Rebirth of the peerless macho

Chapter 76 Team Spirit

Once again the situation turned in favor of Class 190 of [-].

However, the one-sided situation at the beginning did not appear, and Zhang Dali began to passively slack off, dragging his feet back and forth, booing non-stop outside the arena.

At this time, Zhang Dali didn't care too much. If he didn't do this, he would have no place in No. [-] Middle School. Relatively speaking, offending Tian Hong was much better than offending Liu Jian.

The strange thing is that Tian Hong seems to have lost the spirit of the beginning, just keeps cooperating with his teammates, and is not in a hurry to attack when he gets the ball. Instead, he keeps creating opportunities and covering other teammates for goals.

Under Tian Hong's deliberate operation, the players in Class 190 of [-] became more active, and the stadium was full of them. On the other hand, after the arrogance of the school team was suppressed at the beginning, although the traitor Zhang Dali Helped to take the lead everywhere, but still unable to take the lead, and the score was always controlled at around five points.

Liu Jian has been silently watching the changes on the court.

He could see that Tian Hong seemed to be honing the rookie team through this kind of actual combat.

The progress is palpable.

In a short period of time, this team has become less selfish. After getting the ball, most of them will pass it to a player with a better position, instead of holding the ball and penetrating left and right alone.

Liu Jian didn't know that Tian Hong proved a conclusion from the advantage and disadvantage in the first half: basketball is a team sport.

This change is not accidental. Tian Hong, as a general of soldiers and horses, has always had a spirit of cooperation, but because of his strong personal force, others have turned their attention to him.

Tian Hong's change drove this jerky team.

This team has an invisible cohesive force, and it is Tian Hong who formed this cohesive force. Sumanman was surprised to find that this team that Tian Hong had never led before began to operate with Tian Hong as the center. They embody the obvious awareness of the overall situation, the spirit of cooperation and the spirit of service...

The team began to operate efficiently.

"Manman, this Tian Hong is not simple." Su Xiaofeng's eyes became serious.

"Brother, can you stop talking... ah... what's not easy?" Su Manman was watching with gusto, at first he looked displeased, but when he heard that he was commenting on Tian Hong, he immediately became interested.

"This man, has a natural charisma, he knows how to seize the opportunity, you see, at the beginning, he galloped left and right on the court, walking alone, which caused dissatisfaction among some players, and many people got the ball. He didn’t even give it to him. He immediately reflected on it and realized his mistake. Then, he began to sacrifice the opportunity of his personal show, and let his teammates have the opportunity to take the ball and throw it. You see, the ball just now, he obviously had a chance to make a layup Yes, but he gave the opportunity to a player beside him..."

"So what?" Su Manman didn't care, and gave Su Xiaofeng a blank look.

"Manman, Dad and I mentioned this kind of person, this kind of person is either a treacherous person, or a natural leader..."

"Fuck, what a villain, a leader... It's a mess, don't talk about it, I want to watch the game."

"Manman, whether it's a villain or a leader, in short, this kind of person is very dangerous, you'd better stay away from him..."

Su Xiaofeng's voice became smaller and smaller, and he looked frustrated, because Su Manman didn't listen to him at all, but concentrated on watching Tian Hong directing the game on the court.

Why!Girls go out...

When Su Xiaofeng was sighing, Liu Jian also looked at Tian Hong galloping on the field with a solemn expression. Of course, what he was thinking about was not big treachery, and he didn't have time to think about these issues. What he cared about most now was winning or losing.

At present, the advantage of the school basketball team is very weak.

It doesn't matter that the advantage is weak, what matters is that Tian Hong seems to have completely controlled the rhythm on the court now, if this trend continues, it will definitely not be easy to win.

Thinking of this, Liu Jian requested a timeout.

There are 33 minutes left in the second half, the score is 29 to 190 points, the score distance is very small, this is a very dangerous distance, because, as long as Class [-] scores two two-point goals in the remaining time, they can win one. point.

When Liu Jian asked for a timeout, almost everyone thought that Liu Jian would play in person, but Liu Jian didn't play. He just gathered some people around and whispered. After whispering, he looked at Zhang Dali. After taking a look, there was a ferocious look in his eyes, and Zhang Dali nodded knowingly...

When the team walked to the court again, both Su Manman and Cao Qinqin had a bad feeling. Obviously, Liu Jian's eyes were malicious.

"Brother, I'm going to change clothes..." Su Manman said in a hurry.

"What are you doing?" Su Xiaofeng couldn't help being taken aback.

"Liu Jian will definitely let Zhang Dali play tricks, no, I have to replace Zhang Dali." Su Manman said angrily.

"Your Majesty, the competition is over when you change your clothes. Besides, you don't want Tian Hong to win and become his woman..." Su Xiaofeng said with a wry smile.

" fart!" Su Manman blushed to the neck immediately, and slapped Su Xiaofeng's head. Su Xiaofeng had expected it a long time ago, and he backed away just in time to avoid it.

"Look at the game. If Liu Jian tries to play tricks, no one can stop him. Here in City C, he is the king of No. [-] middle school."

"The it a tiger..."

Su Manman snorted, but she let Su Xiaofeng go, her eyes were fixed on Tian Hong's body, her heart was beating violently, the ambivalence of hoping Tian Hong wins and not wanting to be a trophy made her feel a little anxious.


The court began to change. The school basketball team began to foul crazily. In just 3 minutes, they were warned several times by the referee and made a free throw. The score was pulled to 33 to 31.

Tian Hong, who was in the vortex, had a warning sign in his heart, and a dangerous atmosphere permeated the field...

The confrontation on the court became more and more intense, the smell of gunpowder became more and more intense, and the physical contact became more and more frequent.

The remaining time is less than 10 minutes, because at the beginning they were very careful and rarely fouled. Now, time is running out, and the players seem to have no fear and are looking for opportunities to cause damage to each other.

The atmosphere on the court became tense.

The audience watching the game also felt the strong smell of gunpowder, and they all watched quietly. For a while, there were no applauding and applauding people, and there was a strange silence on the playground.

However, the situation in Class 190 of 190 is quite severe. Compared to the school basketball team, the players in Class 190 of [-] are much inferior in height and physique. Zhang Dali, the strongest among them, is also a traitor. , which put Class [-] of [-] at a disadvantage in this tough confrontation...

The confrontation became more and more fierce. In just 5 minutes, the two sides fouled more than ten times. Almost everyone fouled. Some even fouled four times, and they were about to be sent off once.

Both sides had free throws, and each had gains and losses, but the score was still stalemate at 39 to 36.

3 minutes left!

There was a sneer at the corner of Liu Jian's mouth, and he gestured towards the tank. The tank made an "ok" gesture knowingly, and his strong body suddenly increased. He really rushed towards Tian Hong like a heavy tank. At this time, The ball is in Tian Hong's hands...

An extremely dangerous feeling rose up, Tian Hong counted the teammates around him in a blink of an eye, he found that now he has no chance to pass the ball, almost all the passing routes are blocked, the only pass The direction is Zhang Dali.

"Give me the ball!"

Zhang Dali grinned ferociously, and rushed towards Tian Hong.

One in front and one in back, two huge bodies with a combined weight of more than 200 kilograms attacked Tian Hong back and forth, with a terrifying momentum...


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