Qi Xin didn't pay attention to Xiao Xun's words, but frowned and looked at Gu Chenghuan: "You asked me to come here to help others see a doctor?"

"You are a doctor, so I didn't ask you to see a doctor, so did I ask you to visit the garden?" Gu Chenghuan blinked and looked at him inexplicably.

Qi Xin had known for a long time that her angelic face had a dark heart like a devil, so he was not fooled by her. He snorted coldly and said, "If you tell me to treat it, I will treat it. Then I am not very shameless?"

"Qi Xin!" With a smile on his face, Gu Chenghuan stepped forward and took his hand, shaking it coquettishly: "Brother Qi, brother Qi, help me, huh?"

Qi Xin withdrew his hand, took a few steps back, and waved his hand: "Speak as you speak, don't move!"

Xiao Xun's hopeful heart suddenly sank into darkness again. Seeing Gu Chenghuan acting coquettishly and foolishly for him, his heart was complicated. Seeing that Qi Xin was so rude to Gu Chenghuan at this time, he couldn't help but stepped forward and pulled him away. Gu Chenghuan: "Since he is such a doctor, forget it, you don't have to ask him anymore!"

"What are you doing? What are you talking about, do you believe that I broke your hand?" Seeing that he dared to touch Gu Chenghuan, Qi Xin's face suddenly sank.

"Try if you have the ability!" Xiao Xun did not back down!He was originally a person with a temper, but he kept humming down again and again for his mother's sake!

Qi Xin clenched his fist and wanted to fight, Gu Chenghuan hurriedly pulled the two bulls apart, "Stop, stop everything!"

"Don't worry, it's okay!" Gu Chenghuan turned his head and said something to Xiao Xun, then pulled Qi Xin to the side, looked back at him reproachfully: "What are you doing?"

"I still want to ask what you want to do? Don't you like that kid in Jincheng? Why did you get together with another man?" Qi Xin said with a frown.

When Wei Jincheng was mentioned, the calmness on Gu Chenghuan's face finally cracked, and it took a while to regain his composure, and he said, "What can we do? It's so ugly, I just ask, do you want to cure it or not?"

"Dead!" Seeing her like this, Qi Xin became more and more angry, and turned his face away.

"Are you really dying?"

"If you say you're dead, you're dead!" Although it is a doctor's bounden duty to save lives and heal the wounded, he hasn't risen to such a great stage.

Gu Chenghuan's eyes flashed, and there was a hint of cunning in his eyes: "Brother Qi, I saw you today, why do I think you are much more handsome than before?"

Qi Xin immediately rang the alarm bell, took two steps back and looked at her vigilantly: "What do you want to do?"

"Hehe," Gu Chenghuan said with a sweet smile, "I just thought, what would happen if Wei Jincheng knew that I kissed you? And my sister-in-law, oops, this is not very good. My sister-in-law has recently become pregnant. If we let her Knowing these things will definitely affect the mood, and it will be bad if it affects the fetus at that time!"

Qi Xin stared at her with wide eyes: "Gu Chenghuan—"

Gu Chenghuan looked at him flatteringly: "Brother Qi, you just agreed to me, huh?"

"You, you, you are simply outrageous!" Qi Xin said angrily, "I really don't know how that guy Wei Jincheng raised such a little witch like you!"

"Hehe, so you agree?" Gu Chenghuan automatically filtered out his words and said with a smile.

Qi Xin hated her so much, but there was nothing he could do about her. He knew that she was such a ruthless person. If he didn't agree, she would still be able to kiss him. Even if everyone knew it was her prank, but As Wei Jincheng treasures her, he will have to bear the consequences in the end, as well as his wife, and he will definitely not let him go easily. If he is fined to sleep in the study for a month, he will be miserable!

"Hmph, my outpatient fee is very expensive, are you sure he can afford it?" Qi Xin snorted coldly.

"Don't worry, if he can't pay, I will pay for him!" Gu Chenghuan said with a smile: "I will definitely not miss you a dime.

Qi Xin frowned and looked at her: "Is he so important to you? Is it worth you doing so much for him?"

Gu Chenghuan looked back at Xiao Xun who had been watching them all the time, and smiled: "Don't you think he's handsome?"

She gestured: "He is tall and has a good figure. Don't you think it's cool to have such a pet?"

Qi Xin almost fell, pet?Raising a big man as a pet?That's what she wanted!

However, pets are better than people who are really moved.

When Xiao Xun learned that Qi Xin promised to treat his mother, instead of being happy, he looked at Gu Chenghuan worriedly. Gu Chenghuan comforted him: "Don't worry, we are old friends who have known each other for many years. He still wants to give me this bit of face."

Only then did Xiao Xun heave a sigh of relief, and led Qi Xin up to see Mother Xiao. Qi Xin went up to check Mother Xiao's body briefly, and asked for her medical records to be read again, before saying, "Maybe the situation is serious. I have already understood, and I have to check again to know the specifics.”

After finishing speaking, Xiao Xun asked Xiao Xun to transfer Xiao's mother to his hospital. Xiao Xun's eyes flickered when he heard about the hospital he was in. It was the best hospital in the city, with the most advanced medical equipment and the level of doctors. I don't know how much higher than this side. Of course, the cost is definitely several times that of this side, but since he said so, he must have some hope. As long as there is more hope, he is not willing to let it go!

Xiao's mother knew that she was going to be transferred to such an expensive hospital, but she was unwilling. She knew what was going on at home, but she didn't want her son to bear such a heavy debt because of her illness!

In the end, it was Gu Chenghuan who came out, and she didn’t persuade her, but said one thing calmly: “Auntie, maybe you don’t know, but in fact, I am an orphan, and my mother, when I was 12 years old, also suffered from Cancer left me forever. Since then, no matter how many people in this world care about me, I still can’t feel happy, because the person who loves me the most has left me forever, and this world is no longer I can't find anyone who can replace her. Over the years, I always wonder why I didn't get older. If I were older, maybe I would still have a chance to save her instead of watching her seriously ill , In the end, there was nothing I could do. For this, I have been guilty for the rest of my life, Auntie, do you want A Xun to feel guilty for the rest of my life too?"

Sometimes, what we care about is not those difficulties, but whether we have tried our best. If we have not done our best, then no matter how good and rich we are in the future, our hearts will never be easy!

Mother Xiao burst into tears when she heard Gu Chenghuan's story. She never thought that she would have such a life experience, but Gu Chenghuan said to her: "I tell you this not to make you sympathize with me, but to hope that you can think about it. Clearly, do you want not to drag him down, and then let him watch you leave step by step, or do you try your best with him, so that even if you fail in the end, you will never have any regrets?"

Xiao Xun didn't know when he came in, he held Xiao's mother's hand, and looked at her firmly and stubbornly: "Mom, I hope that one day, I won't regret it, please help me!"

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