Rourou frowned, opened his eyes, and saw a few maids running towards the inner courtyard.

An ominous premonition rose in my heart: "Dongfang Aoshi, what do you want to do?"

Shouldn't he be going to lift those two maids out and throw them into the lake again?

"What? The prime minister's daughter has not yet married into the palace, and even this king's housework has to be taken care of?" Dongfang Aoshi smiled, his eyes were dark and cold.

This scumbag!

Sure enough, it was the idea of ​​hitting those two maids!

He squeezed his fist gently, his nails sank into his flesh, and he really wanted to slap him away.

But being tied up like this, there is no way to do it. All I can do is bruise on my chest, and sneer coldly, "How dare I take care of the prince's family affairs?"


Dongfang proudly raised his eyebrows, making it clear that he was making excuses for his conclusion.

"When—" Ruan originally wanted to argue with him, but when she opened her mouth, she felt that arguing with a scum like Dongfang Aoshi was a waste of time and life!

It may even make Dongfang Aoshi even bigger!

Although Ruan didn't feel that it was her responsibility to keep the two maidservants alive, she didn't want to take advantage of her to take advantage of them.

So, he shut his mouth and stopped talking.

Do you think nothing will happen if you don't say anything?

Dongfang Aoshi smiled, "Come here, teach this king's concubine what obedience is."

"Yes, my lord."

During the respectful reply, several servant girls surrounded Wen Rou.

"Dongfang Aoshi, what do you want to do?"

Dongfang Aoshi didn't answer, sat back on the chair and leaned lazily.

The faint sunlight shone down, casting shadows on Dongfang Aoshi's body.

Half of his face is hidden in the shadows, and the outline is still three-dimensional, as if carved out, without any flaws——

The eyebrows are like stars, the lines are resolute, and they are even more perfect than those drawn.

Gentle frown.

The clothes on Dongfang Aoshi's body were splashed with ink, and his face was also dotted with ink, and he even looked a little embarrassed.

But such an embarrassing demeanor does not look ugly at all, but has a kind of flawed beauty.

Wenrou has to admit that Dongfang Aoshi is a man who can turn all living beings upside down, no matter which dynasty he was born in, he will be.

It's a pity that his personality is so scumbag that he can compete with the devil.

She had already taken Wen Wan, yet she still attacked herself.

This alone has reduced Ruan Wen's impression of him to a negative number, and sent him to death row!

The scum is too handsome, but he is still a scum!

Gentle glanced at Dongfang Aoshi with contempt.

Dongfang Aoshi got up and walked over, took a look at the sparkling lake, "I'm in a good mood today, I can give you another chance."

She turned her head gently and arrogantly, without even looking at him.

"...It seems that you prefer going to the lake rather than receiving the warmth of the sun on the shore." Dongfang Aoshi's face darkened slightly, and every time he said a word, his black eyes became darker, until it was stormy.

Gentle or ignored.

"Gentle, I'll give you one last chance."

Gentle and cold, he pretended not to hear it.

"That's right. I hope you can maintain your integrity until the end." Dongfang Aoshi sneered.

Suddenly, "plop -" sounded.

There was a huge splash on the lake.

Before everyone realized what was going on, Dongfang Aoshi kicked Wenrou into the lake!


He didn't expect that Dongfang Aoshi would suddenly kick someone, Wen Rou didn't pay attention, and drank a big mouthful of water to go in, choking almost out of breath.

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