we are bad boys

Chapter 128 Old-fashioned community, Jetta!

Rewinding the time half an hour ago, Zheng Kun drove away from the gate of Asadi KTV alone. Zheng Kun was in a very good mood in the car. After so long, the shares were exchanged for cash. He no longer needed to be in Shenyang continue to stay.

I have been in contact with Zheng Kun a few times, and my evaluation of him is not just as simple as inhumanity, the old bastard is an old bastard after all, his spirit is always highly nervous, and he is very sensitive. If something goes wrong, he will immediately get out of there It is a must.

From his visit to Shenyang, Guijiaoqi died, Xizi died, Shen Qing went in, and nothing happened to him, so it can be seen that this person is indeed not an ordinary gunner.

Zheng Kun drove very fast. He didn't go back to the queen, nor did he go back to the temporary residence. Instead, he drove towards an old-fashioned residential area. After less than half an hour, the car entered the area and stopped slowly. next to a Jetta.


Zheng Kun pushed the car door, looked around, lit a cigarette, walked slowly to the side of the Jetta, and took a closer look. This car is a ghost, and there are some things in it. Zheng Kun is going to take it away.

Seeing the thick snow piled up on the Jetta, Zheng Kun smoked a cigarette, took out the keys in his trouser pocket, inserted them into the door of the driver's cab, twisted it hard, raised his palms, and pointed at the door, bang bang bang Smashed it a few times.


Snowflakes fell down the car window, and the car door creaked. Zheng Kun suddenly pulled it out, and with a bang, the car door bounced open.

Glancing at the inside of the car, Zheng Kun looked down and saw a small receipt from the toll booth, which fell on the ground through the crack of the door. Zheng Kun bent down to pick it up, smiled, reached out and closed the car door, and squeezed the ticket into a ball , threw it into the flower bed, and ran to the trunk.


Inserting the key into the keyhole of the trunk, Zheng Kun pressed down with the palm of his hand, then pushed it up again, the trunk bounced open with a bang, Zheng Kun swept inside with a smile on his face, and was stunned for a moment. .


Opening his mouth, the cigarette butt fell from the corner of his mouth to the ground. Zheng Kun was stunned for less than three seconds, with a surprised expression on his face, he quickly turned his head, and glanced back and forth in the trunk again, In the middle of the trunk, there is nothing inside except for a note.

Zheng Kun looked at the trunk expressionlessly, turned around, scratched his head, took two deep breaths, took out a cigarette again and lit it, picked up the note in the trunk, opened it, and it said Said: "In a society ruled by law, if you get a bag of guns, it's a big deal if it goes off. I'll keep it for you! XX, December, ) issue!"

The note was signed, and there was a date. Zheng Kun roughly calculated that this date was the day he got the shares! ! !


Zheng Kun bit his cigarette butt, and pressed down with his palm extremely hard. The trunk lid was closed violently, and countless snowflakes fell on the shaking Jetta again.


Zheng Kun held the note, covered his cheeks, lay on the trunk, closed his red eyes, and his brain was running rapidly.Where did the stuff in the car go? ? ? ?

"You pay 20, and take 40.00% of the shares!!" The words of Sanlang immediately appeared in Zheng Kun's brain.

"If you want 20, you really didn't fucking blow me up!!! He even knows where my car is parked??**, the Queen must have someone from him!!" Zheng Kun's hands with red eyes rested on the trunk of the Jetta , gritted his teeth and said to himself.

Shen Qing went in, and Zheng Kun took out 40.00% of the shares from the three wolves. From the previous conversation, it can be seen that the moment Zheng Kun asked for the shares, the three wolves must have been a little unhappy, but I have to give this share, so I mentioned the 20 yuan thing, implying that it is no problem to give you the share, but you must not be so stinky, I am better than you for the things you did behind my back. I know it all! !

At that time, Zheng Kun didn't quite believe it. He guessed that the three wolves might have vaguely known about it from other channels, and he had robbed the gun dealer's money and guns, but he definitely didn't know the details, so he didn't take it seriously, but in case Unexpectedly, the contents of the Jetta car were taken away on the day the shares were received...

what does this mean? ?

You got the shares, but you are completely tied to my three wolves' boat, so don't even think about it, it's up to you to leave whenever you want...


Zheng Kun crumpled the note, threw it in the flower bed as before, got in the car and left.


On the other end, Guo Shuaishuai was very angry. He wanted to call Baozi, but he didn't know where to start, what should I say? ? ?

Could it be that I looked at Dakang's daughter -in -law. Every day, JB and the ink of the buttocks finally one day, Da Kang was unwilling to give my friend a fat? ?

Yes, Guo Shuaishuai can't open his mouth with Baozi, he wants to do it for a while, and he has no fucking power to restrain a chicken, and he can't do Dakang, why jb? ? ?

No way, go home and sleep honestly! !

As for Guoguang, Guo Shuaishuai really didn't take it to heart, he didn't believe that Guoguang dared to do something to Dakang, and the few words he said were just to save face in front of him! !

Guo Shuaishuai has been in a state of drunkenness, and he is a businessman, so he can't figure out what the bastard is thinking, let alone understand. Sometimes, it is a mean to cut face for a gang in the primitive accumulation stage. What are you wearing? ?

He didn't know that Guoguang was not afraid to touch him, but he was afraid that no one would touch him! !


After leaving the ktv, Guoguang didn't even bandage himself. He stood at the door with blood dripping from his thigh and started shaking the phone.

"Hey, Guoguang, what's the matter?" A voice came from the phone.

"Fuck, don't mention it, someone stabbed me in KTV!!" Guo Guang said cursingly.

"You got stabbed by someone???**, who is it?? Where? I'll go over there!!" The voice on the phone said something quite unexpectedly.

"A man named Dakang, do you know him?"



"Why... did you get involved with him?"

"Why, he has three heads and six arms, can't he do it??" Guoguang asked with raised eyebrows.

"...his Caesar's...!!"

"...Caesar's??" Guoguang frowned, gritted his teeth, and repeated.

"Guoguang, I know their family, Wang Mumu, why don't I call you and come out to sit and see if they can compensate some money, okay?" thing.

"Forget it if you lose money!! I'm not that bad, you should be busy!!" Guoguang hung up the phone after finishing speaking, took a few puffs of cigarettes, thought for a long time, picked up the phone and dialed again, and this time the phone he was looking for It's not from Shenyang anymore...

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