
It's amazing!

"Student Tian Hong, can you restore them?" Suddenly, the physics teacher woke up and touched the stones and branches with a distraught expression.

"Yes...but it will take a lot of time." Tian Hong suddenly felt that his head was getting bigger.

"It's okay, we have plenty of time."

At this time, the teacher of the next class was already standing outside the door, and the physics teacher rushed out to negotiate with the teacher. The teacher looked at the podium and left suspiciously.

"Okay, we have enough time now." The physics teacher ran back and looked at Tian Hong excitedly.

"it is good."

Tian Hong reluctantly started to arrange again, and the physics teacher watched every movement of Tian Hong very, very carefully, even Tian Hong's thinking expression was not let go.

The physics teacher found that the shape he made at the beginning had no effect, and now the shape Tian Hong made is an irregular polygon.

This time, it took Tian Hong five to ten minutes to line up the repelling formation until the next class.

After setting it up, the physics teacher didn't say much. He had already called an assistant, and the two of them carried the podium and ran away. When the teacher of the next class came in, he looked at the empty podium in a daze...


Tian Hong didn't know that his rebel formation was first sent to the home of his physics teacher's tutor, and then sent to Beijing by heavily armed police. Three days later, after countless bumps, he was sent to a secret place, this place It is a magnificent underground complex guarded by heavily armed forces. Reinforced concrete is the main feature of this complex. There are only two abbreviated English letters in this place: yn.

In a large basement hall, there is the podium of Class 190 in the middle, which looks lonely. The physics teacher sits in a corner, a little embarrassed, and looks at the surrounding soldiers wearing general stars on their shoulders from time to time...

On the other side, China's top physicists are all sitting together, talking in low voices.

"Dr. Qian, is there any result?" An old man with several stars on his shoulders stood up, walked slowly to the edge of the podium, and looked at the stones and branches on the podium with a solemn expression. He hasn't had a good night's sleep for almost a week.

"Through instrument detection, these ordinary stones form a subtle energy release..." An old man with gray hair and wearing a white uniform walked up to the front of the podium and gave a slight signal. An electronic screen slid down from the sky not far from the podium.

"Let's put it in a simple way." The general frowned, not angry.

"General, it is very complicated to say, but it is actually very simple. It is most intuitive to use the principle of nuclear reactors. An atom is composed of a nucleus and electrons outside the nucleus. The nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons. When the nucleus of uranium 235 is bombarded by external neutrons, An atomic nucleus will absorb a neutron and split into two nuclei with smaller masses, and release 2-3 neutrons at the same time. The neutrons produced by this fission will bombard another uranium 235 nucleus, causing new fission. This continuous process is A chain reaction of fission. The chain reaction generates a lot of heat..."

"Is this a small nuclear reactor?"

"No! No! I'm just saying that it's similar in theory. According to our current understanding of science and technology, any substance contains energy, such as straw and wood, which can generate energy when burned, and stones are rich in metal ores. Matter also has energy, and its energy is negligible. We measure it through instruments. This polygon, similar to a nuclear reactor, has a very precise structure. The distance, angle and distance between stones and trees are very particular. We move a micron, and the structure immediately loses its energy..."

"That is to say, it is impossible to copy?"

"Yes, this is impossible to replicate, because we cannot obtain stones of the same size and branches of the same size. Even if we obtain stones and branches of the same size, we cannot guarantee that the substances in the stones and branches are exactly the same. " said the gray-headed doctor.

"Why was that boy able to create two structures similar to nuclear reactors in a short period of time?" The general put his hands on the repelling array, feeling the magical power.

"General, we have made a speculation through Mr. Hu's introduction. This young man has an ability. He can calculate the substances in stones and trees in a short time, or ability." The old doctor thought for a while and said. .

"Why?" The general's eyes fell on the embarrassed physics teacher.

"Because...because...because classmate Tian Hong...seemed to be very cautious when placing these stones and branches, and kept thinking...Of course, this is not important. The most important thing is that the structure of the first time and the structure of the second The structure of the second time is completely different, and there is nothing in common. I think that the structure of the first time should change the internal structure of the stone branches. Therefore, Tian Hong had to spend energy to recalculate the distance and angle of the stone branches. To achieve energy release..."

