special forces soul

Chapter 198 A Miraculous Victory

Ye Tianming smiled slightly: "It seems that my name is really resounding enough, even your old man knows it."

Ye Tianming's words invigorated the tense atmosphere at the scene. Fang Jianghe suddenly smiled: "You are really just like the rumors. You are not afraid of anything. You dare to joke with me. Our command system has been hacked." 'The attack is also an order from your boy, you are really courageous, you are not afraid that I will arrest you and send you to the Military Law Office in a fit of anger?"

Ye Tianming rubbed his nose: "Chief! You are my prisoner now, how can you be so arrogant? Besides, this is a war. Of course, we must use all available means to attack the enemy."

Fang Jianghe sighed: "You are right, a war must be won by all means. And you miraculously won the victory under such circumstances."

The light of dawn drove away the last trace of darkness, and the sun slowly climbed out of the horizon with the shyness of a little girl.

This exercise was originally predicted to take three to four months to end, but with the participation of Ye Tianming, a freak, all the senior commanders of the 'Blue Army', including the deputy regiment-level staff officer, were beaten up by him, and it only lasted less than half of it. The month ended unexpectedly.

There are many things to think about in this exercise, especially the battle plan made by Ye Tianming and Yang Zhiheng.If this is a real war, with the obvious gap in weaponry between the two sides, they know that the war will be lost.But in order to win the war, should this battle plan be implemented.Because of this matter, the bigwigs above have been arguing for a few days and divided into two factions.Supported by Jiang Tiancheng, the commander of the Shenyang Military Region, is the iron-blooded hawks.Opposing is the conservative faction headed by Leng Xuejun, commander of the Lanzhou Military Region.

But Chen Zhonghua remained silent on this matter.After arguing and fighting, the question was left to Zhang Jingguo, vice chairman of the Military Commission.But Zhang Jingguo didn't say he supported or opposed it, so the matter was left alone.But in the end, no matter whether it was members of the hawks like Jiang Tiancheng or conservatives like Leng Xuejun, including Zhang Jingguo, the vice chairman of the Republic's Military Commission, they had to admit that Ye Tianming's tactics and strategies in this exercise were absolutely classic, and could make All military experts in the world put him in the classroom as a research topic.

Regardless of the arguments above, Ye Tianming, the instigator, seemed to have nothing to do with him, and continued to train as usual.

Wei Junke took all the 'Spike Fang' team members, looking at these lunatics, his face has turned pale.Some people murmured: "This is no fucking training! It's pure suicide."

I saw barbed wire fences all around the training field, and all the team members headed by Ye Tianming stood face to face in pairs, tens of meters apart.With light machine guns in their hands, they shot at each other.The muzzle of the gun spewed out flames, and the bullets flew around the head.If you are not careful, you will become disabled or die at the gunpoint of your brother.But those team members didn't change their faces, standing there as unmoved as Mount Tai.What's this?This is their recognition of the marksmanship of their comrades-in-arms, and it is a kind of trust that they can entrust their lives to their comrades-in-arms.

Suddenly a few smoke bombs fell among them, and the gunshots stopped suddenly. Ye Tianming roared, "Run the fuck out of me." Immediately after that, there was another burst of gunshots.The four heavy machine guns spit out flames and kept roaring.Bullets scrambled through the air, and throughout the smoky playground, no one panicked.He just dodged the bullets by hearing, and ran forward frantically.

"You fucking run fast, don't stop. If this is a real battlefield, as long as you stop, you will die. You can only run forward desperately, even if you can't see anything, even if there is a cliff in front of you, jump for me Go down, because that may be the only way for you to survive."

"Ah!" Who the hell got so many spikes in the barbed wire, my ass.

"FUCK! MY MIMI!!!!!!"

Wei Junke muttered: "This is a bunch of fucking lunatics."

Wei Junke observed Ye Tianming's training here for a full week. When he left, he said to Chen Zhonghua and Ye Tianming who came to see him off: "You are the craziest soldiers I have ever seen, and you are also the best soldiers. You deserve it God is the teacher of tigers and wolves, let us be respected and feared."

After speaking, Wei Junke gave a military salute to Chen Zhonghua and Ye Tianming.Saluting Chen Zhonghua is a kind of respect from subordinates to superiors, and saluting Ye Tianming is a respect for him from the heart.

The exercise has been over for more than a month, and this morning training ended, Ye Tianming showed kindness rarely and gave them a day off.Before Ye Tianming announced the disbandment, these guys broke up screaming.

"Fuck! They ran away before I announced the disbandment. There is no organization or discipline at all." Ye Tianming cursed with a black face.

Feng Zhen chuckled and said, "It's been more than half a year, and they've been conducting cruel hell-like training every day. Hearing you say it's a holiday, there's no reason why you're not excited. Besides, after so long, these boys have already touched your temper. They know that you won't argue with them on this matter, so they dare to do this."

This group of boys didn't come back until night, they sang love songs arrogantly, smelled of alcohol, and wandered into the barracks.Some were even more arrogant, hugging scantily clad women and kissing wildly outside the barracks.Then turned around and left coolly, "Sister! Don't look for brother anymore, brother is just a legend. Although brother is a hero, falling in love with brother is tantamount to falling in love with loneliness and loneliness."

When those pickets saw that these guys disregarded the image of the soldiers, openly violated military discipline at the door, and tarnished the image of the soldiers, they dared not speak out, so they could only hide and walk around.

Regarding this group of scourges, the entire military region headquarters is not ignorant of them, but they are so bold that they can do anything.I usually don't have time to make troubles during training, now that I'm on vacation, I'm bored, so I have to find something to do when I have nothing to do.Those pickets wouldn't foolishly seek trouble with them, and then be severely repaired by these lunatics and hooligans.At that time, there will be no place for justice.Even the head of their security regiment doesn't have the guts to provoke Ye Tianming, a pervert.

The entire entertainment room was made into a mess by these boys, all the stools were moved away, poker players played poker, mahjong players played mahjong, and there were also players who shouted five drinks and six strokes.All of them stared crookedly, smoked cigarettes obliquely, and showed their chests.The news hanging on the front wall is broadcasting, but no one cares about national affairs.

Feng Zhen came to the entertainment room, and seeing this situation, he could only shake his head helplessly, "This is not a fucking military camp, it's a fucking bandit den." Feng Zhen knew that this was also a way to reduce stress, so he didn't say anything Turn around and leave.

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