super robot clone

Chapter 31 The Electromagnetic Spectrum

Chen Xin took out the laptop from the computer bag he was carrying, opened it and pressed the power button directly.

Su Xiaoxiao rewrapped her bathrobe and got off the bed. She was a little uneasy, and felt that she seemed to have done something wrong. She wondered if Chen Xin didn't like the way she was just now, and the liquid sprayed out from under her seemed to put Chen Xin's My hands were also dirty.

When she thought of this, her face was filled with embarrassment. She walked behind Chen Xin and said anxiously, "I...I..."

Chen Xin turned around and asked, "What's wrong?"

Su Xiaoxiao lowered her head, her pretty face blushed slightly and said, "Did I not do well enough just now?"

Chen Xin couldn't help laughing, stretched out his hand to stroke her face, and said, "What are you thinking? It has nothing to do with you. I forgot that there is still a very important business that needs to be dealt with. Go back to bed first and wait for me obediently."

"Oh!" Su Xiaoxiao nodded, and looked at Chen Xin's laptop curiously. She didn't know much about electronic products, but she could tell that this laptop was very high-end and elegant.

She went back to the bed, took off the bathrobe and threw it on the floor when Chen Xin was not paying attention, then quickly got into the bed, only her small head was exposed.


general staff.

The main culprit of the "Tokyo Terrorist Attack" was an f-2 fighter jet that crashed in the airspace of China, which immediately aroused great attention from the Chinese side. It crashed in the territory, and the pilot successfully parachuted without causing any casualties.

In addition, at the zzj meeting, the high-level officials made a resolution, led by the Intelligence Department of the General Staff, and gathered experts from the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of State, and the Technical Investigation Department of the General Staff to jointly form a joint investigation team for the 325 project. Peng Guochen, director of the Intelligence Department of the General Staff, was in charge of the investigation group leader.

The meeting room was filled with smoke, and Peng Guochen sat on the top of the meeting table, knocked on the table and said: "Comrades, the information has been distributed to everyone, everyone should understand the confidentiality code, I will not talk nonsense. Everyone is from The elites of the various functional departments include criminal investigation experts and criminal psychologists from the public security department, as well as experts from the Ministry of State An and the Technical Investigation Department, which shows that the chief attaches great importance to our 325 task force."

"I also hope that everyone can speak freely without any scruples. After all, what we are facing this time... the investigation object is extraordinary!"

For a while, Peng Guochen didn't know how to describe this investigative subject whom he had never met, enemy?friend?terrorist?

Criminal psychologist Ouyang Zhibin said: "Well, let me start first. Of course, I can only analyze it from the psychological aspect. In my opinion, whether it is the "Goddess of Dawn" incident two months ago or the day before yesterday The "Tokyo Terrorist Attack" at night all had quite obvious commonalities in their hearts. First, Wisdom Cube, the initiator of the "Goddess of Dawn" incident, released such a sensational news on a Chinese military forum in his personal capacity, with an obvious appeal The purpose of eyeballs is obviously personal, which is obviously different from organizations like WikiLeaks."

Ouyang Zhibin took a sip of tea and continued: "Secondly, in the 'Tokyo terrorist attack', I don't know if you have noticed a detail. Both F22 fighter jets crashed at the Yasukuni Shrine. I personally don't think this is a coincidence. Also, since the pilot was able to evade such strict searches by the United States and Japan and fly the fighter jet back to our country, I don't know how difficult it is from a military point of view, but it is enough to show that he started with a certain degree of confidence. The perpetrator. From these two cases, it can be seen that the perpetrator has an obvious aversion to the United States and Japan, and has obvious personal colors. I think the possibility of being Chinese is very high."

Gao Ming, an expert from the country, said: "I would like to add that when the pilot of the F-2 fighter jet skydives at sea, there must be a ship near the skydiving place to respond, but in this season, the seawater temperature is lower than 20 degrees, so it is impossible for people to soak in the water." Unable to withstand the long-term loss of body temperature. From this point of view, the perpetrators should have a very strict organization behind the crime. At present, the local security department has launched an investigation on the ship leaving the port that day, and I believe there will be news feedback soon. In addition, the domestic Fighter pilots are only for the military. To use one f-2 against two f22 fighters requires at least the strength of an ace pilot. In this way, the scope of the investigation will be greatly reduced. I suggest conducting a secret screening of our country's active and retired pilots check."

