special forces soul

Chapter 186 Exercise 19

Wan Yong's pupils shrank for a while, facing the dangerous aura emanating from Ye Tianming, he had a feeling that this was the most dangerous opponent he had encountered in the years of being a soldier.

Ye Tianming suddenly took a step forward, raised his right leg around his left leg, and kicked Wan Yong violently at the temple.

Wan Yong raised his arm to cover his head, "Bump!" Wan Yong felt as if he was hit by a fast-moving car, and his body flew sideways for more than one meter, and hit a tree.There was a chill in Wan Yong's heart. This guy actually has such great power. It seems that this time he will be carried away.His arm trembled uncontrollably, and he knew that even if his arm hadn't been kicked off, he couldn't use his strength now.

Ye Tianming walked towards Wan Yong step by step, "It seems that your physique is far from what I imagined, and your explosive power is not good. It has not been 24 hours, and your physical strength has reached its limit. To know a real war, especially It is a special warfare. You don’t know when the war will end. It may be hours, days, or months, and you will spend it hunting and being hunted. If you don’t have super physical strength and endurance , even if you are not killed by the enemy, you will be exhausted to death."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and said, "We don't need to fight any more, you have already lost. But there is one thing you did well, that is the iron piece you hid at the collar above the military discipline buckle, which can prevent the enemy from attacking you from behind. Throat cut."

Wan Yong looked at Ye Tianming's back and said, "Can you tell me the number of your army?"

Ye Tianming was stunned and said with a laugh: "We don't have a serial number. If you want to call us 'saber'. The motherland is a scabbard, and each of us is a knife hidden in the scabbard. When someone despises it When it dares to trample on its dignity, it will not hesitate to kill and splash for its own homeland and compatriots, stained with blood. It will not hesitate to be submerged in the war until the end."

The cold and murderous words hit Wan Yong's heart every word, and he murmured: "Saber, the motherland is a scabbard, and each of us is a knife amp; #8226;;;;amp; #8226;;;;;amp;#8226;;;;;amp;#8226;;;;;”

He raised his head with a blazing light in his eyes and said, "You are right, we are all a knife, a knife that will not hesitate to splatter blood for the sake of the motherland and the people."

Ye Tianming laughed loudly: "Our 'war' is over. But as long as this exercise is not over, I believe that the 'war' between me and your captain will not end."

Just as they were returning to the headquarters of the 'Red Army' army, the situation on the battlefield changed suddenly. The command system of the 36th Division headquarters was attacked by the 'enemy'. Although the 36th Division's information soldiers resisted desperately and did not lose any information, the division headquarters was locked by the opponent.At this moment, the 701 Heights fell, and the "Blue Army" rushed out and dispatched three infantry regiments and one mechanical regiment. With the support of the self-propelled artillery regiment's large-scale covering firepower, they suddenly launched a piercing attack on the first regiment of the 36th Division.When the correspondent reported the battle situation to the division headquarters, the first regiment had lost two full battalions.

The commando team composed of a battalion of the "Blue Army" suddenly appeared at the headquarters of the 36th Division, which was empty of troops, and wiped out all the guard companies in less than 20 minutes. The commander, deputy commander, chief of staff, and political commissar of the 36th Division were declared dead by the director's department during the desperate resistance.In order to prevent the enemy from seizing military confidential information, the deputy chief of staff detonated the bomb on his body, and the division headquarters became ruins.

In less than two hours, the five top commanders of the 36th Division were 'killed'. The 'Blue Army' has achieved its goal and retreated immediately.

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