flame hunter

Chapter 052 It's All My Fault

Fort Sherlock is located at the border of the Rhine Falls in northern France and Schaffhausen, Switzerland, so the usual traffic is mainly by helicopter.

The helicopter used by Thomas is extremely expensive, with excellent maneuverability and stability, not to mention good sound insulation and sound absorption technology.

Seeing Jiahuan appearing in front of the painted wall on the second floor of the lobby with a small handbag, and Tingting walking down the stairs gracefully, Thomas showed his first smile when he came home.

Gentleman Thomas reached out to welcome Jiahuan, and took her little hand in his arms.

"My moy is really beautiful and decent. It's rare that we are guests today, but don't be nervous. There will be many Chinese in the reception, and you can communicate with them in the language of your hometown."

Thomas said as he walked, Jiahuan nodded seriously, and his footsteps seemed a little jumpy with excitement.

Naturally, the reception couldn't cause family fun, and she didn't care if it was the guest or the host.What made her excited was that today was the first time Jiahuan left Sherlock Castle in these four years, and this alone was enough to make her feel happy.

Si Boning had already been waiting for the two of them by the helicopter, Jiahuan saw the portable stairs at his feet, and couldn't help but feel happy for his thoughtfulness.

Before boarding the plane, Thomas glanced at Jiahuan's handbag, and casually asked, "What did you bring?"

Jiahuan playfully opened the bag: "Lipstick, perfume, and—"

"Have you got your phone?" Thomas interrupted.

Jia Huan was startled, and said truthfully, "No."

Jiahuan lowered her head and suddenly felt a little nervous. She couldn't remember whether the mobile phone was in her bedroom or Katie's.

Seeing her bowing her head in silence, Thomas thought her tone was too harsh, so he smiled and said gently:

"Bring it, we will be separated for a while during the reception, so I won't lose my little angel with the phone~"

Jia Huan looked at Thomas timidly, nodded, and then glanced at Si Boning.

Si Boning seemed to see something in Jia Huan's eyes asking for help, and took a step forward:

"I'll get it for Miss Moy, please wait a moment."

Seeing that Thomas did not object, a stone in Jiahuan's heart finally fell to the ground.Looking at Si Boning's back, Jiahuan couldn't help but caressed her chest, and slowly boarded the black helicopter that was as sharp as a nighthawk.

Si Boning came back soon, and while handing the phone to Jiahuan, he didn't forget to take the opportunity to wink at her.

Jiahuan Thomas was right next to him, but Si Boning was so cunning that he only blinked at Jiahuan's one eye.The long eyelashes flickered playfully twice, and the light in the eyes flickered, which fell into Ru Jiahuan's heart.

But the other half of Si Boning's face was serious and calm as if nothing had happened.

Jiahuan took a lot of effort to hold back her laughter, secretly complaining that Si Boning was "bad" in her heart!She wished she could immediately jump forward and hug his neck, and kiss those provocative eyes.

"Give it to me." Thomas said suddenly.

It surprised the two lovers who secretly glanced at each other.

Thomas didn't understand why, and continued disapprovingly:

"moy~ I'll leave the number for you, if you can't find it, I can also connect to the secretary button in the middle."

"Got it, Daddy~" After Jiahuan finished speaking, she obediently handed over the phone.

Jiahuan and Thomas sat on the left and right sides of the front row, and Si Boning stood in the middle aisle. Because of the short distance, there was no need for him to pass the electric ring over, which would be superfluous.

But at the same time as Jia Huan handed over the phone, Si Baining's face suddenly turned pale.

It seemed that Jia Huan's finger touched a certain button inadvertently, and the phone screen lit up during the transmission.The screen saver pattern pierced into Si Boning's heart like a sharp sword, and he couldn't avoid it, let alone cover it up.

Thomas answered the phone, was stunned for less than two seconds, and finally raised the screen to Jiahuan with trembling fingers.Those blue eyes were instantly filled with raging flames, like the fire of hell, terrifying to the bone.

"Where did this come from?! What have you done behind your back?!"

Jiahuan was also startled by Thomas' voice, and turned her head to look at Thomas in a daze.Looking at the screen of the mobile phone held up in front of her, Jiahuan finally understood everything.

That "mom" picture!No, it was a photo of the woman who looked so much like my mother.How could she be on her phone? !

"Daddy~ I, I can explain..."

Looking at Thomas, who was gnashing his teeth like an angry cheetah, Jiahuan began to speak incoherently.

She didn't know how to explain it, and she didn't know how to avoid implicating Si Baining.

Jia Huan trembled all over, and gradually curled up behind the seat.She stretched out her hand and half-raised it in the air, wanting to step forward to persuade Thomas, but she didn't dare to touch Thomas's knuckles that were pale and trembling due to excessive force.


Jiahuan called out in a tone of grievance, pleading, and even coquettishness.

Thomas stared at Jia Huan in silence. After a moment, he took a deep breath and said coldly:

"Send her to the darkroom of the annex building."

Si Boning couldn't stand anymore, turned around and looked at Thomas:

"Sir, it's not Miss Moy's fault, it's me—"

"No! Daddy, it's all me. I begged him to take me into that room, and I stole the photos too! Don't blame Si Boning..." Jia Huan hurriedly interrupted Si Boning.

Jiahuan knew that Thomas really loved her!Just like what Si Boning said, Daddy loves himself.Even if the punishment is not too severe, she can't let Si Boning be punished for herself!

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