Peng Guochen said: "Comrade Gao Ming's opinion is very good. I hope you can issue an application investigation report as soon as possible. I will negotiate with the Air Force."

At this time, the door of the meeting room suddenly opened, and a person with the rank of lieutenant colonel broke in, saying: "Minister, the password of the encrypted file in the USB drive has been deciphered, which contains the electromagnetic spectrum of almost all Japanese air defense system radars." Signal characteristics, including large early phased array early warning radar, search and guidance radar of Patriot 3 missile system, e-2c, e-767 early warning aircraft radar, an/apg-22 airborne phased array radar used by f77, and There is a large amount of communication data and audio data of the Japanese C4ISR command system, and the data in the black box of the aircraft has also been deciphered, and experts from the Air Force are restoring the air combat based on the data in the black box."

Peng Guochen stood up immediately. He was a technical official, so he naturally understood the meaning of this news, which was completely beyond his authority.

You must know that in modern society, the electromagnetic spectrum is a very valuable strategic resource, and its significance cannot be overemphasized for a country and its military.

In fact, the tentacles of radio have reached every corner of human society.Especially in today's era of accelerating informatization, its powerful and special role in promoting economic development and safeguarding national security is incomparable and irreplaceable.

For example, during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, more than 10 pieces of radio equipment were used, which played a key role in timing and scoring, command and dispatch, security, and news promotion.However, it is not easy to ensure the normal operation of so many radio devices, because in such a complex electromagnetic environment, electromagnetic interference is easily generated.

At that time, there was such a dangerous situation: an important game was about to start, and the scoring system suddenly failed.The technicians on duty quickly activated the professional equipment and detected that the source of interference came from a catering support vehicle outside the competition venue.

It turned out that in order to maintain the temperature of the food, the car was equipped with a huge microwave oven, and the electromagnetic waves generated by it happened to be at the same frequency as the scoring system in the venue, forming electromagnetic interference.Fortunately, it is excluded in time, otherwise it will cause irreparable impact.

In the field of national defense and security, the harm caused by electromagnetic interference is far more serious than the failure of a set of competition points system.

In July 1967, the carrier-based F-7 "Phantom" fighter jet of the USS "Forrest" was interfered by the radar beam of the ship. The auxiliary fuel tank of an A-4 "Skyhawk" attack aircraft caused a series of explosions, eventually killing 1 people, seriously injuring 4, and destroying 134 aircraft.

The culprit for such a tragic "non-combat attrition" was actually a beam of electromagnetic waves!

Although this tragedy happened in the last century on an American aircraft carrier, it sounded the alarm to all countries in the world. Safety, not to mention defeating the enemy, I am afraid that the embarrassing thing of "self-defense" will be encountered first.

Therefore, in order to grasp relevant electromagnetic information from China, the U.S. military specially deployed electronic reconnaissance aircraft such as rc135 and ep-3 at the U.S. military base in Okinawa.

The rc-135 is one of the most advanced strategic electronic reconnaissance aircraft of the U.S. Air Force. This strategic electronic reconnaissance aircraft refitted from a Boeing 707 airframe has been improved in many ways since its inception, such as a, s, u, v, w, x and other models, among which the latest model is type x.

These types of reconnaissance aircraft can be used for the reconnaissance of signal intelligence, electronic intelligence and ballistic missile intelligence respectively. Among them, the rc-135s is the main model for reconnaissance ballistic missiles. It is equipped with high-precision optical detection devices and can measure the Warhead, its airborne electronic reconnaissance equipment can collect, process and analyze the radio frequency and related information of missile guidance, so this model is an important part of the US theater missile defense plan.

The rc-135v and rc-135w aircraft are somewhat different from the rc-135s.The target they focus on collecting is electromagnetic signals, and their task is to detect various electromagnetic wave information in the air in real time, and to locate, analyze, record and process the target.

