97 chapter

When Su Su came out of the cave after eating, Lan Ji and Si had disappeared.

His eyes dimmed for a moment, and there was no smog and illusions as far as he could see. This was a bare flat land, and it was the top of a mountain.I walked to the edge of the cliff and looked at it. There is a big rock in the middle of a mountain.And she was imprisoned on this big rock.You can't see the top of the mountain when you look up.Possession can not see the bottom of the cliff.

Su Su had the illusion of standing halfway up Mount Everest.

This is really a paradise. If she has gone through thousands of years of culture, she can't figure out how Lan Ji came up and followed.Is this cliff also an illusion?

Possessing herself to look at the bottom of the cliff, Su Su shook her body. It's better not to try her own tricks, if it's not the illusion, she will be smashed to pieces.

She had just been in a relationship, cheated on a husband, and hadn't given birth to a child yet.

Since she couldn't find the exit, Su Su simply stayed there with peace of mind.When I have nothing to do, I adjust my breath to scare the internal force in the body, and the exercise is not so satisfactory.

In the past few days, the guardian named Si brought her food every day, but it was still the same as when the fairy sister appeared. She just blinked her eyes and disappeared, and she didn't let her see how she came in and left. of.

Su Su didn't know that she had another four-day deadline, except that she ate and practiced with peace of mind every day.Everyone else is living in worry.

Yin Zhihan even missed her and lost a lot of weight in these few days.Qingwei felt distressed when he saw it.

Four days never felt so long.Yin Zhihan brought Qingwei to inspect the col where Xuanmoliu and the others disappeared every day. Four days passed, but nothing was found.Those perverts catch people every day and still disappear here, but they can't see how they disappeared at all.

Disappeared with a snap of the fingers like a fairy.

Of the six people who came, only the three of them are left.

The three sat in Yin Zhihan's room discussing the strange disappearance.

"My lord, what's going on here, I can't tell how it disappeared at all?" Qingwei's face was full of bitterness and hatred.

Yin Zhixu took a sip of tea and said, "If the guess is correct, it should be an illusion?"

Illusion?Both Yin Zhihan and Qingwei were a little surprised. They also gathered many masters in the arena, but they had never heard of this kind of martial arts.

"Well, illusion, this kind of martial art appeared not long ago. It is the exclusive top-secret martial art of my teacher. No one has practiced it before. Maybe some people in the teacher secretly learned it." Yin Zhixu said quietly.

It is said that if you want to practice illusion, you must cut off love.If it is broken, it is not clean.must die.Who practiced it?

Back then he wanted to practice, but he already had Su Su, so he gave up.

"Then this person must be someone from your sect," Yin Zhihan frowned, and it was even more difficult.

"Well," Yin Zhixu nodded and said, "I have been away from the master for a while, and I don't understand a lot of things, and I don't know which talented junior has practiced this skill. I heard that if you enter the illusion, you can't solve it. If you come out, you will be trapped to death inside, and killing people will be effortless."

Hearing what he said, Yin Zhihan's heart skipped a beat. If Su Su had been trapped inside for the past few days... Yin Zhihan didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Three days, now it is the third day, and the Ghost Rider will arrive tomorrow.And what he doesn't know is that the queen is coming too.It was a heart-piercing pain.

On the afternoon of the second day, ghost riders scattered into the small town.They didn't dare to expose it, the large forces were hiding in the nearby mountains, only the head of the Twelve Hall sneaked into Luohua Town quietly.

The twelve hall masters are all covered, even if they don't know anyone among the twelve hall masters, only the master Yin Zhihan has their portraits.

"I have met the master." The twelve people knelt on the ground in unison.

"Well, save the princess, the princess is here, and you are here." Yin Zhihan's voice was calm, neither hot nor cold.

Yin Zhixu, who stood aside, was stunned for a moment. He once thought that he was powerful, but he never thought that he was hiding such a powerful force.And he looked so thin, so powerless.

Yin Zhihan took out a painting from under the pillow and unfolded it.

The woman in the painting is dressed in white (actually the underwear and skirt she wears when she sleeps) raising her hands above her head, looking back and smiling.The woman's bright eyes and white teeth amazed the Twelve Hall Masters.

Last night, Yin Zhihan followed Su Su's memory when he danced the myth that night.At that time, look back and smile at all beings.Perhaps at that moment Yin Zhihan's heart had fallen beyond his control.

The song called Myth, plus Su Su's background, they are really a myth. Her arrival gave him a myth, a myth that he will never forget in this life.

After losing it, I found that there is another disease called love incompetence!

"Remember the appearance of the person in the painting, she is here, you are here."

"Subordinates run for their lives." The twelve hall masters knelt down in unison.


This day, Su Su was full of food and drink, and was enjoying the abyss. You said that a bird flew over the valley anyway. She has lived here for a few days, but she has never seen a bird, but the mosquito ate her blood.

