() "Wait! Infighting!" Murong Lin seemed to think of something in a flash.Regardless of the quarrels of his subordinates, he stood there quietly and thought silently.

"Is the commander of the imperial army of the Ming army on the opposite side the Zhou family? Is he loyal to the fourth prince of the Ming kingdom, and he is in conflict with the third prince of the Ming kingdom? Is the conflict between them irreconcilable?" It was not a day before the Yan kingdom wanted to invade the Ming kingdom. It has been two days, and I naturally understand the information of the Ming Dynasty in detail.As a general of the Yan State, he still has a good understanding of some situations in the Ming State.

Hearing Murong Lin ask so many irrelevant questions at once, the generals under him were startled, "This general will not be forced to lose his mind!"

Looking at Murong Lin's appearance, he was extremely cautious, even though he didn't understand.But the generals under him quickly told him what they knew.

One of them, a general who knew the Ming country well, said, "What the general said is true. The three princes of the Ming country had a bad reputation before, and their abilities seemed average. The Wu and Zhou families of the three great aristocratic families of the Ming country took refuge in early Now, the four princes of the Ming Dynasty who performed outstandingly, spared no effort to attack the third princes of the Ming Dynasty from all aspects. They have long been at odds with each other."

Then the general said unnaturally, "What's strange is that the commander of the forbidden army who came to support the third prince of the Ming Dynasty is Zhou Yunfan of the Zhou family. It is said that Zhou's family would like the third prince of the Ming Dynasty to die, so why would he agree to this?" Sending troops to help, could it be that they put their weight on the third prince of Ming Kingdom again?"

"The Zhou family doesn't get along with Liu Yu'er!" Murong Lin was very excited when he got the information he wanted, and stood up suddenly.Under the puzzled eyes of Zhongwei's subordinates, he shouted loudly, "Okay, that's great! I, Dayan, have no worries! The third prince of Ming Dynasty, I see how you should die now!"

In the county government office of Yuntai County, a single lamp was burning in the military tent.Zhu Biao was dressed in casual clothes, holding a military book in his hand, and read it quietly.After the battle with Murong Lin, Liu Yu even made up his own shortcomings.I am working hard to read military books and deepen my knowledge.

However, although he was chanting quietly, the silence in the tent did not mean that the whole camp was so quiet.In fact, the current imperial army is not only restless, but internal turmoil.

Liu Yu, the third prince, as the man of the Mingyan battle, effortlessly made the mighty Yan army on the opposite side surrender without a fight.The soldiers' admiration for him was spreading throughout the entire camp in the form of a prairie fire in the dark night.

News came this morning that the third prince sent cavalry to ambush the Yan army's grain and grass.Nearly [-] Yan army's grain transport elites were wiped out, and the [-] Yan army was in danger of food shortage.

As long as one side can't hold on, and monitor the other side at any time to prevent the other side from escaping.But for the Yan army on the opposite side, there are only two roads left.Surrender or starve to death.Upon hearing this news, all members of the Ming army were in awe of the third prince.

What really changed the soldiers from awe to admiration was the letter of surrender sent by the Yan army in the afternoon.General Murong Lin of the Yan Army clearly pointed out that he was defeated by the third prince.I hope that the third prince can personally accept the surrender of the Yan army, and say that he only obeys the third prince of the Ming Dynasty.

My most dazzling and most important honor does not come from my own bragging, but from the opponent's praise and submission.General Yan Jun's surrender letter just shows the excellence of the third prince.

Every soldier admires the brave generals on the battlefield, the generals who are considerate of the soldiers, and the generals who are cunning and victorious.Every soldier hopes that he can make contributions and honor his ancestors by the side of such a general.

This "hero-heavy" plot of the soldiers is that they expect themselves to follow a leader who has the lowest casualty rate in each battle, a leader who can take care of his own life and death, and a leader who can win every battle.The survival instinct that is inherent in birth is also a strong instinct to worship the strong.

And if one day, military exploits and life can be perfectly unified, then this person will be 100% the dream goal of soldiers.

But such a perfect target is really hard to find, the results are huge, and the casualty rate is low. For war, this is a contradiction in itself.Therefore, such characters should only exist in the expectations of soldiers, and are insulated from reality.

