"What do you want to do this time, or what do you want me to bear?" Ke Ke sighed and asked with restraint.

It seems that in the eyes of his father, she will always be just a tool that is used when it is useful and thrown aside when it is not.

"Coco, look at what you said, in fact, you don't need to bear anything, just help us find out some news." Lin Wuke really said that his face was not red and his heart was beating!Doesn't he have a trace of guilt in his heart?

"what news?"

"Yan's latest move!" Lin Wu thought about it, and added: "Actually, it's Yan Shao's recent schedule, you have to tell me in detail!"

"I can't do it!" Without even thinking about it, Ke Ke refused.

She still has lingering fears about what happened last time.

She didn't do anything, she was just misunderstood, and she was treated like that. If she really did something, she wouldn't be...

Ke Ke didn't dare to think about it anymore, anyway, she was really scared, and she didn't dare to offend him anymore.

"Ke Ke, what do you mean? Don't you listen to what your father said?" Lin Wu suddenly lowered his voice.

Ke Ke frowned, her attitude was very firm, "I said no, I just said no, I won't be your scapegoat!"

'Pa~~' Coco hung up the phone and went back to the ward.

"Mom, let me take you away. We will never go back to the Lin family again, okay?" Ke Ke understands the methods of the Lin family. Since she rejected them, they will definitely find a way to force her to agree. Her only leverage is her mother, so she has to stop this from happening.

But her mother's reaction disappointed Coco.

"Ke Ke, I won't leave. I want to stay with your father. I won't go anywhere." The mother's eyes were still firm, and she couldn't allow others to refute.

Ke Ke lowered her head helplessly, she could already imagine how she was forced to have no choice in the end.

Lili really wanted Keke's mother to agree to Keke's request, but it seemed impossible, and she couldn't force it, so she could only pat Coco on the shoulder comfortingly, and waited until she got home at night to find a solution.

"Yan, are you sure you don't need to tell the family?" Bai Yuze, who was sitting in the car, asked hesitantly.

Since they left the company that day, they haven't been back, and they haven't even made any phone calls.

Yan Shaobai glanced at Bai Yuze, knowing what he meant, so he wouldn't go along with him.

"It doesn't matter whether you fight or not. Do I have to report my itinerary to her?"

"Uh, Yan, that's not what you said. After all, she is your fiancee!" Bai Yuze was speechless, and then continued joking.

"Fiancee? Yu, when did you have this idea, or do you want to get married too!" Even if he is a good brother, Yan Shao will not let him be proud.

Finally, Bai Yuze gave up and gave him an angry look, "Yan, it's so boring to joke with you."

"Then don't open it, and who told you to make fun of me and her, I have already said that she is not the object of our jokes, she is not worthy, understand!" Yan Shao's expression is so serious.

But Bai Yuze wouldn't be intimidated by him, so he turned his head to look out the window with his lips curled.

Obviously you are the one who admitted that she is your fiancée in front of the public, even if you acted, you have to do enough, how could you draw the line so quickly!

In the evening, as soon as Keke and Lili went back to Yan's house, Keke pulled Lili worriedly and asked: "Lili, what should I do? They did my mother's injury on purpose. They want to force me to be their scapegoat. What should I do? I don't want to do it!"

"Wait, Ke Ke, you speak slowly, meaning that Auntie's injury was caused by them?" Lili was a little confused.

If this is the case, then Auntie should remember that someone tripped her on purpose, but why doesn't Auntie have the slightest impression?Did you just say that you accidentally tripped it?

Ke Ke nodded, "I guess so, otherwise they wouldn't force me to agree to their request at this time, obviously they are threatening me with my mother."

"What, it's so despicable!" Lili jumped up when she heard that, and she pulled Keke back to the hospital, "Keke, no, we can't do what they want, we'll take Auntie back tonight , so that they can no longer threaten you."

"Lili!" Coco pulled her back hard, pointed to the watch on the wall, and asked, "What time is it now, does the hospital still let you in? Besides, I didn't ask today, do you think it's just the two of us?" Can you take my mother out? What can we do if she doesn't want to?"

"But are you so willing to be threatened by them?" Lili got angry and yelled.

Ke Ke was surprised, then shook her head, "I don't want to, but can I change? Is it my choice to do what my mother did!"

Lili was speechless for a while, and looked at Keke apologetically, "Keke, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that."

"Well, I understand. I came back to ask you just to see if you can do anything." Ke Ke smiled helplessly.

Lili nodded, sat down, and thought about it quietly.

Suddenly, she looked up at Ke Ke, "Ke Ke, do you know what he asked you to do?"

"Let me be their eyeliner and tell them Yan Shao's whereabouts."

"Oh, isn't this easy to handle!" Lili's eyes began to glow slowly, getting brighter and brighter, and even the corners of her mouth raised.

"What's easy to do? You won't ask me to agree to their request!" Ke Ke looked unbelievable, and immediately raised his hand to veto the proposal in the next second, "Impossible, I won't do this Yes, am I looking for death?"

"It's not about letting you completely obey them, but you can agree to them and remind Yan Shao to cooperate with you in acting. If this is the case, everything will be resolved." Lili is confident full of words.

But Ke Ke's eyes widened the more she listened, "Lili, is this feasible? If they find out, my mother will just..."

"Hey, don't worry, as long as you find a way to convince Auntie during this period of time, wouldn't it be fine if you take Auntie away!" Lili despised Coco's IQ a little bit, and she didn't even understand the most basic procrastination.

But Ke Ke still felt that this method was not very good. If she could convince her mother, she would have taken her away long ago, and there was no need to wait until now.

"Okay, now we can only choose this way out of nowhere, do you want to offend this side for Auntie's sake?" Lili also chose this because she couldn't think of a way out, and she didn't actually want to.

"Well, if it's a last resort, I can only choose this way."

The next day, before dawn, Ke Ke got up and started to prepare food.When all the food was put on the plate and everything was packed, Lili also got up, ready to go to the hospital with Ke Ke.

"Ke Ke, if the Lin family forces you again today, just ignore it and buy some time if you can." Lili thought about it all night, and she also felt that delaying was not a solution, and one day Ke Ke would be exposed.

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