The radar technology reconnaissance system can collect technical parameters such as the frequency of early warning, guidance and guidance radar, and locate them. Various radar parameters in the world are within its measurement range, and its measurement accuracy is quite high. The width of the measurement pulse can be accurate to Plus or minus 0 micron, azimuth can be accurate to plus or minus 1 degree.

The on-board communication signal reconnaissance system can detect audio, voice frequency, telex, telegram and other signals.A station at a distance of 1 to 600 kilometers can be detected at an altitude of 800 meters.The detected electronic signals are automatically recorded and transmitted to the ground station or returned to the base for processing through compressed communication.For particularly important information and intelligence, it can directly form intelligence through monitoring means and report it to the ground commander in time.

There is even a saying that when the rc-135 is flying in the southeast waters of China, most of the mobile phone communications along the southeast coast will be monitored by it. If keywords such as "taiwan" and "Formosa" are mentioned in the phone call, Then this call will be automatically recorded, and useful intelligence will be screened out from it.

Because of its excellent surname performance, coupled with its high frequency, very high frequency and extremely high frequency radio communication, radar and Doppler/gps/ins advanced navigation system, the rc-135 is the largest when performing reconnaissance missions The advantage is that it does not need to enter the enemy's airspace or be too close to the enemy's airspace, and can conduct reconnaissance activities in public airspace.

The main task of the other ep-3 electronic reconnaissance aircraft is to perform flight missions in international airspace alone or with other aircraft, providing the commander of the flying formation with real-time information on the tactical situation of the enemy's military forces.

To provide relevant intelligence to one's own personnel in the high seas, the crew can determine the tactical environment of the reconnaissance area through the analysis of intelligence data, and transmit the relevant information to the superior leadership as soon as possible, so that decision makers at all levels can focus on the progress of key forces make a decision.

I believe that everyone will never forget that on April 2001, 4, it was an ep-1 reconnaissance plane that set off from the Okinawa base, 3 kilometers away from Hainan Island, China, and a J-J-110 of the PLA Naval Air Force. 8 fighter planes collided, the Chinese pilot Wang Wei disappeared, while the US reconnaissance plane made an emergency landing at Lingshui Airport on Hn Island.

The 11 crew members of the U.S. military plane were immediately detained by the Chinese side and released on the 11th of the same month. The military plane was also dismantled and transported away on July 7 of the same year by an An-3 transport plane.

From this, it can be imagined that if our military masters the detailed electromagnetic spectrum characteristics of the United States and Japan, and makes targeted interference and monitoring, what kind of strategic advantage will be gained once a war breaks out.

Peng Guochen understood the significance of this matter, and said: "The meeting is adjourned now. All the tasks have been issued in the materials. If you have any comments or suggestions, you can discuss them in groups. Secretary Huang, call the General Office of the Military Commission. I need to see the chief immediately. ..."

Before the words were finished, another person came in panting. It was Li Minghao, a memory geek who followed Shi Nansheng to the JN military region yesterday.

He was out of breath from running, and almost plunged into the meeting room, shouting over and over again: "Department...Minister, Zhan...Zhan Sujuju, that sfa, strategicfooyouagency, it appeared."

Shi Nansheng, who was sitting next to Peng Guochen, handed a cup of tea to Li Minghao, and said, "Xiao Li, what happened, drink your saliva first, and talk slowly."

Li Minghao took the cup and took a few sips of water before saying: "It's the guy who made the 'Tokyo terrorist attack', the comrades in the data center deciphered the files in the USB flash drive, all the computers in the center were blacked out, and then all A dialog box popped up on the computer screen, and the other party claimed that he was a technician from the SFA Strategic Deception Bureau, and that F2 fighter jet was a gift for us, and now he wants to see... the minister."

Everyone at the scene was stunned. You must know that this is a supercomputer belonging to the intelligence department of the General Staff. It belongs to the military network system and is not directly connected to the ordinary civilian network.Moreover, the firewall on the computer inside is also quite powerful. It can be said that it is one of the places with the most stringent network protection in China, but the other party has also sneaked in without a sound.

As soon as he saw the huge amount of top-secret documents in the computer, sweat broke out on Peng Guochen's forehead all at once.


ps: Modified a bit, hope to pass

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