Being able to follow a victorious general is already the greatest expectation of a soldier.However, when a person who matches the perfect match in your heart suddenly appears one day in your camp or by your side, when your wish becomes a reality and it is clearly placed in front of you, that will be another one. How do you feel?

So, when Liu Yu got up the next morning to inspect the barracks as usual.The naked adoration in the soldier's eyes was even worse than that of the crazy fans before, and Liu Yu couldn't help being stunned.

In the following day, he even discovered that he seemed to be a star wherever he went in the station, and everyone he met excitedly saluted him.After I left, I could feel that I was being pointed at and discussed.

Liu Yu really couldn't stand the change of soldiers.After a few laps in the military camp, Liu Yu hurried back to the county government office to continue his great career of studying.

Not long after Liu Yu came back, some generals came to visit him.Liu Yu's performance in the past few days has also been noticed by the Imperial Army.These three princes are not only good at martial arts and martial arts, but the key family is still the first prince, and the possibility of ascending to the throne in the future is quite high.The army is not full of big bosses, but there are also quick-witted people.

The relationship between people must be brought closer by practical actions.Many generals in the Ming army have already expressed their affection and closeness to Liu Yu with his actual actions.

And Liu Yu was also willing to accept the generals who came to visit. Whether it was the attitude of the imperial guards to him before or the actual admiration now, they could not erase the fact that he had a bad reputation in the past.

With the help of these veterans in the army, it is very beneficial for Liu Yu to control the imperial army.Therefore, he didn't care whether these generals were really moved by his performance, or whether he was only limited to bringing benefits to them.As long as they come, put it away first.

"Your Highness, you know that disaster is imminent for you!" A middle-aged general stood in front of Liu Yu and said with a bow.

"Tell me—" Liu Yu didn't care about the general's alarmist words, and remained calm.It was as if what the other party was talking about was someone else and had nothing to do with me.

Seeing Liu Yu's performance, the middle-aged general nodded secretly, "The third prince is not only outstanding in ability, but also able to control himself very well, his emotions are invisible, he is indeed a very good object of allegiance.

For a sensible person like the third prince, the middle-aged general did not go around the bush, and said straight to the point, "Your Highness, your ability is too high, and you have seriously threatened the fourth prince. Recently, your reputation among the [-] forbidden troops has far exceeded General Zhou, after all, General Zhou is loyal to the Fourth Prince, and now he is afraid of you."

Liu Yu stared at the middle-aged general, and stared at him coldly for a while, and then said lightly, "What do you want to say, how dare General Zhou dare to harm His Highness then?"

The middle-aged general immediately knelt down on the ground, "Your Highness, the military power of the [-] forbidden troops around here is in the hands of General Zhou. Your Highness must guard against it! What if..."

After Yan Jun handed over the letter of surrender, Liu Yu, the third prince, had a high reputation among the Imperial Army.In one night, more than a dozen generals and lieutenants visited the third prince's residence.As long as he is not a fool, it is enough to see that it is only a matter of time before the third prince controls the [-] forbidden troops nearby.

This is of course not a good thing for Zhou Yunfan.That night, Zhou Yunfan, who couldn't sleep at night, summoned his confidants again.

Before the people who came could sit still, Zhou Yunfan said anxiously, "Everyone, the prestige of the third prince in the barracks is already unmatched. I am afraid that as long as the third prince speaks, we will not be able to control our soldiers! Before we The proposed plan may be handed over to the army by the third prince before it is implemented."

"Everyone, without military power, you are just a toothless tiger. I am afraid that you will be slaughtered! Considering the incompatible relationship between our Zhou family and the third prince, and the previous performance on the battlefield, I am afraid that the general will die by then. A place of burial."

Speaking of this, Zhou Yunfan's expression was ferocious, and he said viciously, "Everyone, we are all grasshoppers on the same rope. If there is something wrong with this general, don't try to please you."

The people who came could be said to be Zhou Yunfan's confidantes, and they all knew that their honor and disgrace all depended on Zhou Yunfan. "General, what the general wants to do, we will do"


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