we are bad boys

Chapter 0118

In the evening, a group of us all sat down around the dining table. The Chinese New Year pays attention to auspiciousness, and the dishes must be in even numbers, so there are fresh seafood, chicken, duck and fish on the table, a total of 26 dishes, including abalone, jellyfish head, Lobster, these things are delivered by the hotel, the rest are made by Leilei.

Leilei, a desperado, doesn't buy broken shoes, doesn't like to gamble, doesn't play games, and only drinks with tempered people.

People say that they eat in Guangdong, so after Leilei went there, he didn’t have any hobbies at ordinary times. He just likes to cook dishes and make soups. But it is much better than me who can fucking fry eggs. It is said that the most expensive thing in his house is kitchen utensils. A broken plate costs several hundred yuan, which is quite a luxury.

"Come on, try them all, old vinegar stings the head, and this dish, I created it myself, repertoire, passing youth...!" Leilei said loudly, wearing an apron.

"The passing youth?? What's the point??" Wang Mumu poked a plate of colorful dishes with his chopsticks strangely.

"It was a thunderstorm night, I was alone, sitting on the balcony having a few drinks, suddenly inspiration burst from my heart... an inexplicable sadness spread...!!"

"Peng!" I kicked him away and scolded, "Speak well, don't act like a fool like Wang Da!"

"That night, I was fucking hungry, and I took out two unopened green apples, small oranges, dragon fruit, etc. from the refrigerator, put some salad, and made it myself, but the taste is really good, you try it !" Leilei scratched his head in embarrassment and said.

"Is this delicious??" Yaoyao took a bite with her chopsticks, blinking her eyes, a little afraid to speak.

"Wang Toad, try it first!!" Dakang kicked Wang Mumu and said.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to try it...!" Wang Mumu cautiously picked up a piece, stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it twice, nodded thoughtfully, put down his chopsticks and said slowly: "Sentimental The sweetness of apples and oranges, the bitterness of papaya... accompanied by the stickiness of salad...Although it is not very delicious, but it is worthy of this passing youth...Leilei, you are fucking literary again!! Just use this name Son, two glasses must be made!!"

"Come on!! For the sake of the passing youth, for this gathering, I wish us homeless children!! Every year in the future, we can sit together and talk, drink and chat! Cheers!" I smiled He stood up, said a few words loudly, and raised his wine glass.

"Girl, don't drink, you're all fucking drunk, no one will clean up the house in a while!" Wang Mumu bared his teeth.

"Fuck, Mother Chen, who are you fooling with an earpick?? Change to a big cup!!" Dakang patted Chenchen on the head and said dissatisfied.

"...Is it a challenge? I won't drink you to death today, you are paralyzed, Wang Mumu is your surname!!!" Chenchen stood up suddenly, and directly took the bowl to start working.


"Cut into pieces!"

"Cut...cut...fuck, whatever you want jb to do, cheers!"


Everyone stood up, talked lively, and drank it with a smile. We ate the dishes, the wine was strong, our faces were red and our necks were thick. With the intestines facing her, she knew she was a slut, and advised Wang Mumu to observe again...

Chenchen also said that anyone with a certain status has a long name, such as Koizumi, Annan, and Bin Laden, so when Zhang Meng's child is born, they should have a longer name, called "Meng Li Wang Zhang Yang, Ma Ba "Ao" is guaranteed to be the president of the earth in the future...

For this reason, Zhang Meng clutched her stomach and used a set of palm techniques that fell from the sky...

And Yaoyao and I seem to be avoiding each other, and everyone has a tacit understanding not to bring the topic to us...

At around 12 o'clock in the evening, the ground was in a mess, and the sofa was tilted to and fro. Wang Mumu was holding two broken chopsticks and a bowl on his head. A golden rooster came and stood on the stool, waving the two chopsticks non-stop, directing everyone.

"The birds on the tree are in pairs, hey one kid...in pairs!! Get ready to sing!!" Wang Mumu played the tune of Huangmei Opera standard.

"Husband and wife both return the home, hey, return the home...!" Everyone echoed.

"Be more high-pitched!!! Be more excited!! The essence of this play is to express Dong Yongshui's secretive joy!! Come again! Hey, a little one...in pairs! Get ready to sing!!" Wang Mumu Frowning, he shouted again in dissatisfaction.

"Hey one kid... in pairs!!!!!!!!!" The crowd roared.


Everyone sang Huangmei Opera with this idiot Wang Mumu for half an hour, and his voice became hoarse. He still couldn't get enough of it, saying that jb had just found some feeling, and proposed to sing.

This proposal, except for Zhang Meng's veto attitude, everyone else agreed, because Zhang Meng knew she agreed, and she couldn't go by herself. Pregnancy + staying up late + drinking + second-hand smoke + Wang Mumu's noise is too harmful to the baby.

"Girl, stay alone and stay with Zhang Meng at home!!!" Zhang Xi suggested with a drunken eye.

In the end, the little nurse drew a short lottery and stayed at home, while Linlin and Yaoyao went fooling around with me...

A group of us went downstairs, shoulder to shoulder, but we didn't drive, but stood in a row holding hands, more than a dozen people, directly across the middle of the road, ran forward together, and sang while running. singing.

I am very happy. I haven’t felt this way for a long time. When I saw other people setting off fireworks, Yaoyao bit her lip and said to me, her pretty face flushed with cold, “I want to watch the fireworks!! The biggest and brightest!!”

After she finished speaking, before I could move, Chenchen, Dakang, Leilei, Wang Mumu and others stopped a tricycle selling firecrackers and fireworks in the middle of the road.

"Da Da Da Da... Jie!!" Ji Changzi stood in front of the car and said with a swaying step.

"Fuck, it's sold out!" The uncle in the ripped army padded jacket said with a grin.


It was rare for Wang Mumu to be open-minded, and he took out more than 1000 cash in his pocket, and asked very arrogantly: "Do you think this is okay?"

"You want to play like this...I really have nothing to say...Daughter-in-law, go and give them the fireworks that our family will set off at night!!" The uncle said with a smile.

"What shall we give them?" said the aunt sitting in the co-pilot of the three-wheeler.

"They're all children, let's make it fun during the Chinese New Year, let them play! Hehe!" The big man said kindly, and then he lifted two boxes from behind, firecrackers and fireworks.

We swarmed up, each holding a large pile, then took out cigarettes, lit them, and began to stand on the side of the road, forming a row.

"Puff!!! Puff...!!"

The bright fireworks are slowly rising, lighting up the entire night, extremely beautiful, Yaoyao came over, embraced my arm, smiled, and looked at the sky...

Not to be outdone, Linlin chopped off her little feet from the cold, hugged my other arm, tilted her head and smiled silly at me...

"Chenchen, look!!! Ling Weiwei!!!" Wang Mumu roared abruptly.


Chenchen crouched on the ground and instinctively turned her head.

"Crackling!!! Crackling!!!"

Wang Mumu lit a [-]-ring firecracker and tied it directly to Chenchen's belt...

Chenchen's more than 2000 Adidas down jackets were instantly collapsed, full of small holes, and goose feathers were flying all over the sky...

"Hehe, Mumu, you're so badass!!" Leilei cursed with a smirk.


As soon as Leilei finished speaking, a cannon head burst from his butt in an instant, and the woolen pants were horrible.


Leilei turned around and scolded: "Dakang, fuck your uncle!!"

"Haha!!" Dakang took the firework and slammed it at Leilei...

The crowd was in a mess, beaming with joy, and everyone had bright smiles on their faces...

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