Married in a flash: the chief's gentle trap

Chapter 59 You Don't Understand My Happiness

Chapter 59 You Can't Understand My Happiness

At 03:30 in the afternoon, the gray sky was much darker than usual. As soon as Jiang Hao's car drove out of the parking lot, little by little snowflakes fell on the windshield, white, small and crystal clear.

Qiao Xin was surprised, "It's snowing, it's snowing, stop quickly."

Seeing that she was speaking in a hurry, Jiang Hao had no choice but to step on the brakes and park the car on the side of the road.

As soon as the car stopped, Qiao Xinwei rushed out like a duck out of the shed, not to mention how happy she was.The snow came fast and heavy, and the goose-feather-like university was falling down lavishly. The corners of her mouth were raised beautifully, and she spread her palms and turned around a few times. Tread" a brisk voice.

Jiang Hao rolled his eyes, it's just snowing, as for being so happy, childish.He looked at the time and couldn't help saying, "Hey, the snow just fell, and there is no snow on the ground. Why are you stepping on it?! Have you never seen snow in your life?"

Qiao Xinwei directly made a face at him, "What do you know, hum!" She ignored Jiang Hao at all, and started to play with herself.At that moment, she seemed to be back, she put her palms together to catch the snowflakes, and then felt the little snowflakes melt in her palms.

Jiang Hao has been in the disciplined force for many years, and he is the worst thing to see this kind of annoying thing. He raised the decibel and yelled out the window, "If you don't go and meet the rush hour, you won't have time to go home for dinner, isn't it just snowing? Well, have you never seen snow in this life or what?"

"Tch, I have no interest like a piece of wood and don't allow others to have hobbies, selfish, sad." Qiao Xinwei cursed secretly, opened the car door and got in the car.

While driving, Jiang Hao said angrily: "I like snow so much, one day I will let you go to the snowy mountains in the northeast for a few days, and you will know what it is like."

"What's it like? Don't say it like you know it."

"Of course I know. Before I was transferred back, I spent two years in the northernmost military region of China. There was ice and snow for more than half a year. Heavy snow is not a scene, but a disaster. You..."

"Hey, stop!" Seeing Jiang Hao talking endlessly in a lecture tone, Qiao Xinwei immediately called to stop, she smiled and said, "There is a roadblock ahead, don't run into it again."

Jiang Hao rolled his eyes at her, turned his head and looked ahead and drove seriously.

At this time, Qiao Xinwei's cell phone "ding dong", and she saw that it was a wechat voice from Yun Qing.

——"Honey, happy birthday to you, love you forever, okay?"

Qiao Xinwei smiled, that's right, today is her birthday, besides Yun Qing, there are also former classmates, although it may be a short blessing, but it is enough.

Suddenly, her smile froze, and her fingers touched a birthday greeting sent from a number that she hadn't saved. This long string of numbers is all too familiar, and she has had it in previous years, and it has been seven consecutive years.

However, she only paused for a few seconds, her happiness and sorrow were completely unaffected by Ji Xiaohai.

"Today is your birthday?" Jiang Hao's tone was much softer than before, "Why didn't you say your birthday earlier?" If he had known that today was her birthday, he would not have lost his temper and complained about her.

Qiao Xinwei said as she typed: "What's the difference between saying it early and saying it later? I don't pay much attention to birthdays." After replying to the text message, she looked out the car window again, "But it's snowing today, I'm really happy Happy, you won't understand my happiness."

"Well, I don't need to understand." Jiang Hao shook his head and stopped talking, what a silly girl.

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