chinese……"

Admiral Michael Mullen looked at Leon Panetta without showing any weakness and said: "Mr. Panetta, please pay attention to your wording, Mr. Ben** has been under our surveillance, no matter what, he ran Not going anywhere! But, so far, only four Starstones have appeared, two in our hands, one in China, and one in Russia. Mr. President, Mr. Panetta does not know the inside story, I think you should Understand the significance of the star stone, and it will not be long before all countries will know the existence of the fifth star stone. Whether it is true or not, we must act first, otherwise, our opponents will not only be China. At present, France The aircraft carrier 'Charles de Gaulle' is cruising in the Mediterranean Sea. Although it is only to deal with Card Dazuo, but I think that as long as they get news from Xingshi, the Gallic Chicken will definitely abandon those fools in Benghazi without hesitation! (Note 2)"

President Ao Guanhai rubbed his temples in distress. Hunting and killing Ben was a plan that he and Panetta had planned for many years. Next year is the election year, so this matter has extraordinarily important political significance.

But for Michael Mullen, a tough military boss, he has no good way.

And in the near future, Panetta will succeed Robert Gates, who is about to leave office, and take over the post of Secretary of Defense of the United States. If there is too much trouble with Michael Mullen, a powerful military faction, then it will be worth watching.

More importantly, if the fifth starstone is confirmed to be real, but he does not order the US military to take action, not to mention the presidential election next year, even the current position will be a problem.

After careful consideration, Obama said: "Paneta, stop the action plan! Just let that bearded man live for a few more days, and the 'SEAL' commando will go to Uganda immediately. In addition, order the 'George' who is cruising near the Iranian waters The USS Washington is headed to the Red Sea at full speed, and has rounded up with the battle group of the USS Nimitz, ready to support the operation of the 'Seals'!"

Note 1: On the evening of May 2011, 5 local time in Afghanistan, the SEALs successfully hunted down Ben**

Note 2: In the first half of 2011, Libya was in a civil war, and the NATO coalition forces led by France attacked the Libyan political axe

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