Gu Chenghuan didn't notice his expression, she held the phone tightly with her little hand, and when she heard the familiar ringtone from the other end, her heart seemed to be tightly pinched by a big hand, almost out of breath.

After being tortured for a few days, she finally decided to call him to find out, otherwise, she really couldn't feel relieved.

She has never had such a strong telepathy. She dreamed of a person for so many consecutive days.

Even though she still felt resentful towards him in her heart, she still couldn't let him go in her heart, so as soon as she woke up this time, she directly asked Wei Mingxi for a phone number and called him personally.

Time passed very slowly while she was nervous, one second seemed like 1 years ago, every breath was suffering, just when she was waiting almost suffocating, the phone was finally connected, and her heart skipped a beat , but fell down hard in the next moment.

A woman's soft voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hello!"

Gu Chenghuan was stunned.

How could it be a woman who answered the phone?

For a person in an important position like Wei Jincheng, the mobile phone cannot be left behind casually, and even the phone cannot be answered casually. Even when they were in a good relationship, she would not answer the phone casually for him, but now It was so strange that a strange woman answered the phone for him.

Could it be his new secretary?Won't?Isn't Secretary Xiao Wang doing a good job?How could he change people casually?

Then who else?

Gu Chenghuan thought for a long time before he remembered, by the way, isn't he married?Maybe, this is his first love, his new wife?

"Hello, who is this?" Cheng Qing asked again after waiting for a long while but no one answered, frowning.

Gu Chenghuan came to his senses, but he couldn't say a word, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Really, another woman has taken her place and stood by his side.

They would eat together every day, watch TV together, chat together, and sleep together. He would even occasionally tell her about work, the health of the elderly at home, and the learning of the children. They would be like everyone in the world. Ordinary and happy couples generally love each other...

He will, slowly forget her in time...

"Hello, who is that?"

Tears rolled down unknowingly, she covered her mouth, and controlled herself vigorously, so as not to let herself cry out.

She had, truly, lost him forever.

Such a sad realization made her unable to control her tears.

Cheng Qing on the other end of the phone was already very anxious. Seeing the door of the emergency room open, she couldn't care about her anymore. She hung up the phone and went straight to meet him: "Doctor, how is Jincheng?"

Because Wei Jincheng was resolutely unwilling to have an operation, they could only control the condition with drugs and various treatments, but in the end it made the condition worse. This morning he suddenly passed out, the situation was extremely dangerous, and several people rushed to the emergency room. It took an hour to come out, and Cheng Qingzao was already very anxious.

Qi Xin took off his mask and said with a tired face, "Fortunately, we are out of danger for the time being."

Cheng Qing breathed a long sigh of relief, and didn't pay attention to the word "temporarily", "Thank God, it's fine."

Seeing her like this, Qi Xin sighed and didn't say anything else.

After a while, the nurse pushed Wei Jincheng out, Cheng Qing quickly chased after him, and together with the nurse sent Wei Jincheng to the ward, she forgot about the phone call just now.

Qi Xin stood in the corridor, watching their backs going away, his eyes flashed with deep worry.

Although he was rescued this time, as long as the bullet in his brain is not removed for a day, he will not be out of danger for a day, and his life will be taken away at any time, but the risk of this operation is too high. Without even a [-]% chance, how could Wei Jincheng be willing to undergo this operation?

To do is to die, not to do is also to die. In this case, it is better to wait for the coming of death safely. At least, during the waiting time, he can slowly recall the happy times spent with that girl, and miss her wantonly. That person, pray that she can be happy.

However, in the last days of his life, the person he loves the most cannot be by his side, he is always lonely, even though he never said it, everyone knows how much he misses her.

As his good friend and young boy, it is even more impossible not to know his thoughts, so he has persuaded him many times to tell Gu Chenghuan about this, but Wei Jincheng is very stubborn and firmly refuses to let Gu Chenghuan know His own situation forced them not to tell Gu Chenghuan, so he called Gu Chenghuan for a long time last time, but looked around without saying anything.

He really didn't know how to say it.

Thinking of this, he recalled the words of the attending doctor Dr. Thomson when he was inside just now: "His condition is under control now, but after all, he can't be so lucky every time. I'm afraid the situation will get worse and worse in the future. You still have to make preparations early, if the patient still has any wishes, help him fulfill them quickly, don't leave any regrets!"

Qi Xin is also a doctor. Ever since he found out about Wei Jincheng's condition, he has been following this case. He also knows Wei Jincheng's situation very well. Even without Thomson's words, judging from his experience, he also knows about Wei Jincheng. The situation is already very dangerous. If he faints again, he may not be able to be rescued. It's just that he is bound by emotions and doesn't want to believe that his good friend will leave forever at a young age. Thomson broke the veil, and he could no longer fool himself.

Looking up, he tried hard to suppress the tears in his eyes.

After his mood stabilized, he walked out of the hospital, taking out his mobile phone to call Gu Chenghuan.

Even though he knew that doing so would make Wei Jincheng angry, he couldn't care less.

He, can't let him leave a little bit of regret in the last moments of his life!

It's a pity that I don't know what's going on, but the phone number that I was able to get through a few days ago can't get through today, he couldn't help frowning, it couldn't be that Wei Mingxi was afraid that he would tell the girl about Jincheng, So even the phone was changed?

Thinking of Qi Xin, he couldn't help but get angry. This kid is really too much. At first, he knew that Gu Chenghuan was Wei Jincheng's favorite girl, so he just snatched it away. Now he knows that Wei Jincheng's situation is still the same, he is really too selfish and domineering. .

If it wasn't for him not being in front of him, he would have wanted to beat him up severely.

But no matter what, the most important thing is to contact the person first.

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