super robot clone

Chapter 42 Shanshan Capital

After seeing off the guests who came to the premiere, it was already 10:30, and Chen Xin returned to the hotel in the Audi a4 prepared for him by Jockey Galloping Film Company.

As soon as I entered the hotel lobby, I saw a waiter greet me and said, "Hello, is this Mr. Chen? There is a lady waiting for you at the booth of the coffee shop in the lobby."

Chen Xin was slightly taken aback, and followed the waiter's gaze. Due to the distance, he could only vaguely see a slim figure.

He was a little strange: "Did the other party say who he is?"

The waiter shook his head.

Chen Xin had no choice but to ask the waiter to take him there.

Before coming to the booth, Chen Xin frowned, he didn't know the woman in front of him.

The woman was probably less than 30 years old, very beautiful, with exquisite features, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses on her face, her hair was coiled up high, revealing a swan-like fair neck.

She was wearing a navy blue professional dress and a standard urban white-collar dress. She could only feel the low-key luxury under her elegant appearance from the inconspicuous ladies' watch with a million dollars on her cool wrist.

Seeing Chen Xin approaching, the woman stood up, with a bright smile on her face, she stretched out her hand and said, "Hello, Mr. Chen, I'm sorry to bother you."

Chen Xin shook hands with her, and asked doubtfully, "Hello, are you...?"

"Mr. Chen, this is my business card." The woman withdrew her hand from Chen Xin, took out a business card and handed it to Chen Xin, then took out a wet towel and wiped her hands calmly.

Chen Xin took the business card, frowned and said, "Shanshan Private Equity Investment Management Company? Mu Yunshan?

The woman nodded.

Chen Xin immediately became vigilant, handed back the business card to the other party, shook his head and said, "Sorry, our company is not short of cash now."

"Mr. Chen, don't rush to refuse." Mu Yunshan stretched out two fingers and said, "2000 million, we only need 20.00% of the shares, and we will withdraw in two years."

Chen Xin stood up and said, "I'm sorry, we have nothing to discuss about investing in Cybertron Digital. It's too late today, I think I need to rest."

Mu Yunshan said: "Mr. Chen, I'm talking about US dollars!"

Chen Xin smiled immediately, and said, "Thank you for your love, but it's impossible!"

Mu Yunshan said: "Mr. Chen, I think you need to think carefully. Besides, no matter what troubles your company encounters in the future, I think we can help you settle them."

Chen Xin shook his head and said, "Sorry, there's nothing to consider."

With that said, he left the lobby coffee shop without looking back.

Mu Yunshan took out a lady's cigarette, puffed it out, looked at Chen Xin's disappearing back, a smile appeared on her face, and said lightly, "You will agree."

She didn't notice that a piece of completely transparent liquid-like metal slipped under her feet, climbed onto the deck, and quietly entered the handbag next to her, and soon put the diamond-encrusted mobile phone worth hundreds of thousands After wrapping it up, Steel Iron coughed a few times, spit out a few diamonds, and complained: "Old Dou, this thing is too hard to digest, and it doesn't taste good. God knows how you humans like it so much."

Chen Xin said with a wry smile: "Just bear with it, and I'll give you another meal later."


Mu Yunshan drove a black Hummer through the viaduct. Compared with those delicate and luxurious sports cars, she preferred the aggressive shape of the Hummer. The body is thick and powerful. Only in this kind of car can she feel To such a vague sense of security.

When the phone rang, Mu Yunshan took out her phone and pressed the answer button, saying, "Hello, who is it?"

A young man's voice rang on the other end of the phone: "Sister Shanshan? How did you feel about the premiere of that movie?"

Mu Yunshan said: "It's very good, so after watching the movie, I went to find the person in charge of Cybertron Digital..."

The man laughed loudly and said, "Let me just say this, this company really has great potential. If you exchange 2000 million RMB for 20.00% of the shares, it's really not a loss at all."

Mu Yunshan said coldly: "But the other party refused, and I said 2000 million US dollars."

The man was taken aback for a moment, and immediately shouted: "Fuck, who dares to disrespect Sister Shanshan like this, Sister Shanshan, do you want me to find someone to fix him?"

Mu Yunshan frowned, and reprimanded: "Hu Yang, how many times have I said that you must use your brains in our business, especially when you and I are identities. A guy like you with a simple mind and well-developed limbs doesn't even know when he's being raped!"

The man named Hu Yang was as obedient as a kitten in front of Mu Yunshan, and said with a playful smile: "Aren't I complaining for Sister Shanshan? Who dares to make Sister Shanshan unhappy for a while, I will make him unhappy for the rest of his life!"

Mu Yunshan snorted coldly, and said: "I will solve this matter myself, don't make trouble for me, and also, don't yell at me everywhere, be careful if I don't clean up you to death!"

Hu Yang shuddered, and said with a smile on his face: "Don't worry, sister Shanshan said so, how dare I..."


In the hotel room, Chen Xin turned on the laptop. Gang Bian had already sent some of Mu Yunshan's information to Chen Xin's computer.

These materials were gathered from the national security department and the public security department, but they were still pitifully scant. Except for the names of Mu Yunshan's parents, the rest were very vague information.

For example, on a certain day in 1990, Mu Yunshan was studying at a certain elementary school in the capital.

On a certain day in 1996, Mu Yunshan was studying in a certain middle school.


These materials were as clean as a virgin, and they were of no use to Chen Xin. Perhaps the only thing that was useful was the names of Mu Yunshan's parents.

Chen Xin thought for a while, called Yu Shijian, and asked, "Brother Yu, have you heard of Mu Yunshan?"

Yu Shijian was slightly taken aback, and said, "Mu Yunshan? Are you talking about the Mu Yunshan invested by Shanshan?"

Chen Xin said: "Yes, that's her!"

Yu Shijian said: "Brother Chen, where did you hear about this person?"

Chen Xin's heart moved, and he said: "She came to the hotel today, hoping to inject 2000 million US dollars into Digital Cybertron. I said that I have to think about it carefully, and I will give her an answer later."

Yu Shijian laughed loudly and said, "Brother Chen, congratulations, this is a great thing!"

Chen Xindao: "Brother Yu, what do you mean by that? Could it be that Mu Yunshan has a big background."

Yu Shijian said: "Brother, you are not in the capital, so you don't know. Mu Yunshan's background is not only big, it is unfathomable. Let me tell you this, in the capital, among the big yamen above the provincial and ministerial level, 80.00% of them People have contacts with her, and 50.00% of them have shares in her company. Her grandfather is General Mu, a veteran of the party. He made great achievements in the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation. She still has an important influence. And she herself is very unusual. Although she is young, she has a reputation as Hua Mulan in the business world. She has a vicious vision and sophisticated methods, and companies that fall into her vision basically have Very good development prospects. In just four or five years, she has developed Shanshan Capital into a large private equity fund of more than 50 billion US dollars. It is said that Shanshan Capital’s annual rate of return exceeds 20.00%. I want to invest in Shanshan Capital, but I can't get it..."

Yu Shijian paused, and continued: "Brother Chen, if Mu Yunshan is interested in your company, this is an opportunity for Digital Cybertron to skyrocket, so you must seize it..."

ps: Sorry for being late, there will be an update tonight


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