Turning around suddenly, he found three people standing behind him.

"Emma" Su Su patted her shocked chest. When did these three people come?Nima, is it a ghost or a fairy, and it walks without making a sound.

Su Su squinted her eyes and found that the woman standing next to Lan Ji looked familiar, she was very delicate and beautiful.Also considered a big beauty.It looks familiar, but I can't remember where I've seen it before.

Zheng Yixiao was a little surprised when Su Su turned her head back, but she returned to normal in just an instant.

"You are Su Su?" Zheng Yixiao was a little uncertain.The woman in front of her has a kind of aura.

"Who are you?" Why did I tell you?

Zheng Yixiao narrowed her phoenix eyes and said, "Hmph, you don't know who I am?"

"Are you the heroine of the Chongwen? I want to know, I only remember the heroine of the Chongwen." Seeing the woman who was dragging behind the two hundred and five, Su Su had a bad face.Why should I know you?

Doting on the heroine?What is it, Zheng Yi knew Liu Mei frowned and asked: "What is pet text?"

Su Su looked at Zheng Yixiao as if she was illiterate. It seemed that she needed to be literate, but she didn't even know what pet text was?

"You want to know?" Su Su sneakily looked at Zheng Yixiao.


"Then you have to exchange something with me, otherwise I won't be at a disadvantage,"

Zheng Yixiao wore a sarcastic smile, and this smile turned into a bomb in Su Su's eyes.Flowers exploded in her heart, and she dared to mock her.court death.

The golden whip slipped from the cuff, Su Su raised the whip and whipped towards Zheng Yixiao, Zheng Yixiao easily dodged Su Su's whip by turning sideways.

Contemptuously said: "You still need to practice with your little skill."

Su Su squinted her eyes. Now it turns out that she has not fully penetrated Su Su's skills.Can't do it in many ways.

Su Su glanced at the three of them and walked up the steps into the cave alone.

Looking at her leaving back, Lan Ji said to Zheng Yixiao: "What do you want to do?"

"Xiao Ji, the thing you promised to do for me will be canceled after this time." Zheng Yixiao looked at Lan Ji.

Lan Ji looked at the woman in front of her. They used to be senior sisters. At that time, she was the most competitive among all the sisters.At that time, she said that she would be the queen in the future, but she didn't expect that she would really be the queen now.

She saved her life when she became obsessed with practicing Qigong again, so she agreed to do three things for her.

"Trap her here for the rest of her life." Lan Ji didn't look at her, but at the cave.Obviously the one she was talking about was Su Su.

"Hmph, so what if I'm stuck for a lifetime. Now I don't want to trap her forever. Now I let her kill Yin Zhihan. Let Yin Zhihan taste what it's like to die at the hands of his own woman." Zheng Yixiao's eyes were full of hatred.

Lan Ji sighed a little, she sent so many women and couldn't kill Yin Zhihan, why would she think that Su Su would kill him, not to mention that Su Su would never kill him at all.

"Then settle it yourself, I've already trapped you here, and I don't care about the rest." After speaking, Lan Ji Ni glanced at Si and the two left one after another.

Zheng Yixiao glanced at the backs of the two leaving and walked towards the cave.Su Su originally hid at the entrance of the cave and eavesdropped. When she heard that Yin Zhihan was going to be killed, she immediately thought of the scene in the palace. Nima, isn't this the Queen's trampling?

Seeing her coming up, Su Su lay down on the bed as if nothing had happened.

When Zheng Yixiao came in, she saw Su Su lying on the bed with Erlang's legs up and shaking, she didn't look like a woman at all.

Walking to the side of the bed and standing still, Zheng Yixiao looked her over, and it turned out that everything before was just a faux pas.The painting is so ugly, no wonder Yin Zhixu will never leave her even if she is so ugly.I have never understood that it is not what it seems on the surface.

That man loved this woman so desperately, but she fell into Yin Zhihan's arms and broke his heart, which is unforgivable.How could it make him so sad.

"Do you love Yin Zhihan?"

Su Su raised her eyebrows, what does this girl mean by saying so?Didn't she just say that she was going to kill Yin Zhihan, thinking she was a soft persimmon?You can pinch it however you want.

"Do you love your majesty?" Su Su asked rhetorically.

"I don't love you." Zheng Yixiao blurted out without thinking.

So straightforward!Don't be shy either!

"I love Yin Zhihan." Su Su said leisurely.

"What about Yin Zhixu? Didn't you love him so much?"

"You said it was in the past, and now I love Yin Zhihan."

Zheng Yixiao walked up to Su Su's head, looked into her eyes and said, "Since you don't love Yin Zhixu anymore, then you go and kill Yin Zhihan. If you kill him, you will love Yin Zhixu again."

Su Su looked at Zheng Yixiao and felt that her eyes were sucked in like a pool of water.Then I slowly felt tired and closed my eyes.

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