Love is cold and seldom: contract wife is difficult to marry

325. Lover's and Children's House

"Wife, now that my daughter's condition has improved, you don't have to worry anymore!" Yan Shao punished her by pinching her little nose, letting her know how much he worried about him sneaking out of the ward.

Ke Ke stuck out her tongue and said mischievously: "Okay, okay, I understand, I won't run around anymore, as long as you don't hide anything from me anymore."

"You know what else to hide from you now." Yan Shao reached out helplessly.

The only thing they wanted to hide was already known to her, so was there any point in hiding it?

"Haha, you're so good. Here's a reward for taking care of my daughter." As she spoke, Ke Ke hugged his head and kissed him lightly.

"My wife, it's not enough. This reward is too light. I want a big reward." Yan Shao said dissatisfied.

Ke Ke was startled, and asked, "Then what big reward do you want?"

"I want my wife to give me a few more children, and I want the children to form a small team, haha~~"

Before he finished speaking, Ke Ke had a black line at one end.

This guy is pushing his feet. He doesn't want to think about how to stop his family from being entangled in these troublesome things, but he is thinking about these things. Really... Really...

"To be discussed." Ke Ke threw Yan Shao's request to the far horizon with a blank stare, and waited until she remembered it and she was in a better mood.

"Wife..." Yan Shao acted like a baby unwillingly.

"To be discussed... Oh, by the way, I almost forgot one most important thing." Ke Ke hurriedly took the phone and dialed the old man's number.

The phone rang twice before someone picked it up.

"Hey, old man, how's it going? Did you get an answer?"

Father?Who is the wife calling?

Yan Shao looked at Ke Ke in puzzlement, and wanted to ask, but was interrupted by Ke Ke raising his hand, indicating that there was any question and he would talk about it later.

There was silence on the phone for a few seconds, and then the old man said as if he had made up his mind, "Girl, I promise you that my grandson will not do anything to you from now on. As for the others, you Whatever, I'm old and I don't want to care about it anymore."

"Well, what do you mean, old man, no matter what we do to their father and daughter, you won't intervene?" Ke Ke must be sure of this, otherwise he will intervene whenever you do something, isn't it a disturbance!

Over there, Mr. Mao smiled and said: "Girl, don't worry, I won't do anything to you from now on, you can figure it out, everything is left to you."

"Okay, let's make a deal." Coco said with satisfaction, hung up the phone, met Yan Shao's extremely puzzled expression, smiled, and said, "Dear husband, I need you to do something now, so that our life will calm down."

"Tell me first, who did you call just now? Old man, it can't be..."

Ke Ke nodded, "That's him. I have always negotiated with him on one condition, that is, I will help him find out the truth of the matter, and after he knows the truth, he will stop everything he and Mao Jie have done to us, so , from now on, we don't have to worry about what they will do over there, just do what we want to do."

"Wife, you..." Yan Shao didn't know how to describe his mood at the moment.

be surprised?Not at all!Excited?Not all!

"Wife, you are so wonderful, so outstanding!" After thinking for a long time, Yan Shao finally could think of these few words to describe Coco.

Ke Ke was disturbed by Yan Shao's emotions and didn't know what to do.

Is he happy?Still angry?The reaction is too big!

"Husband, if you're angry, I'll just tell you without telling you, don't do this!" Ke Ke laughed dryly, waiting for Yan Shao to get angry.

But Yan Shao didn't get angry, but happily hugged Ke Ke, kissed her vigorously a few times, and praised: "Honey, why didn't I realize that you are so capable before?"

"That's your blindness."

"Well, I didn't have vision before, but I won't in the future. I want to work hard with you to win our piece of the sky, haha~~" Yan Shao kept laughing, looking really weird.

Is he really not angry at all?

"Honey, if you're not angry, then go and end these things quickly, I don't want anyone to threaten me with my daughter in the future!" Ke Ke reminded weakly.

When Yan Shao heard this, he immediately stopped laughing, thought for a while, nodded heavily, and said, "Okay, my wife, wait for me, and I will deal with it right away. As long as there is no intervention from the Mao family, I guarantee that no one will come again in three days." disrupted our lives."

"Enen, go quickly, I'm waiting for your good news!" Ke Ke was really ashamed, and really didn't understand what he meant, so let him go to work quickly!

So, in the next three days, Ke Ke rarely saw Yan Shao, and it was Xiao Jing and her godfather who came to accompany her.Occasionally, I go to see my daughter alone, tease her, and watch her get healthy every day, and I am very happy.

In the operating room, my daughter's face was a heavy bluish-purple, but after the operation, the bluish-purple color became much lighter.But in the past two days, I can't see those colors clearly. Sometimes the respirator can be temporarily removed when she teases her, but it can't be removed for a long time.

Today, Ke Ke was discussing with Xiao Jing to let her godfather live with them after he was discharged from the hospital, when suddenly a piece of news on TV attracted his attention.

"Lin Wu, the former president of the Wu Group, and his daughter, Lin Qi, were formally arrested by the police for the rape incident. The case has been filed and the court will hear it soon..."

Watching the news broadcast, the stone that had been hanging in Ke Ke's heart finally fell, and she finally smiled with confidence.

Without Lin Qi's harassment, her life can quickly return to normal.

"This bad woman should be like this a long time ago. If she doesn't teach her a lesson, she won't know who she is." Xiao Jing said angrily.

After watching it, the godfather didn't make any comments.

In a lifetime, one really cannot do bad things, let alone feel ashamed, otherwise everything will be judged by God, and one day one will get the punishment it deserves.

The next day, Yan Shao appeared in front of everyone dressed neatly, and said energetically: "Everyone, the crisis of the Yan family has officially passed, and those who harmed us have been punished as they should be. We can resume our normal life before. so……"

He paused for a while, "So, today I am treating guests, and everyone will go to a private restaurant to celebrate, but..."

Yan Shao was really anxious to speak today, and stopped in the middle of speaking.

"Husband, can you finish the sentence in one breath, you want to kill us!" Ke Ke immediately rolled his eyes without losing face.

Immediately, Yan Shao ran over and begged for forgiveness, "My wife, I'm sorry, I was too happy, so I forgot."

"Forgot what? Forgot, hurry up and finish the following words for everyone." Ke Ke secretly pinched his waist.

Yan Shao took a cold breath and said, "But the injured can only eat some food for healing, and the others can do whatever they want."

"Ah! I don't agree, why, I want to eat, I want to drink!" Ke Ke was not happy.

Isn't this bullying her clearly, making her look like she can't eat it!

"Honey, the protest is useless, you can only obediently eat the patient's meal, or you will have to wait alone in the ward."

Threat, this is definitely a naked threat!

But the threat worked!It really left her speechless.

In the evening, everyone celebrated happily. After eating her own patient meal, Ke Ke kept thinking about her daughter. She wondered if she was obedient or not, and would she be bored?

"Honey, let's quietly go back to the hospital to see our daughter, I miss her." Ke Ke said in Yan Shao's ear.

Yan Shao nodded without thinking, "Actually, I also think about it. I haven't seen my daughter for many days. In this case, let's go as soon as we say."

In the midst of everyone's excitement, Yan Shao and Ke Ke sneaked back to the hospital, one on each side, quietly accompanying their daughter.

In fact, happiness is very simple. It is nothing more than a lover who will accompany you for a lifetime, a lovely child, and a home that shelters you from wind and rain!


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