we are bad boys

Chapter 0112 Brother Xu's Solution

Three seconds later, Zhu Haolong reacted! ! !

"Wow!" The gun bolt moved, Zhu Haolong suddenly turned his head, and violently pressed the muzzle of the gun on Brother Xu's forehead, snapped the safety off, stared, and roared: "*** your mother!! You moved my house people!!"

Brother Xu didn't look at the pistol, but stared at Zhu Haolong, and said calmly, "Drive!!"

"I'll fucking kill you!!" Zhu Haolong trembling all over, pushed the gun forward again, the round muzzle imprinted a mark on Brother Xu's forehead, and his finger rested on the trigger, shaking non-stop.

"I don't want to fucking say it a second time!! Drive!! Immediately!!" Brother Xu raised his voice, stared at Zhu Haolong as well, and said it again.


Zhu Haolong's chest kept rising and falling, and he looked at Brother Xu silently for a few seconds, then turned around suddenly, and suddenly threw out the pistol in his hand.


The pistol smashed violently on the windshield, and a small spider pattern appeared...

"Drive!! Listen to him!! Drive!!!" Zhu Haolong said incoherently, covering his cheeks with his palms and rubbing them vigorously.

The driver glanced at Brother Xu, then at Zhu Haolong, put down the pistol, and drove away slowly without saying a word.

"Look at the fucking seat you're sitting in, it's so fucking in the way, get up!!" Li Meng stretched out his arm unwillingly, and roughly pulled it. The short and strong man stretched out his arm from the car window and waved his hand.

The Mercedes behind slowly followed.

The two cars drove slowly along the street. Except for brother Xu who kept directing the driver, no one spoke.

Half an hour later, the Jetta and Mercedes-Benz drove out of the city and stopped beside the road, an abandoned brick factory.

"Get out of the car!" Brother Xu said lightly, then pulled the door open and walked down slowly.

Zhu Haolong's eyes were red, he was silent for a while, opened the car door without saying a word, and was about to get out.

"Dragon, I'll go with you!!"

"Crack!!" Li Meng pushed suddenly, and the short young man frowned and said, "How the hell are you so obvious, I didn't see it, I didn't fucking go down!! Do you understand the rules!?"

The short young man stared at Li Meng with killing intent in his eyes.

"Hehe, why are your eyes a little squinted? I will cure this disease. Make sure you slap your mouth well...!" Li Meng glanced at him and said with a big smile.

Just as the short, strong man was about to move, the driver said, "Aaron, let's watch a movie!"

The short, strong man froze for a moment, turned his head, and stopped talking.


On the empty fifth floor of the factory, Brother Xu and Zhu Haolong stood facing each other. Brother Xu put his right hand in his pocket, with a cigarette in his mouth, expressionless.

"Why did you ask me here?" Zhu Haolong stared at Brother Xu, grinding his teeth and asking.

"Your identity, you shouldn't ask this question!" Brother Xu flicked the cigarette ash with his left hand and said with a frown.

"My identity is also afraid of death!!!" Zhu Haolong was silent for a long time, then said something abruptly.

Brother Xu smiled after listening, and said slowly: "I know!"

"I said you let me go, would you feel that I'm quite an idiot!" Zhu Haolong walked two steps in place, laughed at himself, and said slowly.

Brother Xu was taken aback, took a puff of cigarette, shook his head and said, "No! I'm also afraid of death!! My brother is also afraid of death!! So...!"

Brother Xu didn't finish what he said, but the meaning was obvious. Zhu Haolong paused after listening, and couldn't help thinking of his son and his promise to Chi Yuanchao.

These worries made him reluctant to die, and he did not dare to die! !

There was a trace of regret in his heart, the only regret in his life, but it was too late now...

Brother Xu's right hand, which had been in his pocket all the time, slowly took it out. He was already holding a pistol in his hand. With a cigarette in his mouth, Brother Xu slowly rolled the bolt.

Zhu Haolong's body froze, Brother Xu said lightly: "Don't look back!! It will be better!"


Zhu Haolong took a deep breath, slowly stretched his hand into his trouser pocket, took out a box of flattened cigarettes, pulled out one, and dropped it casually, then lit the cigarette with trembling palms, took a deep breath, and his white silk Sweat slowly dripped from his temples.

"Come... come!" Zhu Haolong closed his eyes, his legs trembling slightly, and said in a hoarse and tired voice.


Brother Xu, smoking a cigarette, frowned, slowly raised his pistol, and sighed softly.

"bring it on!!!"

The veins in Zhu Haolong's neck suddenly popped up, and he raised his head to the sky and roared.


A gunshot echoed in the empty factory, and the pungent smell of gunpowder spread.


Ten minutes later, brother Xu walked out of the factory alone, got into Zhang Wei's Mercedes-Benz car, put down Zhu Haolong's wife and son, and then drove away with Li Meng and Zhang Wei.

In the car, Li Meng was silent for a long time, and asked, "Dead?"

Zhang Wei also showed a curious expression from the rearview mirror. Brother Xu looked at them with a smile, and then said, "It's dead...!"

After he finished speaking, Li Meng lowered his head and stopped talking, while Zhang Wei was silent for a while, and asked slowly, "What do you mean?"

"Hehe!" Brother Xu smiled and didn't reply.

Whether Zhu Haolong is dead is still a mystery. Only Brother Xu knows, but he has never talked about it with anyone, including us. Of course, the old fox Li Meng must have guessed it without asking. After he took a bath n times and ate seafood countless times, everyone stopped asking about it except for criticizing his character and Wang Mumu's IQ, because they couldn't afford it at all...

However, there are many versions about whether Zhu Haolong is dead or not. Some people say that the two outlaws from Yunnan that day, before leaving, missed the vast and boundless land of Liaobei, so they decided to take a shit here. Forget about it, so when they came out of the land, they met Zhu Haolong's wife and son, and walked out with Zhu Haolong who was covered in blood...

There is also a bastard from Shenyang, in order to pay tribute to Xilai's trial, he flew from Shenyang to Sichuan on purpose. When he passed by a northeast sauce bone restaurant, he saw Zhu Haolong. The man said it very carefully, and said that Zhu Haolong had changed his name. , called Zhu Buhui...

Some people said he was not dead, others said he was dead, some said that Zhu Haolong's wife reported the crime and the police confiscated the body, and some said that Zhu Haolong was buried alive before he ran away, and his body has not been found until now...

In short, there are many rumors, but over time, people lost interest, and he gradually faded out of people's sight. Whether he is dead or alive, Zhu Haolong finally paid the price for what he did...

I have no right to comment on his life, because I walked the same path as him. Maybe many years later, if he is really alive, I meet him. Have some beer or something.

After Zhu Haolong left, the rivers and lakes are still the same, the blood has never faded, some people fall, others rise up, our brothers who have just arrived in Shenyang, took advantage of Zhu Haolong's death, and became famous in one battle! ! !

This year, we are inexplicably popular...


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