evil life

Chapter 119 Ask Yin Soldiers to Save the Golden City

Chapter 110 IX Ask Yin Soldiers to Save the City of Gold

Abram and Xiaoyu rode horses to the field under their jurisdiction, looked at this year's crops, and smiled at Xiaoyu: "Brother, look at this year's wheat harvest, it is another good harvest. We will follow your instructions, to buy other people's food."

Xiaoyu frowned, and a voice came from his heart, saying: "Go and save the city of gold, his city lord believes in me?"

Abram looked at Xiaoyu as if he was absent-minded, and didn't listen to him at all: "Brother Xiaoyu, what's the matter? It seems that something is wrong with you today."

The little fish rode on the horse and said to Abram, "Abram, can you send an elite army to rescue a city?"

Abram asked, "What city?"

"City of Gold! Can you go?"

When Abram heard this, he felt a little headache, and said, "You know, little fish, I was notified two months ago that the Syrians were going to attack the Golden City, and I was already on guard. Why do you still let me Where are we going? Is it God's direction?"

Xiaoyu said sadly: "Okay, it's fine if you don't go." Thinking to himself, how to rescue them?As long as they are rescued, the crisis on Abram's side will be resolved, and I can go back.

History seems to be a bit different.

Abram said: "Little fish, my brother, you know, they used nearly 10 people. How could I be able to deal with it?"

Xiaoyu: "Okay! I'll figure it out myself."

Abram was a restless man, helping the people harvest the ripe wheat.

Tall city walls.A mountain of dead bodies.Arms and thighs were separated, and decapitated bodies were strewn about.Blood razed the entire Golden City to the ground, and the bloody scene made people shudder.

The Syrian soldiers came to the main hall of the city of gold with gold and treasures in their hands.

The entire hall is resplendent and magnificent, with beautiful sculptures and expensive Chinese silk, piled up in front of the king of Hadayalan. He drank human blood and sat on the throne of the city of gold. Kneeling under him was the Elisha, the lord of the city here.

Elisha's wife and children all knelt down to King Hadad. Elisha looked at his wife and cried, "Aren't you leaving? Why are you coming back?"

Elisha's wife said, "We are the Lord who rewards and the Lord who takes away. You are not afraid of anyone. Stand up like a man. I have never been afraid of death. Why are you still afraid? Are you not as good as a woman?"

When Elisha heard his wife stop drinking, he suddenly understood. He glared at Haran and cursed: "You pig? Give me a good time, don't make me suffer like this, I'm still the lord of the city here."

"Hahaha, do you know whose blood I drink?"

Elisha wept again and said: "Whoever it is? Give me a good time, don't let me be ashamed." Several beautiful ladies said to Elisha: "My king, we don't want to die yet, we don't want to die. Very young, we can have children." Kowtow to Hada non-stop.

"It's the blood of your child who just turned one month old, hahahaha" burst into wild laughter.

The entire palace was surrounded, and Elisha had no safe place to go.

Mrs. Elisha scolded them angrily: "You bastards, scum who betray your master and seek glory, as Elisha's wife, I despise you!"

Hada walked up to a concubine, and said: "Look up, let me see, you are so beautiful, even more beautiful than my wives, it must feel good to lie on your body." Just as he was speaking, he stretched out his hand and tore it off. The brocade clothes of that concubine.

Hada waved his hand, leaving a few available people, and the remaining generals turned and left the palace with their heads bowed.His generals knew what the king was going to do.

Elisha trembled violently and cried, "Let go of Yana, let go of your dirty hands." To no avail.Watching Hada put Yana on the throne, she took the initiative to serve King Hada.

Lady Elisha: "Yana, if you are the king's woman, you will die!"

This is a great humiliation for a king.

Yana: "I'm dead! Haha! It's ridiculous, how did you treat me when you were queen?"

Hada put on her clothes with satisfaction, and said, "Yana, I can spare your life."

She saw Hada put the knife not far from her in a relaxed manner, and suddenly she grabbed Hada's saber and slashed at Hada——

After all, Hada was the leader of the horse, with incomparable strength and quick reaction. After recapturing it, he killed Yana with one blow.

Mrs. Elisha laughed and said, "Hahahaha, great job! This is Elisha's woman."

The surrounding concubines were all chopped off one by one by the angry Hada, leaving only his wife.

Elisha cried tremblingly: "Yana, you are my good concubine, hahahahaha, kill it! Kill it! Kill it! Hahahaha"

After killing the woman, Hada said angrily, "Order! Massacre the city!"

The generals got the order and said in unison: "Yes!"

Hada's body was covered with blood, but it was all the enemy's blood, not a drop of it belonged to him.He walked up to Elisha's wife, pointed the point of his knife at the neck of Elisha's wife, and said to Elisha: "Tell me, there must be more than this in gold. Your gold can be piled up into a mountain, but it's just like this now." Little. I sent troops just for the gold! If you don’t want your wife to be humiliated—” He put the tip of the knife on Mrs. Elisha’s neck, threatening Elisha.

