Xu Rongrong waited for a long time, but never got Zhan Yiyang's call back.

It was dark and the sky was bright again, she waited in the dark for most of the night, the black side changed side by side, Zhan Yiyang never had any information.

The next day, Xu Rongrong decided to go to the army to find Zhan Yiyang.

Among the two, there must be one who does not give up, otherwise the two of them are really over.

Besides, she lied to Zhan Yiyang twice, he was really angry.

Sadly, she had no idea how to get to the troops.

Standing downstairs in the community, Xu Rongrong felt melancholy.

Just as she was sighing, she suddenly felt someone put a hand on her shoulder, and something hard was pressed against her waist.

She didn't think too much about it, she subconsciously thought it was Zhan Yiyang, and she was overjoyed, "Yiyang!" Turning around, she saw an unfamiliar face.

Very scary face.

Bad premonition began to surge in my heart.

"Don't move." The man said, "Xu Rongrong, Zhan Yiyang's new wife, right?"

"What do you want to do?" Xu Rongrong looked down, and saw that what was pressed against his waist was... a gun.

She thought that the black gun could only be seen in TV dramas, but now, it was actually on her waist.

"We just want to know something about Zhan Yiyang. Come with us obediently, we won't do anything to you? Go!" As he said, the man forced her into the car, and then she was blindfolded Eye.

There was only darkness left in the world, Xu Rongrong felt the threat so close to him for the first time.

Zhan Yiyang is the leader of an army, so he must know a lot of military secrets. What these people want is military information?

"I don't know anything." Xu Rongrong said.

"Oh, do you know what we want to ask? Don't panic, we know that Zhan Yiyang can't tell you military secrets. What we want to know... is about Zhan Yiyang, something you must know. "

"Do you want to deal with Zhan Yiyang?" Xu Rongrong's IQ is sufficient at this time, and he is very sensitive to smell the aggression.

"To be precise, we want his life. Little girl, don't you know? Your husband has a lot of enemies, and we are not the only ones in this world who want his life."

"I won't say anything." Xu Rongrong's tone was very firm. Zhan Yiyang's life was at stake, and she wouldn't make a joke of it.

"Oh, little girl, don't say this too early."

Next, Xu Rongrong just felt a heavy blow on the back of her head, her vision went dark, and she completely lost consciousness.

When he woke up again, he was woken up by splashing cold water.

The cold water flowed down her neck into her body like an awl. She shivered from the cold, but her mind began to clear up, and the scene in front of her eyes began to become clear.

She was locked in a wooden house, tied to a stool, surrounded by a mess, and there were many strong men standing around.

"Little girl, are you sleeping well?" A processed voice came from the speaker on the wall, which sounded weird.

Xu Rongrong quickly realized what was going on. She was captured by Zhan Yiyang's enemies, and they wanted to find Zhan Yiyang's weakness from her mouth and deal with him!

She can't say anything, she can't kill Zhan Yiyang!

"We know that you have been to Zhan Yiyang's troops, tell me how to enter his dormitory as quickly as possible, and the internal structure of his dormitory! And where are his weapons!"

"You want to kill him?" Zhan Yiyang looked at the moderately loudspeaker, as if looking at his enemy.

"Yes, if you don't answer the question obediently, we will kill you first!"

Xu Rongrong turned his head to the side, "I don't know anything, you are asking the wrong person."

"Very good! Let her know the consequences of lying!"


Before Xu Rongrong could realize what the group of people were doing, the bullets whizzed past her ears with deafening bang bang bang, as if they would hit her head at any moment.

She closed her eyes and didn't dare to move. The great fear made her tremble, and tears flowed down involuntarily.

Death was so close to her.

At this time, where is Zhan Yiyang?

"I'll give you another chance. If you don't say anything, the bullets will hit your head next time! Say it!"

Xu Rongrong opened his eyes and took a deep breath, "I won't tell you."

"Tie her to the electric chair!"

The electric chair that often appears in the interrogation bridge of the movie can shock people to death.

Xu Rongrong looked at the bluffing electric chair and laughed, "Well, I should really experience it."

"Reckless!" Two men tied her up, and one of them did not forget to persuade her, "What a simple question, as long as you answer us, we will send you home immediately. This electric chair is not a joke. You look so thin. Small and thin, he will lose his life in minutes."

"Then you will die too." Xu Rongrong smiled brilliantly, "Zhan Yiyang will kill you in a way that is a hundred times more cruel than this, and you will all be buried with me."

"Before that, we already know his weakness from you, kill him!"

Xu Rongrong glanced at the watch in his hand, and only hoped that Zhan Yiyang could quickly find out what was wrong and find her, otherwise... that misunderstanding might really never be solved.

"Come on, let you taste it first." A man didn't know what to adjust, and then he pressed the switch of the electric chair...


Xu Rongrong's eyes opened wide in pain, and he let out a piercing cry.

It was a pain she had never tried in her life, as if a curved knife pierced straight through her body quickly, and the sharp pain quickly spread throughout her body, and she couldn't bear the pain.