"Well, there is some truth, but I don't understand one thing. The substances in nature release energy in the form of release, such as volcanic eruption, such as burning, etc. Why can this structure be stable and form a transparent cover? The general nodded, motioning for the standing physics teacher to sit down, and his eyes fell on the old doctor again.

"General, this is exactly what we don't understand, and it's what we need to understand."

"Okay, I need an answer as soon as possible, if we can master this technology, we can put a protective coat on our aircraft cannon' spaceship, and even our soldiers can wear it, which is very important!"

"Yes, General."

"I will let the bureau fully cooperate with you. If you have any difficulties, just call me directly. In addition, I will let Ma San and Gong Beier cooperate with you."

"Yes...Ma San, Gong Beier..." Hearing these two names, the old doctor showed an ugly expression on his face, and the other scientists also smiled wryly.

"By the way, if it is not necessary, try not to disturb Tian Hong's life." The general ignored the old doctor's expression and said to himself.

"Yes, hehe, I think Tian Hong should be happy to see us, at least we can tell him that what he made is not a perpetual motion machine."

The old doctor smiled, and some scientists in white overalls let out a good-natured laugh.

Obviously, Tian Hong's repelling array is just a kind of energy conversion, similar to a nuclear reactor, no matter how long the nuclear reactor can run, but you can't say that the nuclear reactor is a perpetual motion machine, the reason is as simple as that.

A group of scientists are looking forward to meeting the mysterious boy...

Of course, Tian Hong naturally didn't know that the rebel formation was sent away immediately after leaving the classroom to be studied by the top physicists in the country.

After the physics class ended, Tian Hong walked out of the classroom immediately. He didn't like being surrounded by a group of people who didn't have the slightest discipline.

After hastily eating lunch, Tian Hong's goal is still the library.

High school libraries are not like university libraries. High school students struggle with the sea of ​​questions every day and have no time to read books at all.

Most of the time the library is deserted, and occasionally some people who like to read don't know Tian Hong.

However, in this situation, Tian Hong was left clean.

The library was quiet, and Tian Hong found a few physics books. With his understanding of modern knowledge, he found that his thinking had entered a dead end, and his ability was contrary to the scientific knowledge of this world.

Tian Hong really wants to find common ground or an entry point from modern knowledge.

Why doesn't the universal gravitation of the earth have any effect on my soul?

Why can the ancient array change the common sense of physics?

There is a heavenly palace in the sky, and eighteen layers of hell underground. However, through human exploration, the outer space is just a vast and desolate starry sky, and the underground is also a layer of rock and soil.

There is no such thing as Tian Hong and the eighteen levels of hell, whether in the sky or the underground, but these things do exist. At least, his spirit has entered Fengdu City, and he has also been with the Yin Emperor, the Ten Palaces of Yama, and others. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva fought a great battle.



Looking at the explanation about gravity, Tian Hong fell into a daze.

Tian Hong didn't know that he was walking into a terrible dead end, the consequences were very serious, and he was in danger of going crazy at any time.

Compared with modern humans, whether it is moral concepts, legal concepts, or book knowledge, these are two contradictory spiritual worlds.

With Tian Hong's current knowledge, it is extremely dangerous to go back to the bottom line.

"Tian Hong!"

A sweet voice interrupted Tian Hong's thinking, and he was taken aback. When he looked back, he realized that Su Manman had stood behind at some point, with a proud expression that he finally found you.

"Huh?" Tian Hong didn't like to be disturbed while reading, and there was a hint of displeasure on his face.

"Student Tian Hong, you seem to have forgotten the basketball game that was promised tomorrow!" Seeing Tian Hong's displeasure, Su Manman's original smile immediately turned cold as ice.

"Basketball game!" Tian Hong couldn't help being taken aback. He really forgot that his obsession with physics knowledge has made him devote himself wholeheartedly to it recently, so he didn't care about the basketball game.

"You still have the chance to practice on the last day, are you free this afternoon?"

"...Yes." Tian Hong hesitated for a moment, put down the book, he still didn't want to lose to Liu Jian, this was completely a subconscious behavior.

"Well, I borrowed a court from someone, and we'll go there now." After all, Su Manman had the mentality of a young girl, and when Tian Hong agreed, he immediately said happily.

"Why borrow the stadium, can't it work here?" Tian Hong asked doubtfully.

"You're not afraid of losing face, I'm afraid of losing face." Su Manman said angrily.

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