Mrs. Elisha looked at her husband in despair, without a single tear, she smiled, and shouted to her husband, "This is the end of our marriage, may the Lord be with you!" After she finished speaking, she swooped hard— The body fell to the ground.

Elisha cried loudly, "O Lord! I am entering your kingdom today, please remember me." After speaking, he closed his eyes and waited for death.

On the contrary, Hada admired the lord of the Golden City a little bit, returned to the golden throne and thought about it, and said, "Send him to the prison in our capital, and take care of him with good food and drink."

The soldiers were just about to take Elishaab away.

Hada hesitated: "Wait a minute, I have something to ask him."

Elisha, laugh out loud, do you have anything else to ask me?Ridiculous, the city was taken away by you, what else do you want?How long are you going to humiliate me?

Hada looked contemptuously at the kneeling King of the City of Gold, and said, "Elisha, I heard that Abram has a great prophet. Is it true?"

Elisha: "Unexpectedly, you also believe in the prophets. Don't you have gods? Go ask them."

Hada's guard gave Elisha a heavy blow and said, "Answer seriously."

Elisha was forced to take a deep breath, and said: "Yes, there is a prophet who is almost omnipotent, and he is sent by God to save us. Hahahaha."

Hada thought to himself, he can't let his blood stain my land, and said: "Put him on the top of the city, and let him watch his people being hacked to death one by one."

The soldiers said: "Yes! My king!"

The lord of the golden city of Elisha walked slowly, slowly, on the steps of the city wall built by his ancestors. It's long and seems endless.

The Syrian soldier urged: "Hurry up!" and beat him with a whip.

Elisha prayed to God in his heart, climbed to the top of the city, turned around and said to the only common people: "People! I did not do well as your king. I made you homeless. I am sorry for you."

A man of integrity said to Elisha, "My lord! We all believe in God, so here we are dying, and we must praise our God, our Lord."

Only the people in the entire Golden City sang hymns in praise of Jehovah loudly. The voice shook the heavens and the earth, and a sad atmosphere enveloped them. Everyone sang in unison, causing the earth to shake.

King Hada of Aram sat on the throne, drinking blood wine, the ground shook for a while, he suddenly looked up at the golden dome, and felt something was wrong, the ashes fell on his shoulders.

Hada ordered to evacuate the palace quickly. Not long after leaving, the whole palace collapsed in a violent shaking. He breathed a sigh of relief and thought to himself, this is too unlucky. I have to go back and make a fortune. Did I kill the woman? for the sake?Suspect.

After Xiaoyu left Abram, he rode his war horse to a place, the cemetery of their ancestors in the Golden City. Two tall giant pillars stood in front of him, with inscriptions engraved on them.He thought to himself, this might be the gate to the underworld.He really can't even get through this door, what should we do?

A group of fast horses ran over to a woman, and said to Xiao Yu: "You have something to do, why didn't you call me?"

Xiao Yu turned around and said, "Why are you here? Sharjah, what are you doing here if you don't serve Abram?" Seeing Sharjah gave her a headache. Sharjah was one of the maidservants Sarai brought from Egypt. .

Xia Jia giggled and said, "Your eyes told me, why? I'm not welcome?"

Xiaoyu smiled and said: "This place is too cloudy, it is not suitable for you, what you have learned is only superficial, you should go back!"

Xia Jia looked at the fan ### and said: "I didn't expect that you, an angel, would sometimes be unable to enter a place? I'll come."

The entire cemetery was shrouded in darkness, and it was written in the local language on the cemetery, do not disturb.

Xiao Yu saw her weird way, and smiled, "Can you open this door?"

"Of course. My mother is an Egyptian priest, so she understands this." She actually opened the gate of the nether world.

The moment the gate of the netherworld was opened, a huge gust of Yin Qi gushed out from hell.

Xiaoyu said to Xia Jia: "You'd better stay away from this place, otherwise the Yin Qi will kill you."

Xia Jia said to Xiaoyu: "Okay! Brother Xiaoyu, I will leave first."

When Xiaoyu saw her leave, he let go of his heart.

Xia Jia looked back at Xiaoyu, and was shocked to find that Xiaoyu was wearing white clothes, which were not the clothes he usually wore. They were very beautiful. The clothes shone with golden light, and said excitedly: "It's really an angel, Mom, I Is it okay to marry an angel?" My heart beat wildly.

"Everyone, I'm sorry to interrupt your rest, but I have no other choice. I don't have a soldier in hand, so I can only let you go out."

The little fish was shining with golden light, and he drew out the soft sword that was shining with blue light to protect himself.Slowly walking in the depths of the darkness, to the core of the cemetery, what I saw was a mountain of skeletons, all of which were fragmented.

Nianli quickly assembled all the skeletons and skeletons like a chain.Their eyes shone blue.

In this big scene, a skeleton wearing a crown and covered in golden armor walked up to Xiaoyu, knelt down on one knee, and said, "Follow the orders of the Phoenix God."

All the ghosts knelt down to Xiaoyu and said, "Follow the orders of the Great Phoenix God."

Xiao Yu said to them: "Your descendants are now in danger of exterminating the clan. I can't afford to send troops, so I have to let you go out again. Are you willing?"

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