we are bad boys

Chapter 328 Arrest Operation

Volume 3 [-] (


The anti-narcotics team leader pushed open the door of the interrogation room, holding a file and a pen in his hand, and walked quickly while frowning, turning around and asking, "Who is Boss Spring, have you heard of it?"

"I inquired with my friend just now. The company is a joint-stock joint venture. Meng Fei, the owner of Caesars Palace, is a major shareholder and a legal person. I don't know the exact number of shares. The other is Shi Wei. I heard that he is a local, but he hasn't seen it for many years. I’ve been back. Oh, yes, just now I sent someone to the Spring Company to ask for the delivery certificate for tonight and the goods guarantee list. The signatory is Meng Fei. I checked the previous records, and only The cars that transported drugs today were signed by him!!" The policeman next to him thought for a while and said quickly.

"Nonsense!!! Who the hell told you to go to the spring!!! People are shocked, are you in charge, or am I in charge???" The anti-drug captain stopped on the spot and cursed furiously.

"... Captain, don't worry, the person who gave me the material from Spring Company has quietly brought it back to the team for questioning. And when he went there, he didn't drive a police car, so it's unlikely to alarm Meng Fei!" The policeman explained.

The anti-drug captain was silent for a while, although his face was still expressionless, but he asked in a slightly relaxed tone: "Meng Fei, do you have any news?"

"He doesn't need to look for it at all. The license plate number of his Land Rover is too eye-catching. There are not many people in the city who don't know him. I just asked about it. He is eating roast duck in Beijing with some friends!!"

"Tell everyone, let go of the work in hand, and organize arrests immediately!!" The anti-narcotics captain said, and then went to the arsenal first, opened the list, and raised the gun! !

Less than 5 minutes later, more than 20 anti-narcotics policemen, wearing civilian clothes and carrying weapons, boarded five private cars and headed straight for Beijing Roast Duck.

As soon as he left, a police car from the criminal police team of the city bureau slowly stopped at the door of the anti-narcotics team. Guan Yu, wearing a police uniform, dragged a handcuffed suspect out of the car and entered the anti-narcotics team.

"Team Guan?? Send someone here?" A young policeman in the duty room, holding a teacup and wearing a cotton coat, saw Guan Yu and greeted him with a smile.


Guan Yu kicked the suspect on the waist, then frowned, pointed to the side of the heating pipe, and scolded, "Can't find my place??"

"Yes! Yes!"

The suspect kept nodding his head, squatting next to the heating pipe while talking, Guan Yu took out the key from his waist, slapped it on the suspect's head, and said casually: "Craft it yourself! !Pose in a pose I fucking like!"

"It's done...!" The suspect used the key to unscrew the handcuffs on his left hand, and slammed them on the heating pipe. Then he looked at Guan Yu with ignorant eyes, tightened them tightly again, then bent over and touched his buttocks. Pushing up, legs stretched straight, fingers touching toes, standing like a professional.

"****, another fucking habitual offender!" The policeman on duty said while looking at the suspect.

"Hehe, when I was catching a few fugitives, I picked it up. I checked it out. This bastard has a lot of stuff in his stomach, and he has a lot of threads in his hand. It's meaningless for our criminal police team to chase after drugs. Sending this to you to help you pass the year-end target, haha!" Guan Yu said with a hearty smile.

"...Hey, our target for this year is too high, the goal is to seize 00 kilograms, ****, our captain is almost in the whole factory, and he has produced jb by himself...!" The policeman on duty poured a glass of water for Guan Yu, and said with a sigh .

"...Gudong Gudong!" Guan Yu drank his saliva, and said meanly: "I can't care about this, anyway, I sent you the man, so you hurry up and ask your captain to come down and sign for me, so I can leave , I'm so fucking sleepy!"

"...Tsk tsk, Team Guan, you really didn't come at the right time, our captain just left, you have to wait here!!"

"Going out to arrest people?"

"Well, I received a report today that 3 kilograms of methamphetamine were seized from several trailers at the entrance of the toll booth. No, the captain followed the line and went to catch the main culprit!" The policeman on duty, sitting on the sofa, talked to Guan Yu. Chatting.

"...****, who is that? You are so stupid, using a trailer to transport drugs!?" Guan Yu took out a cigarette, took one in his mouth, and asked cursing casually.

"I just took over, I don't know, it seems to be called the spring logistics team...!"

"What are you talking about?? Which company's fleet??" Guan Yu paused for a moment while lighting his cigarette, and asked a little out of composure.

"What's wrong with spring??" The policeman on duty asked a little strangely.

"...Oh, it's okay! It sounds familiar!" Guan Yu took a puff of cigarette, stood up, put his trembling palm in his pocket, held it tightly, and then asked with a smile: "Where is the toilet?" where?"

"What's the matter? Brother Guan? You're not in the right shape!! When your big case team was renovating, you borrowed it from us for several months. You ask me, where is the toilet!?" The policeman on duty said speechlessly.

"Fuck, I haven't slept for several days, I'm confused, just watch it, I'm going to the bathroom!" Guan Yu laughed, lowered his head, smoked a cigarette, took very big steps, and went straight to the corner of the first floor. bathroom.


In the Beijing roast duck private room, the atmosphere became lively. Once Zhan Kui drank too much, he had a strong desire to perform, and even ghosts and gods couldn't stop him.In the past, when I drank too much, I sang a song, danced four steps with women or men, but today I don’t know what’s going on, because I drank too much, and I still refused to let us go. I have to perform it. Classic belly dance.

To be honest, when he lifted the clothes on his belly, revealing his fat body with scars, and then shook it vigorously, I saw with my own eyes a very thick beer glass on the table, which was accidentally caught by his belly. Above, at a cursory check, five cracks...

"Zhankui, you know kung fu, son is lying, Chinese kung fu!!!" Zhao Guolin said speechlessly.

"...Come on, baby, dance with me, it shouldn't be too difficult to jb, just shake it!!" Zhankui was dangling while tugging at his cheap wife.

I was smoking a cigarette dumbfounded, looking at him, drinking tea, thinking about when I would find an excuse and run away...


Peking duck downstairs.

"Crack! Creak!...!"

There was a sound of tires rubbing against the ground. Five private cars were violently stuck at the door. More than 20 anti-narcotics police officers, armed with pistols or micro punches, jumped out of the cars.The anti-drug captain glanced at the Land Rover Aurora parked in the parking lot and the license plate, was stunned for a moment, waved his hand, and said flatly: "Catch it!!"

Hulala, a group of people rushed into the hall and began to search and arrest.


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