But, how could she leak Zhan Yiyang's information because of such pain?

She raised her head and looked at the men, "Let me tell you a way to end this matter as quickly as possible."

"Tell me."

"Kill me." Xu Rongrong's eyes were firmer than ever before, "Don't waste your time, I won't tell you anything."

"Kill you?" A group of men sneered, "little girl, we have a way to make you feel better!"

As he said that, a group of men surrounded Xu Rongrong while undressing.

"Don't..." Xu Rongrong shook his head and struggled violently, "Don't come over, don't!"

A man rushed over and grabbed her by the hair, "If you're afraid, tell us everything you know about Zhan Yiyang!"

"I do not know anything!"

"Very good! Let's see which of us is tougher." As he said that, the man began to unbutton Xu Rongrong's clothes. He lowered his head and bit the man's hand, but was slapped hard.

"Brothers, let's go together! I don't believe that you can't ask anything from this little girl!"

Several men surrounded Xu Rongrong viciously, Xu Rongrong could only keep calling Zhan Yiyang's name in his heart.

"Little girl, are you thinking that Zhan Yiyang will come to save you?" Several men laughed, "I tell you, is this..."

"Bang—" The door was kicked open violently, and there was a loud sound from the impact of the door panel and the floor.

Xu Rongrong looked towards the door subconsciously, and that impossible person appeared.

With a murderous aura all over his body, Zhan Yiyang rushed in like a bloodthirsty Shura, hitting anyone he saw, every blow was in a fatal position, and every blow could be fatal.

Xu Rongrong's tears finally burst out like a bank.

Zhan Yiyang still came, when she was most critical.

The voice of Commander Zhan came from the loudspeaker: "Yiyang! Stop hitting! If you hit them again, they will die! I order you to stop! Zhan Yiyang, stop!"

Chen Haoran who came in with Zhan Yiyang stopped Zhan Yiyang, "Go and see your wife, leave it to me."

Only then did Zhan Yiyang exit the destruction mode, and walked towards Xu Rongrong with red eyes.

Xu Rongrong looked at Zhan Yiyang, and couldn't stop his tears. He came over, knelt down in front of her, and wiped the tears off her face with his hand, "It's okay, don't be afraid."

Xu Rongrong nodded with tears in his eyes, and Zhan Yiyang helped her untie the bandages on her hands. She saw unexpectedly... Zhan Yiyang's hands were shaking.

"Husband..." Her voice was hoarse after crying, "I'm fine."

Zhan Yiyang untied the last strap on her foot, closed his eyes upon hearing this, pulled her over and hugged her tightly, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left yesterday."

After going through such a calamity, Xu Rongrong didn't care about what happened yesterday, "Why is it your father?" She recognized just now that it was Zhan Yiyang's father's voice on the radio.

"She's testing you." Zhan Yiyang let go of Xu Rongrong, his face full of remorse, "I gave him the chance to take you away, I'm sorry."

It was the first time Xu Rongrong saw Zhan Yiyang apologizing like this, probably in his entire life, it was also the first time such an apology, but she still couldn't understand—"Why did you leave yesterday? I couldn't find you at home, You can't get through on the phone, I know you've returned to the army but I don't know how to find you, I'm afraid that if you don't come back, I won't be able to find you again... Zhan Yiyang, you, you bastard!"

Zhan Yiyang hugged Xu Rongrong tightly in distress, but Xu Rongrong bit his neck. He just hugged her tightly without moving or complaining.

At this time, Xu Rongrong bit off one of his hands and he didn't have anything to say.

It was because he was not thoughtful and calm enough.

Yesterday, Xu Rongrong went to look for Gu Yanze in that situation. The only thing he could think of was that the little white rabbit didn't want him anymore. He didn't think about all the things they went through, he didn't think that they had just met his family, he didn't think about it. Not long ago Xu Rongrong told him that she loved him.

She never thought how anxious and scared she would be if she couldn't find him.

After Chen Haoran dealt with everyone, seeing Xu Rongrong biting Zhan Yiyang's neck, he smacked his lips and said, "Major General Ganqing married a little blood-sucking beauty." After speaking, he exited the wooden house sensibly.

Xu Rongrong finally let go of Zhan Yiyang at this time, she raised her hand and rubbed her eyes, but Zhan Yiyang took it off, and he gently wiped the tears on her face with the pulp of his thumb.

"Whoever marries you has to pass this kind of test?" Xu Rongrong raised his eyes and looked at Zhan Yiyang, with tears rolling in his eyes, his pitiful appearance was extremely distressing.

She came to her senses a little bit, this was a kind of loyalty test, to see if she would betray Zhan Yiyang under the threat of the enemy.

"The old man doesn't know what excuse to make, he just thought of a way to embarrass you." Zhan Yiyang coldly glanced at the camera in the corner, and snorted coldly in his heart, this account, Xu Rongrong will settle it after he settles down .

Xu Rongrong timidly said, "Then...have I passed the test?"

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